diff options
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 2168 deletions
diff --git a/faraday/psr_vs_detuning.m b/faraday/psr_vs_detuning.m
deleted file mode 100644
index acf7d43..0000000
--- a/faraday/psr_vs_detuning.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-function [psr_rad]=psr_vs_detuning(detuning_freq, Ep, psi_el, B_field, theta, phi)
-% calculates psr in rad vs detunings of the probe field
-% for given laser probe and B field.
-% Probe field defined by field strength (Ep) and ellipticity angle (pse_el)
-% Magnetic field defined by magnitude (B_field) and angles theta and phi.
-% Note: it is expensive to recalculate atom property for each given B_field strength
-% so run as many calculation for constant magnetic field as possible
-t0 = clock (); % we will use this latter to calculate elapsed time
-% load useful functions;
-% some physical constants
-basis_transformation; % load subroutines
-% load atom energy levels and decay description
-% load EM field description
-%tune probe frequency
-%detuning_p_min=-B_field*gmg*4; % span +/-4 Zeeman splitting
-kappa_p =zeros(1,N_detun_steps+1);
-kappa_m =zeros(1,N_detun_steps+1);
-fprintf (stderr, "calculating atom properties\n");
-fflush (stderr);
-pfile='atomic_B_field.mat'; % the parent file where B_field is stored. This is the parameter for calculated L0_and_polarization_submatrices
-cfile='L0m_and_polarizability_calculated.mat'; % the child file to which calculated matrices are written
-[s, err_p, msg] = stat (pfile);
- %file does not exist
- need_update=true;
- else
- B_field_cur=B_field;
- load (pfile); % loading old B_field value
- if (B_field ~= B_field_cur)
- % old and current B field are different
- B_field=B_field_cur;
- need_update=true;
- else
- need_update=false;
- endif
-[s, err, msg] = stat (cfile);
- %file does not exist
- need_update=true;
-if ( !need_update)
- % matrices already calculated and up to date, all we need to load them
- load(cfile);
- else
- % calculate E_field independent properties of the atom
- % to be used as sub matrix templates for Liouville operator matrix
- [L0m, polarizability_m]=L0_and_polarization_submatrices( ...
- Nlevels, ...
- H0, g_decay, g_dephasing, dipole_elements ...
- );
- save(pfile, 'B_field');
- save(cfile, 'L0m', 'polarizability_m');
- endif
-elapsed_time = etime (clock (), t0);
-fprintf (stderr, "elapsed time so far is %.3f sec\n",elapsed_time);
-fflush (stderr);
-global atom_properties;
-%light_positive_freq = [wp];
-E_field_drive = [0 ];
-E_field_probe = [Ep ];
-E_field_zero = [0 ];
-E_field_lab_pos_freq.linear = E_field_zero + (1.00000+0.00000i)*E_field_probe + (1.00000+0.00000i)*E_field_drive;
-%E_field_lab_pos_freq.right = E_field_zero + (0.00000+0.00000i)*E_field_probe + (0.00000+0.00000i)*E_field_drive;
-%E_field_lab_pos_freq.left = E_field_zero + (0.00000+0.00000i)*E_field_probe + (0.00000+0.00000i)*E_field_drive;
-% phi is angle between linear polarization and axis x
-% theta is angle between lab z axis (light propagation direction) and magnetic field axis (z')
-% psi_el is the ellipticity parameter (phase difference between left and right polarization)
-% we define light as linearly polarized
-% where phi is angle between light polarization and axis x
- % only sign of modulation frequency is important now
- % we define actual frequency later on
- [E_field_lab_pos_freq.x, E_field_lab_pos_freq.y] = rotXpolarization(phi, E_field_lab_pos_freq.linear);
- % we add required ellipticity
- E_field_lab_pos_freq.x*=exp(I*psi_el);
- E_field_lab_pos_freq.y*=exp(-I*psi_el);
- E_field_lab_pos_freq.z=E_field_zero;
- E_field_pos_freq=xyz_lin2atomic_axis_polarization(theta, E_field_lab_pos_freq);
-fprintf (stderr, "tuning laser in forloop to set conditions vs detuning\n");
-fflush (stderr);
-for detuning_p_cntr=1:length(detuning_freq);
- wp0=w_pf1-w_sf2; %Fg=2 -> Fe=1
- %wd=w_pf1-w_hpf_ground;
- %detuning_p=detuning_p_min+detun_step*(detuning_p_cntr-1);
- detuning_p=detuning_freq(detuning_p_cntr);
- wp=wp0+detuning_p;
- light_positive_freq=[ wp];
- % we calculate dc and negative frequiencies as well as amplitudes
- [modulation_freq, E_field] = ...
