path: root/binaryLib.lua
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authorEugeniy E. Mikhailov <>2021-06-02 09:53:27 -0400
committerEugeniy E. Mikhailov <>2021-06-02 09:55:12 -0400
commit4048b59b03ddc88f8cc9ec65f720aefddd9b3ea4 (patch)
tree89e13ec248d5359f0f06c4aa08a9de8598bf4f7a /binaryLib.lua
parent9d02b07fef4a2679fc8e50e0340d72dace0f1e57 (diff)
working prototype, written together with Charris
Diffstat (limited to 'binaryLib.lua')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binaryLib.lua b/binaryLib.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf8a167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binaryLib.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ --[[
+Eugeniy Mikhailov
+1 June 2021
+ ]]
+------------ BITS TO DECIMAL ------------
+function toNum(bits)
+ local n = 0; local m = 1 -- m represents power of 2
+ for i = 1, #bits do -- '#' indicates number of bits in variable
+ n = n + bits[i]*m
+ m = m*2
+ end
+ return n
+------------ DECIMAL TO BIT ------------
+-- ****NOTE: Suitable only for positive integer inputs****
+-- continue to divide by two until quotient is zero
+function toBits(num)
+ local t = {}
+ while num > 0 do
+ remainder = num % 2 -- Basics of binary. If num is divisible by two, 0 in table. If not, 1 in table
+ table.insert(t, remainder)-- defaults to #t+1 key
+ num = (num - remainder)/2
+ --num = math.floor((num - remainder)/2) -- carry out calculation
+ -- note math.floor used here to eliminate floating values
+ --we subtract the number with the binary bit found, then divide by two to find the next bit
+ end
+ return t
+------------ BINARY SEPARATION TO STRING ------------
+function bin2string(bTable, separator)
+ if nil == separator then separator="" end
+ local str=""
+ for i=#bTable,1,-1 do
+ if (i % 8) == 0 then str=str..separator end -- space between every 8 bits
+ if bTable[i] == 0 -- to take care of floats
+ then
+ str=str.."0"
+ else
+ str=str.."1" -- assumes only nonzeros are ones
+ -- if nonzeros/ones involved, will also be counted as ones here
+ end
+ end
+ return str
+------------ TESTS FOR bin2string------------
+if "11111110" ~= bin2string(toBits(254))
+ print("Error in bits conversion")
+if 2376 ~= toNum(toBits(2376))
+ print("Error in bits conversion")
+------------ SLICE STRING ------------
+function bitSlice(bTable, low, high)
+ -- make sure that 1 <= low <= high
+ local slice={}
+ local cnt=1 --counter
+ for i=low,high
+ do
+ slice[cnt] = (bTable[i])
+ cnt = cnt+1
+ end
+ return slice
+------------ TESTS FOR bitSlice ------------
+if "345" ~= table.concat(bitSlice({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 3,5))
+ print("Error bitSlice is compromised")
+------------ COPY TABLE ------------
+-- issue with index naming in future table.
+function copyTableArray(src)
+ local dst={}
+ for i=1,#src do
+ dst[i] = (src[i])
+ end
+ return dst
+------------ COMBINE SLICES ------------
+function tableReplace(bTable1, bTable2, low, high) -- low=first index, high=last index
+ local dest = copyTableArray(bTable1)
+ local cnt=1
+ for i=low,high do
+ dest[i]=(bTable2[cnt])
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ end
+ return dest -- destination
+------------ PAD ZEROS INTO EMPTY INDICES ------------
+function pad2NumBitsInPlace(bTable, num)
+ for i= #bTable+1, num do
+ bTable[i]=0
+ end
+ return bTable
+------------ TEST PAD ZEROS ------------
+if "00010111" ~= bin2string(pad2NumBitsInPlace({1,1,1,0,1},8))
+ print("Error in pad2NumBitsInPlace")