path: root/HP8596E_take_data.m
diff options
authorEugeniy Mikhailov <evgmik@gmail.com>2013-11-26 12:46:08 -0500
committerEugeniy Mikhailov <evgmik@gmail.com>2013-11-26 12:46:08 -0500
commit9577dfcae5ab69dbd187eaa318da4bffc1c35e13 (patch)
treedfba63dd2350fa507ba4d03bf1a8d1c92a378ba2 /HP8596E_take_data.m
parent0da7879952fbde69d9f33aa9203435cc5c4200a3 (diff)
modified code to run on linux
Diffstat (limited to 'HP8596E_take_data.m')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/HP8596E_take_data.m b/HP8596E_take_data.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..510733b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HP8596E_take_data.m
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+% This script reads data from HP8596E spectrum analyzer and saves it to a file
+% Mi Zhang (Revised from the code of Gleb Romanov gromanov@hellok.org)
+% 9/25/2013
+% Define stuff
+board_index = 0;
+gpib_address = 18;
+data_prefix = 'S';
+data_path = 'Z:\Mi Squeezing\buffered cell\data\';
+run_number_file = 'Z:\Mi Squeezing\85Rb\autofile\runnum.dat';
+% Find a GPIB object.
+obj1 = instrfind('Type', 'gpib', 'BoardIndex', board_index, 'PrimaryAddress', gpib_address, 'Tag', '');
+% Create the GPIB object if it does not exist
+% otherwise use the object that was found.
+if isempty(obj1)
+ %obj1 = gpib('NI', board_index, gpib_address);
+ obj1 = lgpib('HP8596E');
+ fclose(obj1);
+ obj1 = obj1(1);
+% Adjust the buffers so the traces fit.
+% Do this before fopen(obj1);
+%obj1.InputBufferSize = 10240;
+%obj1.OutputBufferSize = 10240;
+% Connect to instrument object, obj1.
+disp(horzcat('Connected to ',query(obj1, 'ID?')));
+% Communicating with instrument object, obj1.
+% You can send commands using:
+% fprintf(obj1, '_command_');
+% Or read stuff using:
+% _data_ = query(obj1, '_command_');
+disp('Reading data...');
+% We want our data in dB
+write(obj1, 'O3');
+% Read all 3 traces
+trA_string = query(obj1, 'TRA?');
+trB_string = query(obj1, 'TRB?');
+trC_string = query(obj1, 'TRC?');
+% Read various stuff
+device_string = query(obj1, 'ID?');
+freq_start_string = query(obj1, 'FA?');
+freq_stop_string = query(obj1, 'FB?');
+freq_center_string = query(obj1, 'CF?');
+freq_span_string = query(obj1, 'SP?');
+amplitude_units_string = query(obj1, 'AUNITS?');
+attenuation_string = query(obj1, 'AT?');
+ref_level_string = query(obj1, 'RL?');
+log_scale_string = query(obj1, 'LG?');
+rbw_string = query(obj1, 'RB?');
+vbw_string = query(obj1, 'VB?');
+sweep_time_string = query(obj1, 'ST?');
+% Disconnect from instrument object, obj1.
+% Convert the traces from strings into vectors
+trA = sscanf(trA_string,'%f,');
+trB = sscanf(trB_string,'%f,');
+trC = sscanf(trC_string,'%f,');
+% Transpose the vectors
+trA = trA';
+trB = trB';
+trC = trC';
+% Create the frequency trace
+freq_start = sscanf(freq_start_string, '%f');
+freq_stop = sscanf(freq_stop_string, '%f');
+span = freq_stop - freq_start;
+freq = 0:length(trA)-1;
+freq = freq/max(freq);
+freq = freq_start + freq * span;
+% Plot stuff
+% Open a window
+figure1 = figure(1);
+figure1 = figure(1);
+% Create axes
+axes1 = axes('Parent',figure1,'YGrid','on','XGrid','on','FontSize',14);
+% Create plot
+plot(freq/1e3,trA,'Color',[1 0 0],'Parent',axes1,'DisplayName','Trace A')
+plot(freq/1e3,trB,'Color',[0 0 0],'Parent',axes1,'DisplayName','Trace B')
+plot(freq/1e3,trC,'Color',[0 1 0],'Parent',axes1,'DisplayName','Trace C')
+% Create xlabel
+xlabel('Detection frequency, kHz','FontSize',14);
+% Create ylabel
+ylabel('Noise power, dB','FontSize',14);
+% Show legend
+% Plot with shot noise subtracted
+% Open a window
+figure2 = figure(2);
+figure2 = figure(2);
+% Create axes
+axes2 = axes('Parent',figure2,'YGrid','on','XGrid','on','FontSize',14);
+% Create plot
+plot(freq/1e6,trA-trA,'Color',[1 0 0],'Parent',axes2,'DisplayName','Zero')
+plot(freq/1e6,trB-trA,'Color',[0 0 0],'Parent',axes2,'DisplayName','B - A')
+plot(freq/1e6,trC-trA,'Color',[0 1 0],'Parent',axes2,'DisplayName','C - A')
+% Create xlabel
+xlabel('Detection frequency, MHz','FontSize',14);
+% Create ylabel
+ylabel('Noise power, dB','FontSize',14);
+% Show legend
+% Open the file containing the run number and read it
+run_number_file_handle = fopen(run_number_file,'r');
+run_number = fscanf(run_number_file_handle,'%d');
+% Increment it and write back
+run_number = run_number + 1;
+if run_number > 999
+ run_number = 0;
+run_number_file_handle = fopen(run_number_file,'w');
+fprintf(run_number_file_handle, '%.3d', run_number);
+% Get full path of the file to save
+save_to_file = horzcat(data_path,'S',num2str(run_number),'D',datestr(date,'yyyymmdd'),'.dat');
+% Write the data to a file
+disp(' ');
+disp(horzcat('Saving data to ',save_to_file));
+save_to_file_handle = fopen(save_to_file,'wt');
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s','# 14 (header lines)');
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# ', datestr(clock)));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Device:', ' ', device_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Frequency center, Hz', ' ', freq_center_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Frequency span, Hz', ' ', freq_span_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Frequency start, Hz', ' ', freq_start_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Frequency stop, Hz', ' ', freq_stop_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Amplitude units ', amplitude_units_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Attenuation ', attenuation_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Reference level ', ref_level_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Log scale ', log_scale_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Resolution bandwidth, Hz', ' ', rbw_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Video bandwidth, Hz', ' ', vbw_string));
+fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',horzcat('# Sweep time, seconds', ' ', sweep_time_string));
+% An example of how you shouldn't write data:
+% for i = 1:length(freq)
+% fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',sprintf('%f',freq(i)));
+% fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'\t');
+% fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',sprintf('%f',trA(i)));
+% fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'\t');
+% fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'%s',sprintf('%f',trB(i)));
+% fprintf(save_to_file_handle,'\n');
+% end;
+% This is much faster:
+data = [freq; trA; trB; trC;];
+% Close the file
+% Close all opened files
+% Bring focus back to the command window