- light_positive_frequencies_and_amplitudes2full_set_of_modulation_frequencies_and_amlitudes(...
- light_positive_freq, E_field_pos_freq);
- freq_index=freq2index(wp,modulation_freq);
- atom_field_problem.E_field = E_field;
- atom_field_problem.modulation_freq = modulation_freq;
- atom_field_problem.freq_index = freq_index;
- problems_cell_array{detuning_p_cntr}=atom_field_problem;
- %kappa_p(detuning_p_cntr)=susceptibility_steady_state_at_freq( atom_field_problem);
- %detuning_freq(detuning_p_cntr)=detuning_p;
-save '/tmp/problem_definition.mat' problems_cell_array atom_properties detuning_freq ;
-fprintf (stderr, "now really hard calculations begin\n");
-fflush (stderr);
-% once we define all problems the main job is done here
-[xi_linear, xi_left, xi_right]=parcellfun(2, @susceptibility_steady_state_at_freq, problems_cell_array);
-%[xi_linear, xi_left, xi_right]=cellfun( @susceptibility_steady_state_at_freq, problems_cell_array);
-%save '/tmp/relative_transmission_vs_detuning.mat' detuning_freq relative_transmission_vs_detuning;
-save '/tmp/xi_vs_detuning.mat' detuning_freq xi_linear xi_left xi_right E_field_pos_freq E_field_probe B_field psi_el;
-elapsed_time = etime (clock (), t0)
-% vim: ts=2:sw=2:fdm=indent
diff --git a/faraday/ b/faraday/
deleted file mode 100644
index a5695fa..0000000
--- a/faraday/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1711 +0,0 @@
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-% PostScript Level 1 Pattern Fill routine for rectangles
-% Usage: x y w h s a XX PatternFill
-% x,y = lower left corner of box to be filled
-% w,h = width and height of box
-% a = angle in degrees between lines and x-axis
-% XX = 0/1 for no/yes cross-hatch
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- PFa 0 get PFa 2 get 2 div add PFa 1 get PFa 3 get 2 div add translate
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- gsave 1 setgray fill grestore clip
- currentlinewidth 0.5 mul setlinewidth
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- 0 0 M PFa 5 get rotate PFs -2 div dup translate
- 0 1 PFs PFa 4 get div 1 add floor cvi
- {PFa 4 get mul 0 M 0 PFs V} for
- 0 PFa 6 get ne {
- 0 1 PFs PFa 4 get div 1 add floor cvi
- {PFa 4 get mul 0 2 1 roll M PFs 0 V} for
- } if
- stroke grestore} def
-/languagelevel where
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- 2 lt
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-% PostScript level 2 pattern fill definitions
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-<< Tile8x8
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->> matrix makepattern
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-<< Tile8x8
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- 0 4 M 4 8 L 8 4 L 4 0 L 0 4 L stroke}
->> matrix makepattern
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-<< Tile8x8
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- 8 8 L 8 0 L 0 0 L fill}
->> matrix makepattern
-/Pat3 exch def
-<< Tile8x8
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- 0 12 M 12 0 L stroke}
->> matrix makepattern
-/Pat4 exch def
-<< Tile8x8
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- 0 -4 M 12 8 L stroke}
->> matrix makepattern
-/Pat5 exch def
-<< Tile8x8
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- 0 12 M 8 -4 L 4 12 M 10 0 L stroke}
->> matrix makepattern
-/Pat6 exch def
-<< Tile8x8
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- 0 -4 M 8 12 L 4 -4 M 10 8 L stroke}
->> matrix makepattern
-/Pat7 exch def
-<< Tile8x8
- /PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop 8 -2 M -4 4 L
- 12 0 M -4 8 L 12 4 M 0 10 L stroke}
->> matrix makepattern
-/Pat8 exch def
-<< Tile8x8
- /PaintProc {0.5 setlinewidth pop 0 -2 M 12 4 L
- -4 0 M 12 8 L -4 4 M 8 10 L stroke}
->> matrix makepattern
-/Pat9 exch def
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-/Pattern6 {PatternBgnd KeepColor Landscape {Pat9} {Pat6} ifelse setpattern} bind def
-/Pattern7 {PatternBgnd KeepColor Landscape {Pat8} {Pat7} ifelse setpattern} bind def
-} def
-%End of PostScript Level 2 code
-/PatternBgnd {
- TransparentPatterns {} {gsave 1 setgray fill grestore} ifelse
-} def
-% Substitute for Level 2 pattern fill codes with
-% grayscale if Level 2 support is not selected.
