diff options
7 files changed, 606 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eit.xmds b/eit.xmds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50419f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eit.xmds
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<simulation xmds-version="2">
+ <!-- While not strictly necessary, the following two tags are handy. -->
+ <author>Hunter Rew</author>
+ <description>
+ Model of 3 state atom
+ </description>
+ <!--
+ This element defines some constants. It can be used for other
+ features as well, but we will go into that in more detail later.
+ -->
+ <features>
+ <precision> double </precision>
+ <globals>
+ <![CDATA[
+ real drive;
+ real decay;
+ real decay_bc;
+ complex r_ca;
+ real probe = .0001;
+ real delta1;
+ real dephase_bc;
+ ]]>
+ </globals>
+ <validation kind="run-time"/>
+ <arguments>
+ <argument name="drive_arg" type="real" default_value="0.1" />
+ <argument name="decay_arg" type="real" default_value="10.0" />
+ <argument name="decay_bc_arg" type="real" default_value="0.001" />
+ <argument name="domain_min" type="real" default_value="-1" />
+ <argument name="domain_max" type="real" default_value="1" />
+ <argument name="delta1_arg" type="real" default_value="0" />
+ <argument name="dephase_bc_arg" type="real" default_value="0" />
+ <argument name="final_time" type="real" default_value="10000" />
+ <![CDATA[
+ drive = drive_arg;
+ decay = decay_arg;
+ decay_bc = decay_bc_arg;
+ delta1 = delta1_arg;
+ dephase_bc = dephase_bc_arg;
+ r_ca = decay - i*delta1;
+ ]]>
+ </arguments>
+ </features>
+ <!--
+ This part defines all of the dimensions used in the problem,
+ in this case, only the dimension of 'time' is needed.
+ -->
+ <geometry>
+ <propagation_dimension> t </propagation_dimension>
+ <transverse_dimensions>
+ <dimension name="detuning" lattice="256" domain="(domain_min, domain_max)" />
+ </transverse_dimensions>
+ </geometry>
+ <!-- A 'vector' describes the variables that we will be evolving. -->
+ <vector name="Gamma" type="complex">
+ <components> r_ab r_cb </components>
+ <initialisation>
+ <![CDATA[
+ r_ab = decay + i*(delta1 + detuning);
+ r_cb = decay_bc + i*detuning + dephase_bc;
+ ]]>
+ </initialisation>
+ </vector>
+ <vector name="population" type="complex" dimensions="detuning">
+ <components>
+ Paa Pbb Pcc Pab Pca Pcb
+ </components>
+ <initialisation>
+ <![CDATA[
+ Pcc = .5;
+ Pbb = .5;
+ Paa = Pab = Pca = Pcb = 0;
+ ]]>
+ </initialisation>
+ </vector>
+ <sequence>
+ <!--
+ Here we define what differential equations need to be solved
+ and what algorithm we want to use.
+ -->
+ <integrate algorithm="ARK89" interval="final_time" tolerance="1e-10">
+ <samples>10</samples>
+ <operators>
+ <integration_vectors>population</integration_vectors>
+ <![CDATA[
+ dPcc_dt = i*drive*(-Pca) - i*drive*Pca + decay*Paa - decay_bc*Pcc + decay_bc*Pbb;
+ dPbb_dt = i*probe*Pab - i*probe*(-Pab) + decay*Paa - decay_bc*Pbb + decay_bc*Pcc;
+ dPaa_dt = -i*probe*Pab + i*probe*(-Pab) - i*drive*(-Pca) + i*drive*Pca - 2*decay*Paa;
+ dPab_dt = -r_ab*Pab + i*probe*(Pbb-Paa) + i*drive*Pcb;
+ dPca_dt = -r_ca*Pca + i*drive*(Paa-Pcc) - i*probe*Pcb;
+ dPcb_dt = -r_cb*Pcb - i*probe*Pca + i*drive*Pab;
+ ]]>
+ <dependencies>Gamma</dependencies>
+ </operators>
+ </integrate>
+ </sequence>
+ <!-- This part defines what data will be saved in the output file -->
+ <output format="hdf5" >
+ <sampling_group basis="detuning" initial_sample="yes">
+ <!-- <moments>PaaR PaaI PbbR PbbI PccR PccI PabR PabI PcaR PcaI PcbR PcbI</moments>
+ <dependencies>population</dependencies>
+ <![CDATA[
+ PaaR = Paa.Re();
+ PaaI = Paa.Im();
+ PbbR = Pbb.Re();
+ PbbI = Pbb.Im();
+ PccR = Pcc.Re();
+ PccI = Pcc.Im();
+ PabR = Pab.Re();
+ PabI = Pab.Im();
+ PcaR = Pca.Re();
+ PcaI = Pca.Im();
+ PcbR = Pcb.Re();
+ PcbI = Pcb.Im();
+ ]]> -->
+ <moments>PabI</moments>
+ <dependencies>population</dependencies>
+ <![CDATA[
+ PabI = Pab.Im();
+ ]]>
+ </sampling_group>
+ </output>
diff --git a/extrema.m b/extrema.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9d265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extrema.m
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+function [xmax,imax,xmin,imin] = extrema(x)
+%EXTREMA Gets the global extrema points from a time series.
