path: root/face_beam_interaction.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'face_beam_interaction.m')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/face_beam_interaction.m b/face_beam_interaction.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4294c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/face_beam_interaction.m
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+function [is_face_hit, hit_position, hit_distance, new_beams] = face_beam_interaction(beam, faces)
+ %% calculates refracted and reflected beam after interaction with a face
+ % beam - structure defining the light beam
+ % beam.origin - array [x,y] origin/soutce of the light beam
+ % beam.k - k vector i.e. direction [kx,ky]
+ % beam.intensity - intensity of the beam
+ % beam.face - if ibeam starts from face then its index is here
+ % faces cell array of face structures
+ % face - structure definiong the beam
+ % face.vertex1 - [x,y] of the 1st point/vertex of the face
+ % face.vertex2 - [x,y] of the 2nd point/vertex of the face
+ % face.n_left - index of refraction on the left hand side
+ % with respect to 1st -> 2nd vertex direction
+ % face.n_right - index of refraction on the right hand side
+ k=beam.k;
+ %% we go over all faces to find the closest which beam hits
+ Nfaces=size(faces)(2);
+ hit_distance=Inf;
+ is_face_hit = false;
+ hit_position = [NA, NA];
+ closest_face_index=NA;
+ for i=1:Nfaces
+ if ( beam.face == i) continue; end
+ face=faces{i};
+ [hit_distance_tmp, hit_position_tmp, is_face_hit_tmp] = beam2face_distance(beam,face);
+ if ( hit_distance_tmp < hit_distance )
+ % this is the closer face
+ is_face_hit=is_face_hit_tmp;
+ hit_position=hit_position_tmp;
+ hit_distance=hit_distance_tmp;
+ closest_face_index=i;
+ end
+ end
+ if (!is_face_hit)
+ new_beams={};
+ return;
+ end
+ %% closest face
+ face=faces{closest_face_index};
+ kf=face.vertex2 - face.vertex1; % not a unit vector
+ hold on;
+ % draw face
+ t=linspace(0,1);
+ x=face.vertex1(1)+kf(1)*t;
+ y=face.vertex1(2)+kf(2)*t;
+ plot(x,y,'k-');
+ t=linspace(0,hit_distance);
+ % draw beam
+ x=beam.origin(1)+k(1)*t;
+ y=beam.origin(2)+k(2)*t;
+ plot(x,y,'r-');
+ % find is beam arriving from left or right. I will use vectors cross product property.
+ % if z component of the product 'k x kf' is positive then beam arrives from the left
+ if ( ( k(1)*kf(2)-k(2)*kf(1) ) > 0 )
+ % beam coming from the left
+ n1=face.n_left;
+ n2=face.n_right;
+ else
+ % beam coming from the right
+ n1=face.n_right;
+ n2=face.n_left;
+ end
+ % normal vector to the face, looks to the left of it
+ nf=[ kf(2), -kf(1) ] / norm(kf);
+ % incidence angle calculation
+ cos_theta_i = dot(k, nf) / (norm(k)*norm(nf));
+ sin_theta_i = - ( k(1)*nf(2)-k(2)*nf(1) ) / (norm(k)*norm(nf));
+ % positive angle to the right from normal before incidence to the face
+ theta_i = atan2(sin_theta_i, cos_theta_i);
+ % reflected beam direction
+ theta_normal = atan2(nf(2), nf(1));
+ theta_reflected = theta_normal + pi - theta_i;
+ beam_reflected.origin = hit_position;
+ beam_reflected.k = [cos(theta_reflected), sin(theta_reflected)];
+ beam_reflected.face=closest_face_index;
+ new_beams{1} = beam_reflected;
+ % refracted beam direction
+ % refracted angle with respect to normal
+ sin_theta_refracted_rel2normal = n1/n2*sin(theta_i);
+ if ( abs(sin_theta_refracted_rel2normal) >=1 )
+ % total internal reflection
+ else
+ % beam refracts
+ theta_refracted_rel2normal = asin( sin_theta_refracted_rel2normal );
+ theta_refracted = theta_normal + theta_refracted_rel2normal;
+ beam_refracted.origin = hit_position;
+ beam_refracted.k = [cos(theta_refracted), sin(theta_refracted)];
+ beam_refracted.face=closest_face_index;
+ new_beams{2} = beam_refracted;
+ end