-/Level1PatternFill {
-/Pattern1 {0.250 Density} bind def
-/Pattern2 {0.500 Density} bind def
-/Pattern3 {0.750 Density} bind def
-/Pattern4 {0.125 Density} bind def
-/Pattern5 {0.375 Density} bind def
-/Pattern6 {0.625 Density} bind def
-/Pattern7 {0.875 Density} bind def
-} def
-% Now test for support of Level 2 code
-Level1 {Level1PatternFill} {Level2PatternFill} ifelse
-/Symbol-Oblique /Symbol findfont [1 0 .167 1 0 0] makefont
-dup length dict begin {1 index /FID eq {pop pop} {def} ifelse} forall
-currentdict end definefont pop
-/MFshow {
- { dup 5 get 3 ge
- { 5 get 3 eq {gsave} {grestore} ifelse }
- {dup dup 0 get findfont exch 1 get scalefont setfont
- [ currentpoint ] exch dup 2 get 0 exch R dup 5 get 2 ne {dup dup 6
- get exch 4 get {show} {stringwidth pop 0 R} ifelse }if dup 5 get 0 eq
- {dup 3 get {2 get neg 0 exch R pop} {pop aload pop M} ifelse} {dup 5
- get 1 eq {dup 2 get exch dup 3 get exch 6 get stringwidth pop -2 div
- dup 0 R} {dup 6 get stringwidth pop -2 div 0 R 6 get
- show 2 index {aload pop M neg 3 -1 roll neg R pop pop} {pop pop pop
- pop aload pop M} ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }
- ifelse }
- forall} bind def
-/MFwidth {0 exch { dup 5 get 3 ge { 5 get 3 eq { 0 } { pop } ifelse }
- {dup 3 get{dup dup 0 get findfont exch 1 get scalefont setfont
- 6 get stringwidth pop add} {pop} ifelse} ifelse} forall} bind def
-/MLshow { currentpoint stroke M
- 0 exch R
- Blacktext {gsave 0 setgray MFshow grestore} {MFshow} ifelse } bind def
-/MRshow { currentpoint stroke M
- exch dup MFwidth neg 3 -1 roll R
- Blacktext {gsave 0 setgray MFshow grestore} {MFshow} ifelse } bind def
-/MCshow { currentpoint stroke M
- exch dup MFwidth -2 div 3 -1 roll R
- Blacktext {gsave 0 setgray MFshow grestore} {MFshow} ifelse } bind def
-/XYsave { [( ) 1 2 true false 3 ()] } bind def
-/XYrestore { [( ) 1 2 true false 4 ()] } bind def
-%%Page: 1 1
-gnudict begin
-50 50 translate
-0.100 0.100 scale
-0 setgray
-(Helvetica) findfont 140 scalefont setfont
-gsave % colour palette begin
-/maxcolors 64 def
-/HSV2RGB { exch dup 0.0 eq {pop exch pop dup dup} % achromatic gray
- { /HSVs exch def /HSVv exch def 6.0 mul dup floor dup 3 1 roll sub
- /HSVf exch def /HSVi exch cvi def /HSVp HSVv 1.0 HSVs sub mul def
- /HSVq HSVv 1.0 HSVs HSVf mul sub mul def
- /HSVt HSVv 1.0 HSVs 1.0 HSVf sub mul sub mul def
- /HSVi HSVi 6 mod def 0 HSVi eq {HSVv HSVt HSVp}
- {1 HSVi eq {HSVq HSVv HSVp}{2 HSVi eq {HSVp HSVv HSVt}
- {3 HSVi eq {HSVp HSVq HSVv}{4 HSVi eq {HSVt HSVp HSVv}
- {HSVv HSVp HSVq} ifelse} ifelse} ifelse} ifelse} ifelse
- } ifelse} def
-/Constrain {
- dup 0 lt {0 exch pop}{dup 1 gt {1 exch pop} if} ifelse} def
- 3 copy -1.702 mul exch -1.105 mul add add Constrain 4 1 roll
- 3 copy -0.647 mul exch -0.272 mul add add Constrain 5 1 roll
- 0.621 mul exch -0.956 mul add add Constrain 3 1 roll } def
-/CMY2RGB { 1 exch sub exch 1 exch sub 3 2 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll exch } def