+% [XMAX,IMAX,XMIN,IMIN] = EXTREMA(X) returns the global minima and maxima
+% points of the vector X ignoring NaN's, where
+% XMAX - maxima points in descending order
+% IMAX - indexes of the XMAX
+% XMIN - minima points in descending order
+% IMIN - indexes of the XMIN
+% In mathematics, maxima and minima, also known as extrema, are points in
+% the domain of a function at which the function takes a largest value
+% (maximum) or smallest value (minimum), either within a given
+% neighbourhood (local extrema) or on the function domain in its entirety
+% (global extrema).
+% Example:
+% x = 2*pi*linspace(-1,1);
+% y = cos(x) - 0.5 + 0.5*rand(size(x)); y(40:45) = 1.85; y(50:53)=NaN;
+% [ymax,imax,ymin,imin] = extrema(y);
+% plot(x,y,x(imax),ymax,'g.',x(imin),ymin,'r.')
+% See also EXTREMA2, MAX, MIN
+% Written by
+% Lic. on Physics Carlos Adrián Vargas Aguilera
+% Physical Oceanography MS candidate
+% Mexico, 2004
+% From :
+% File ID : 12275
+% Submited at: 2006-09-14
+% 2006-11-11 : English translation from spanish.
+% 2006-11-17 : Accept NaN's.
+% 2007-04-09 : Change name to MAXIMA, and definition added.
+xmax = [];
+imax = [];
+xmin = [];
+imin = [];
+% Vector input?
+Nt = numel(x);
+if Nt ~= length(x)
+ error('Entry must be a vector.')
+% NaN's:
+inan = find(isnan(x));
+indx = 1:Nt;
+if ~isempty(inan)
+ indx(inan) = [];
+ x(inan) = [];
+ Nt = length(x);
+% Difference between subsequent elements:
+dx = diff(x);
+% Is an horizontal line?
+if ~any(dx)
+ return
+% Flat peaks? Put the middle element:
+a = find(dx~=0); % Indexes where x changes
+lm = find(diff(a)~=1) + 1; % Indexes where a do not changes
+d = a(lm) - a(lm-1); % Number of elements in the flat peak
+a(lm) = a(lm) - floor(d/2); % Save middle elements
+a(end+1) = Nt;
+% Peaks?
+xa = x(a); % Serie without flat peaks
+b = (diff(xa) > 0); % 1 => positive slopes (minima begin)
+ % 0 => negative slopes (maxima begin)
+xb = diff(b); % -1 => maxima indexes (but one)
+ % +1 => minima indexes (but one)
+imax = find(xb == -1) + 1; % maxima indexes
+imin = find(xb == +1) + 1; % minima indexes
+imax = a(imax);
+imin = a(imin);
+nmaxi = length(imax);
+nmini = length(imin);
+% Maximum or minumim on a flat peak at the ends?
+if (nmaxi==0) && (nmini==0)
+ if x(1) > x(Nt)
+ xmax = x(1);
+ imax = indx(1);
+ xmin = x(Nt);
+ imin = indx(Nt);
+ elseif x(1) < x(Nt)
+ xmax = x(Nt);
+ imax = indx(Nt);
+ xmin = x(1);
+ imin = indx(1);
+ end
+ return
+% Maximum or minumim at the ends?