-/XYZ2RGB { 3 copy -0.9017 mul exch -0.1187 mul add exch 0.0585 mul exch add
- Constrain 4 1 roll 3 copy -0.0279 mul exch 1.999 mul add exch
- -0.9844 mul add Constrain 5 1 roll -0.2891 mul exch -0.5338 mul add
- exch 1.91 mul exch add Constrain 3 1 roll} def
-/SelectSpace {ColorSpace (HSV) eq {HSV2RGB}{ColorSpace (XYZ) eq {
- XYZ2RGB}{ColorSpace (CMY) eq {CMY2RGB}{ColorSpace (YIQ) eq {YIQ2RGB}
- if} ifelse} ifelse} ifelse} def
-/InterpolatedColor true def
-/grayindex {/gidx 0 def
- {GrayA gidx get grayv ge {exit} if /gidx gidx 1 add def} loop} def
-/dgdx {grayv GrayA gidx get sub GrayA gidx 1 sub get
- GrayA gidx get sub div} def
-/redvalue {RedA gidx get RedA gidx 1 sub get
- RedA gidx get sub dgdxval mul add} def
-/greenvalue {GreenA gidx get GreenA gidx 1 sub get
- GreenA gidx get sub dgdxval mul add} def
-/bluevalue {BlueA gidx get BlueA gidx 1 sub get
- BlueA gidx get sub dgdxval mul add} def
-/interpolate {
- grayindex grayv GrayA gidx get sub abs 1e-5 le
- {RedA gidx get GreenA gidx get BlueA gidx get}
- {/dgdxval dgdx def redvalue greenvalue bluevalue} ifelse} def
-/GrayA [0 .0159 .0317 .0476 .0635 .0794 .0952 .1111 .127 .1429 .1587 .1746
- .1905 .2063 .2222 .2381 .254 .2698 .2857 .3016 .3175 .3333 .3492 .3651
- .381 .3968 .4127 .4286 .4444 .4603 .4762 .4921 .5079 .5238 .5397 .5556
- .5714 .5873 .6032 .619 .6349 .6508 .6667 .6825 .6984 .7143 .7302 .746
- .7619 .7778 .7937 .8095 .8254 .8413 .8571 .873 .8889 .9048 .9206 .9365
- .9524 .9683 .9841 1 ] def
-/RedA [.057 .0642 .0715 .0787 .086 .0932 .1004 .1077 .1187 .1559 .1932
- .2305 .2677 .305 .3423 .3795 .4168 .4541 .4914 .5286 .5659 .6032 .6404
- .6777 .7054 .7172 .7289 .7406 .7524 .7641 .7759 .7876 .7994 .8111 .8229
- .8346 .8464 .8581 .8698 .8816 .8627 .8254 .7882 .7509 .7136 .6764 .6391
- .6018 .5645 .5273 .49 .4527 .4155 .3782 .3409 .3037 .2824 .2634 .2444
- .2254 .2065 .1875 .1685 .1495 ] def
-/GreenA [.057 .0642 .0715 .0787 .086 .0932 .1004 .1077 .1187 .1559 .1932
- .2305 .2677 .305 .3423 .3795 .4168 .4541 .4914 .5286 .5659 .6032 .6404
- .6777 .7054 .7172 .7289 .7406 .7524 .7641 .7759 .7876 .7994 .8111 .8229
- .8346 .8464 .8581 .8698 .8816 .8627 .8254 .7882 .7509 .7136 .6764 .6391
- .6018 .5645 .5273 .49 .4527 .4155 .3782 .3409 .3037 .2824 .2634 .2444
- .2254 .2065 .1875 .1685 .1495 ] def
-/BlueA [.057 .0642 .0715 .0787 .086 .0932 .1004 .1077 .1187 .1559 .1932
- .2305 .2677 .305 .3423 .3795 .4168 .4541 .4914 .5286 .5659 .6032 .6404
- .6777 .7054 .7172 .7289 .7406 .7524 .7641 .7759 .7876 .7994 .8111 .8229
- .8346 .8464 .8581 .8698 .8816 .8627 .8254 .7882 .7509 .7136 .6764 .6391
- .6018 .5645 .5273 .49 .4527 .4155 .3782 .3409 .3037 .2824 .2634 .2444
- .2254 .2065 .1875 .1685 .1495 ] def
-/pm3dround {maxcolors 0 gt {dup 1 ge
- {pop 1} {maxcolors mul floor maxcolors 1 sub div} ifelse} if} def
-/pm3dGamma 1.0 1.5 div def
-/ColorSpace (RGB) def
-Color true and { % COLOUR vs. GRAY map
- InterpolatedColor { %% Interpolation vs. RGB-Formula