+if (nmaxi==0)
+ imax(1:2) = [1 Nt];
+elseif (nmini==0)
+ imin(1:2) = [1 Nt];
+ if imax(1) < imin(1)
+ imin(2:nmini+1) = imin;
+ imin(1) = 1;
+ else
+ imax(2:nmaxi+1) = imax;
+ imax(1) = 1;
+ end
+ if imax(end) > imin(end)
+ imin(end+1) = Nt;
+ else
+ imax(end+1) = Nt;
+ end
+xmax = x(imax);
+xmin = x(imin);
+% NaN's:
+if ~isempty(inan)
+ imax = indx(imax);
+ imin = indx(imin);
+% Same size as x:
+imax = reshape(imax,size(xmax));
+imin = reshape(imin,size(xmin));
+% Descending order:
+[temp,inmax] = sort(-xmax); clear temp
+xmax = xmax(inmax);
+imax = imax(inmax);
+[xmin,inmin] = sort(xmin);
+imin = imin(inmin);
+% Carlos Adrián Vargas Aguilera. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extrema2.m b/extrema2.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53a5e76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extrema2.m
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+function [xymax,smax,xymin,smin] = extrema2(xy,varargin)
+%EXTREMA2 Gets the extrema points from a surface.
+% [XMAX,IMAX,XMIN,IMIN] = EXTREMA2(X) returns the maxima and minima
+% elements of the matriz X ignoring NaN's, where
+% XMAX - maxima points in descending order (the bigger first and so on)
+% IMAX - linear indexes of the XMAX
+% XMIN - minima points in descending order
+% IMIN - linear indexes of the XMIN.
+% The program uses EXTREMA.
+% The extrema points are searched only through the column, the row and
+% the diagonals crossing each matrix element, so it is not a perfect
+% mathematical program and for this reason it has an optional argument.
+% The user should be aware of these limitations.
+% [XMAX,IMAX,XMIN,IMIN] = EXTREMA2(X,1) does the same but without
+% searching through the diagonals (less strict and perhaps the user gets
+% more output points).
+% In mathematics, maxima and minima, also known as extrema, are points in
+% the domain of a function at which the function takes a largest value
+% (maximum) or smallest value (minimum), either within a given
+% neighbourhood (local extrema) or on the function domain in its entirety
+% (global extrema).
+% Note: To change the linear index to (i,j) use IND2SUB.
+% Example:
+% [x,y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2,3:-.2:-2);
+% z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2); z(10,7)= NaN; z(16:19,13:17) = NaN;
+% surf(x,y,z), shading interp
+% [zmax,imax,zmin,imin] = extrema2(z);
+% hold on
+% plot3(x(imax),y(imax),zmax,'bo',x(imin),y(imin),zmin,'ro')
+% for i = 1:length(zmax)
+% text(x(imax(i)),y(imax(i)),zmax(i),[' ' num2str(zmax(i))])
+% end
+% for i = 1:length(zmin)
+% text(x(imin(i)),y(imin(i)),zmin(i),[' ' num2str(zmin(i))])
+% end
+% hold off
+% See also EXTREMA, MAX, MIN
+% Written by
+% Lic. on Physics Carlos Adrián Vargas Aguilera
+% Physical Oceanography MS candidate
+% Mexico, 2005
+% From :
+% File ID : 12275
+% Submited at: 2006-09-14
+% 2006-11-11 : English translation from spanish.
+% 2006-11-17 : Accept NaN's.
+% 2006-11-22 : Fixed bug in INDX (by JaeKyu Suhr)
+% 2007-04-09 : Change name to MAXIMA2, and definition added.
+M = size(xy);
+if length(M) ~= 2
+ error('Entry must be a matrix.')
+N = M(2);
+M = M(1);
+% Search peaks through columns:
+[smaxcol,smincol] = extremos(xy);
+% Search peaks through rows, on columns with extrema points:
+im = unique([smaxcol(:,1);smincol(:,1)]); % Rows with column extrema
+[smaxfil,sminfil] = extremos(xy(im,:).');
+% Convertion from 2 to 1 index:
+smaxcol = sub2ind([M,N],smaxcol(:,1),smaxcol(:,2));
+smincol = sub2ind([M,N],smincol(:,1),smincol(:,2));
+smaxfil = sub2ind([M,N],im(smaxfil(:,2)),smaxfil(:,1));
+sminfil = sub2ind([M,N],im(sminfil(:,2)),sminfil(:,1));
+% Peaks in rows and in columns:
+smax = intersect(smaxcol,smaxfil);
+smin = intersect(smincol,sminfil);
+% Search peaks through diagonals?