- /g {stroke pm3dround /grayv exch def interpolate
- SelectSpace setrgbcolor} bind def
- }{
- /g {stroke pm3dround dup cF7 Constrain exch dup cF5 Constrain exch cF15 Constrain
- SelectSpace setrgbcolor} bind def
- } ifelse
- /g {stroke pm3dround pm3dGamma exp setgray} bind def
-} ifelse
-0.500 UL
-394 2016 M
-88 0 V
-4241 0 R
--88 0 V
-310 2016 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (-0.0004)]
-] -40.0 MRshow
-0.500 UL
-394 2723 M
-88 0 V
-4241 0 R
--88 0 V
-310 2723 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (-0.0002)]
-] -40.0 MRshow
-0.500 UL
-394 3429 M
-88 0 V
-4241 0 R
--88 0 V
-310 3429 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (0)]
-] -40.0 MRshow
-0.500 UL
-394 4136 M
-88 0 V
-4241 0 R
--88 0 V
-310 4136 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (0.0002)]
-] -40.0 MRshow
-0.500 UL
-394 4843 M
-88 0 V
-4241 0 R
--88 0 V
-310 4843 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (0.0004)]
-] -40.0 MRshow
-0.500 UL
-394 1663 M
-0 88 V
-0 3445 R
-0 -88 V
-394 1523 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (-200)]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-0.500 UL
-1115 1663 M
-0 88 V
-0 3445 R
-0 -88 V
-1115 1523 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (0)]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-0.500 UL
-1837 1663 M
-0 88 V
-0 3445 R
-0 -88 V
-1837 1523 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (200)]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-0.500 UL
-2558 1663 M
-0 88 V
-0 3445 R
-0 -88 V
-2558 1523 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (400)]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-0.500 UL
-3280 1663 M
-0 88 V
-0 3445 R
-0 -88 V
-3280 1523 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (600)]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-0.500 UL
-4001 1663 M
-0 88 V
-0 3445 R
-0 -88 V
-4001 1523 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (800)]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-0.500 UL
-4723 1663 M
-0 88 V
-0 3445 R
-0 -88 V
-4723 1523 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (1000)]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-0.500 UL
-0.500 UL
-394 5196 N
-0 -3533 V
-4329 0 V
-0 3533 V
--4329 0 V
-Z stroke
-LCb setrgbcolor
--432 3429 M
-currentpoint gsave translate 90 rotate 0 0 moveto
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (PSR \(radians\))]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-LCb setrgbcolor
-2558 1313 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (two photon detuning \(MHz\))]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-2558 5686 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (BPD normilized PSR signal at F)]
-[(Helvetica) 96.0 -36.0 true true 0 (g)]
-[(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (=2 to F)]
-[(Helvetica) 96.0 -36.0 true true 0 (e)]
-[(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (=1,2.)]