+if nargin==1
+ % Check peaks on down-up diagonal:
+ [iext,jext] = ind2sub([M,N],unique([smax;smin]));
+ [sextmax,sextmin] = extremos_diag(iext,jext,xy,1);
+ % Check peaks on up-down diagonal:
+ smax = intersect(smax,[M; (N*M-M); sextmax]);
+ smin = intersect(smin,[M; (N*M-M); sextmin]);
+ % Peaks on up-down diagonals:
+ [iext,jext] = ind2sub([M,N],unique([smax;smin]));
+ [sextmax,sextmin] = extremos_diag(iext,jext,xy,-1);
+ % Peaks on columns, rows and diagonals:
+ smax = intersect(smax,[1; N*M; sextmax]);
+ smin = intersect(smin,[1; N*M; sextmin]);
+% Extrema points:
+xymax = xy(smax);
+xymin = xy(smin);
+% Descending order:
+[temp,inmax] = sort(-xymax); clear temp
+xymax = xymax(inmax);
+smax = smax(inmax);
+[xymin,inmin] = sort(xymin);
+smin = smin(inmin);
+function [smax,smin] = extremos(matriz)
+% Peaks through columns or rows.
+smax = [];
+smin = [];
+for n = 1:length(matriz(1,:))
+ [temp,imaxfil,temp,iminfil] = extrema(matriz(:,n)); clear temp
+ if ~isempty(imaxfil) % Maxima indexes
+ imaxcol = repmat(n,length(imaxfil),1);
+ smax = [smax; imaxfil imaxcol];
+ end
+ if ~isempty(iminfil) % Minima indexes
+ imincol = repmat(n,length(iminfil),1);
+ smin = [smin; iminfil imincol];
+ end
+function [sextmax,sextmin] = extremos_diag(iext,jext,xy,A)
+% Peaks through diagonals (down-up A=-1)
+[M,N] = size(xy);
+if A==-1
+ iext = M-iext+1;
+[iini,jini] = cruce(iext,jext,1,1);
+[iini,jini] = ind2sub([M,N],unique(sub2ind([M,N],iini,jini)));
+[ifin,jfin] = cruce(iini,jini,M,N);
+sextmax = [];
+sextmin = [];
+for n = 1:length(iini)
+ ises = iini(n):ifin(n);
+ jses = jini(n):jfin(n);
+ if A==-1
+ ises = M-ises+1;
+ end
+ s = sub2ind([M,N],ises,jses);
+ [temp,imax,temp,imin] = extrema(xy(s)); clear temp
+ sextmax = [sextmax; s(imax)'];
+ sextmin = [sextmin; s(imin)'];
+function [i,j] = cruce(i0,j0,I,J)
+% Indexes where the diagonal of the element io,jo crosses the left/superior
+% (I=1,J=1) or right/inferior (I=M,J=N) side of an MxN matrix.
+arriba = 2*(I*J==1)-1;
+si = (arriba*(j0-J) > arriba*(i0-I));
+i = (I - (J+i0-j0)).*si + J+i0-j0;
+j = (I+j0-i0-(J)).*si + J;
+% Carlos Adrián Vargas Aguilera. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/getPeak.m b/getPeak.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..088a9ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getPeak.m
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+function [fwhm, absorption_min] = getPeak(detunings, absorptions)
+ eit_data = [detunings, absorptions];
+ %Get local extrema values and indexes and sort them
+ [maxima, max_index, minima, min_index] = extrema(eit_data(:,2));
+ minima = [min_index, minima];
+ maxima = [max_index, maxima];
+ peaks = sortrows([maxima; minima], 1);
+ % Find the set of extrema closest to being centered on 0
+ center_index = find(eit_data(:,1) == 0);
+ differences = abs(peaks(:,1) - center_index);
+ [detuning_index_offset, peak_center_index] = min(differences);
+ peak_center = peaks(peak_center_index, :);
+ left_max = peaks(peak_center_index - 1, :);
+ right_max = peaks(peak_center_index + 1, :);
+ %Define each point of interest
+ absorption_min = peak_center(2);
+ left_range = left_max(1):peak_center(1);
+ right_range = peak_center(1):right_max(1);
+ %Calculate the width
+ absorption_max = min([right_max(2), left_max(2)]); % use the smallest of the maximums
+ absorption_mid = (absorption_max + absorption_min) / 2;
+ half_width_right = interp1(eit_data(right_range,2), eit_data(right_range,1), absorption_mid) - eit_data(peak_center(1),1);
+ half_width_left = eit_data(peak_center(1),1) - interp1(eit_data(left_range,2), eit_data(left_range,1), absorption_mid);
+ fwhm = half_width_right + half_width_left;
+ %Plot extrema over existing plot
+ % plot(eit_data(:,1), eit_data(:,2));
+ % hold all
+ % grid on
+ % plot(detuning_1(left_max(1)), left_max(2), 'r*')
+ % plot(detuning_1(right_max(1)), right_max(2), 'r*')
+ % plot(detuning_1(peak_center(1)), peak_center(2), 'g*')