-] -28.0 MCshow
-2558 5566 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 ( Laser Rabi freq normalized to upper state decay 10.000, ellipticity -30.0 degree, )]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-2558 5446 M
-[ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 ( B field ground level splitting -1.000 Gauss)]
-] -40.0 MCshow
-1.000 UP
-0.500 UL
-0.500 UL
-394 3229 M
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 1 V
-4 1 V
-5 0 V
-4 1 V
-4 1 V
-5 1 V
-849 3152 L
-4 1 V
-5 1 V
-4 1 V
-4 2 V
-5 1 V
-4 2 V
-4 1 V
-5 2 V
-4 2 V
-4 2 V
-5 2 V
-4 2 V
-4 2 V
-5 3 V
-4 2 V
-4 3 V
-5 3 V
-4 3 V
-4 3 V
-5 3 V
-4 3 V
-4 4 V
-5 3 V
-4 4 V
-4 4 V
-5 4 V
-4 4 V
-4 4 V
-5 5 V
-4 4 V
-4 5 V
-5 5 V
-4 5 V
-4 5 V
-5 5 V
-4 6 V
-4 5 V
-5 6 V
-4 6 V
-4 6 V
-5 6 V
-4 6 V
-4 6 V
-5 7 V
-4 6 V
-4 7 V
-5 6 V
-4 7 V
-4 7 V
-5 7 V
-4 7 V
-4 7 V
-5 7 V
-4 7 V
-4 8 V
-5 7 V
-4 7 V
-4 8 V
-5 7 V
-4 7 V
-4 7 V
-5 8 V
-4 7 V
-4 7 V
-5 7 V
-4 8 V
-4 7 V
-5 7 V
-4 7 V
-4 7 V
-5 7 V
-4 7 V
-4 7 V
-5 6 V
-4 7 V
-4 6 V
-5 7 V
-4 6 V
-4 6 V
-5 6 V
-4 6 V
-4 6 V
-5 6 V
-4 5 V
-4 6 V
-5 5 V
-4 5 V
-4 5 V
-5 5 V
-4 4 V
-4 5 V
-5 4 V
-4 4 V
-4 4 V
-5 4 V
-4 4 V
-4 4 V
-5 3 V
-4 4 V
-4 3 V
-5 3 V
-4 3 V
-4 3 V
-5 2 V
-1304 3666 L
-4 2 V
-5 3 V
-4 2 V
-4 2 V
-5 2 V
-4 2 V
-4 1 V
-5 2 V
-4 1 V
-4 2 V
-5 1 V
-4 1 V
-4 1 V
-5 1 V
-4 1 V
-4 1 V
-5 1 V
-4 0 V
-4 1 V
-5 0 V
-4 1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-1759 3615 L
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -2 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-2214 3523 L
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-2669 3479 L
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-3124 3448 L
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 0 V
-4 -1 V
-4 0 V
-5 -1 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
-5 0 V
-4 0 V
-4 -1 V
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-%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica
-%%Pages: 1
diff --git a/faraday/psr_vs_detuning_combo.m b/faraday/psr_vs_detuning_combo.m
deleted file mode 100644
index b2ea9d3..0000000
--- a/faraday/psr_vs_detuning_combo.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-gmg=.7; % gyro magnetic ration for ground level
-%[psr_rad]=psr_vs_detuning(Ep, psi_el, B_field, theta, phi)
-% phi is angle between linear polarization and axis x
-% theta is angle between lab z axis (light propagation direction) and magnetic field axis (z')
-% psi_el is the ellipticity parameter (phase difference between left and right polarization)
-% zero magnetic field,, 30 degree ellipticity
-%[psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el] =make_representative_psr_vs_detuning_for_given_B_and_psi_el(detuning_freq, B_field, psi_el, theta, phi);
-fname=data_file_name('results/', 'PSR.','mat', B_field, theta,phi,psi_el);
-ret=ouput_psr_vs_detuning_combo( ...
- psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el ...
- , detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el
- , output_dir );
-% 0.1 G magnetic field,, 30 degree ellipticity
-%[psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el] =make_representative_psr_vs_detuning_for_given_B_and_psi_el(detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el);
-fname=data_file_name('results/', 'PSR.','mat', B_field, theta,phi,psi_el);
-ret=ouput_psr_vs_detuning_combo( ...
- psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el ...
- , detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el
- , output_dir );
-% 0.0001 G magnetic field,, 30 degree ellipticity
-%[psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el] =make_representative_psr_vs_detuning_for_given_B_and_psi_el(detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el);
-fname=data_file_name('results/', 'PSR.','mat', B_field, theta,phi,psi_el);
-ret=ouput_psr_vs_detuning_combo( ...
- psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el ...
- , detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el ...
- , output_dir );
-% 1.0 G magnetic field,, 30 degree ellipticity
-%[psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el] =make_representative_psr_vs_detuning_for_given_B_and_psi_el(detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el);
-fname=data_file_name('results/', 'PSR.','mat', B_field, theta,phi,psi_el);
-ret=ouput_psr_vs_detuning_combo( ...
- psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el ...
- , detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el ...
- , output_dir );
-% -0.1 G magnetic field,, 30 degree ellipticity
-%[psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el] =make_representative_psr_vs_detuning_for_given_B_and_psi_el(detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el);
-fname=data_file_name('results/', 'PSR.','mat', B_field, theta,phi,psi_el);
-ret=ouput_psr_vs_detuning_combo( ...
- psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el ...
- , detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el ...
- , output_dir );
-% -0.0001 G magnetic field,, 30 degree ellipticity
-%[psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el] =make_representative_psr_vs_detuning_for_given_B_and_psi_el(detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el);
-fname=data_file_name('results/', 'PSR.','mat', B_field, theta,phi,psi_el);
-ret=ouput_psr_vs_detuning_combo( ...
- psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el ...
- , detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el ...
- , output_dir );
-% -1.0 G magnetic field,, 30 degree ellipticity
-%[psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el] =make_representative_psr_vs_detuning_for_given_B_and_psi_el(detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el);
-fname=data_file_name('results/', 'PSR.','mat', B_field, theta,phi,psi_el);
-ret=ouput_psr_vs_detuning_combo( ...
- psr_rad_tnEp_pos_el, psr_rad_tnEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_smEp_pos_el, psr_rad_smEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_lgEp_pos_el, psr_rad_lgEp_neg_el, ...
- psr_rad_grEp_pos_el, psr_rad_grEp_neg_el ...
- , detuning_freq, B_field, theta, phi, psi_el ...