diff --git a/loadSimulation.m b/loadSimulation.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5f0be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loadSimulation.m
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+function [width, minAbsorption, detunings, absorptions] = loadSimulation(dataFile)
+ data = load(dataFile);
+ detunings = data(:,1);
+ absorptions = data(:,2);
+ [width, minAbsorption] = getPeak(detunings, absorptions);
+ plot(detunings, absorptions);
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/loadSimulations.m b/loadSimulations.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..046e336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loadSimulations.m
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+function [data] = loadSimulations(decay_bc, dephase_bc)
+ dataFiles = dir(['data/', decay_bc, '*_*_*_', dephase_bc, '*.dat']);
+ widths = [];
+ minAbsorptions = [];
+ drives = [];
+ deltas = [];
+ for i = 1:length(dataFiles)
+ dataFile = ['data/', dataFiles(i).name];
+ data = load(dataFile);
+ detunings = data(:,1);
+ absorptions = data(:,2);
+ [width, absorption] = getPeak(detunings, absorptions);
+ widths = [widths; width];
+ minAbsorptions = [minAbsorptions; absorption];
+ sections = strfind(dataFile, '_');
+ drive = dataFile(sections(1)+1:sections(2)-1);
+ drives = [drives; str2num(drive)];
+ delta = dataFile(sections(2)+1:sections(3)-1);
+ deltas = [deltas; str2num(delta)];
+ end
+ data = [drives, widths, minAbsorptions];
+ data = sortrows(data, 1);
+ drives = data(:,1); widths = data(:,2); minAbsorptions = data(:,3);
+ loglog(drives.^2, widths);
+ hold all
+ loglog(drives.^2, minAbsorptions*10^5);
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/simulate.m b/simulate.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf882f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulate.m
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+matlabPath = getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH');
+libPath = getenv('PATH');
+setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', libPath);
+system('xmds2 eit.xmds');
+setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', matlabPath);
+decay_bc = 0.001;
+decay_ab = 6;
+widths = [];
+absorptions = [];
+drives = logspace(-2, -3, 10);
+drives = linspace(0.003298,0.003319,20);
+detunings1 = [0:2:0];
+dephase_bc = 0.05;
+for drive = drives
+ width_row = [];
+ absorption_row = [];
+ expected_width = (drive^2/decay_ab + dephase_bc + decay_bc);
+ domain_max = expected_width*10;
+ domain_min = -1*domain_max;
+ final_time = 1/expected_width*100;
+ for detuning1 = detunings1
+ run_eit = sprintf('time ./eit --drive_arg=%f --decay_arg=%f --decay_bc_arg=%f --delta1_arg=%f --domain_min=%f --domain_max=%f --dephase_bc_arg=%f --final_time=%f', drive, decay_ab, decay_bc, detuning1, domain_min, domain_max, dephase_bc, final_time);
+ setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', libPath);
+ system(run_eit);
+ system('xsil2graphics2 -m eit.xsil');
+ setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', matlabPath);
+ %[drive, detuning1] % Use for debugging
+ run('eit.m');
+ detunings2 = detuning_1';
+ PabI = PabI_1(end,:)';
+ [fwhm, absorption_min] = getPeak(detunings2, PabI);
+ width_row = [width_row, fwhm];
+ absorption_row = [absorption_row, absorption_min];
+ eit_plot = [detunings2, PabI];
+ csv_name = sprintf('data/%f_%f_%f_%f.dat', decay_bc, drive, detuning1, dephase_bc);
+ csvwrite(csv_name, eit_plot);
+ end
+ widths = [widths; width_row];
+ absorptions = [absorptions; absorption_row];
+% plot(drives.^2, widths, drives.^2, absorptions*10^5)
+% legend('width', 'absorption')
+% xlabel('Drive^2')
+% figure
+% surf(detunings1, drives, widths)
+% xlabel('detuning')
+% ylabel('drive')
+% zlabel('width')
+% figure
+% surf(detunings1, drives, absorptions)
+% xlabel('detuning')
+% ylabel('drive')
+% zlabel('absorption')
+% plot(detunings2, PabI)
+% xlabel('Detuning')
+% ylabel('Absorption')
+% title(['Drive equals ' [int2str(drive)]])
+save(['workspaces/workspace_', datestr(clock,0), '.mat']);