- , output_dir );
diff --git a/faraday/psr_vs_power.m b/faraday/psr_vs_power.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b9fab..0000000
--- a/faraday/psr_vs_power.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-clear all;
-t0 = clock (); % we will use this latter to calculate elapsed time
-% load useful functions;
-% some physical constants
-basis_transformation; % load subroutines
-% load atom energy levels and decay description
-% load EM field description
-%tune probe frequency
-%detuning_p_min=-B_field*gmg*4; % span +/-4 Zeeman splitting
-kappa_p =zeros(1,N_detun_steps+1);
-kappa_m =zeros(1,N_detun_steps+1);
-fprintf (stderr, "calculating atom properties\n");
-fflush (stderr);
-pfile='rb87_D1_line.m'; % the parent file from which L0_and_polarization_submatrices calculated
-cfile='L0m_and_polarizability_calculated.mat'; % the child file to which calculated matrices writen
-[s, err, msg] = stat (pfile);
- %file does not exist
- disp('Big troubles are coming, no file to define Hamiltonian)');
- msg=cstrcat('File: ', pfile, ' is missing...exiting');
- disp(msg);
- return;
- pfile_mtime=s.mtime;
-[s, err, msg] = stat (cfile);
- %file does not exist
- cfile_mtime=0;
- cfile_mtime=s.mtime;
-if ( cfile_mtime >= pfile_mtime)
- % matrices already calculated and up to date, all we need to load them
- load(cfile);
- else
- % calculate E_field independent properties of the atom
- % to be used as sub matrix templates for Liouville operator matrix
- [L0m, polarizability_m]=L0_and_polarization_submatrices( ...
- Nlevels, ...
- H0, g_decay, g_dephasing, dipole_elements ...
- );
- save(cfile, 'L0m', 'polarizability_m');
- endif
-elapsed_time = etime (clock (), t0);
-fprintf (stderr, "elapsed time so far is %.3f sec\n",elapsed_time);
-fflush (stderr);
-global atom_properties;
-% phi is angle between linear polarization and axis x
-% theta is angle between lab z axis (light propagation direction) and magnetic field axis (z')
-% psi_el is the ellipticity parameter (phase difference between left and right polarization)
-fprintf (stderr, "tuning laser in forloop to set conditions vs detuning\n");
-fflush (stderr);
-wp=w_pf1-w_sf2 +80; %Fg=2 -> Fe=1 +80 MHz
-for cntr=1:length(Ep);
- %light_positive_freq = [wp];
- E_field_drive = [0 ];
- E_field_probe = [Ep(cntr) ];
- E_field_zero = [0 ];
- E_field_lab_pos_freq.linear = E_field_zero + (1.00000+0.00000i)*E_field_probe + (1.00000+0.00000i)*E_field_drive;
- % we define light as linearly polarized
- % where phi is angle between light polarization and axis x
- % only sign of modulation frequency is important now
- % we define actual frequency later on
- [E_field_lab_pos_freq.x, E_field_lab_pos_freq.y] = rotXpolarization(phi, E_field_lab_pos_freq.linear);
- % we add required ellipticity
- E_field_lab_pos_freq.x*=exp(I*psi_el);
- E_field_lab_pos_freq.y*=exp(-I*psi_el);
- E_field_lab_pos_freq.z=E_field_zero;
- E_field_pos_freq=xyz_lin2atomic_axis_polarization(theta, E_field_lab_pos_freq);
- light_positive_freq=[ wp];
- % we calculate dc and negative frequiencies as well as amplitudes
- [modulation_freq, E_field] = ...
- light_positive_frequencies_and_amplitudes2full_set_of_modulation_frequencies_and_amlitudes(...
- light_positive_freq, E_field_pos_freq);
- freq_index=freq2index(wp,modulation_freq);
- atom_field_problem.E_field = E_field;
- atom_field_problem.modulation_freq = modulation_freq;
- atom_field_problem.freq_index = freq_index;
- problems_cell_array{cntr}=atom_field_problem;
-save '/tmp/problem_definition.mat' problems_cell_array atom_properties Ep ;
-fprintf (stderr, "now really hard calculations begin\n");
-fflush (stderr);
-% once we define all problems the main job is done here
-[xi_linear, xi_left, xi_right]=parcellfun(2, @susceptibility_steady_state_at_freq, problems_cell_array);
-%[xi_linear, xi_left, xi_right]=cellfun( @susceptibility_steady_state_at_freq, problems_cell_array);
-%save '/tmp/relative_transmission_vs_detuning.mat' detuning_freq relative_transmission_vs_detuning;
-save '/tmp/xi_vs_power.mat' Ep xi_linear xi_left xi_right E_field_pos_freq wp;
-elapsed_time = etime (clock (), t0)
-% vim: ts=2:sw=2:fdm=indent