diff options
authorEugeniy Mikhailov <>2014-05-15 10:33:35 -0400
committerEugeniy Mikhailov <>2014-05-15 10:34:01 -0400
commit24b48105c1c4ed1dcd3a0de68df91d7003b2789c (patch)
parent6fc1edd2abd1102e8875ccd434ce028a5ec1fc2b (diff)
a more organized versions
2 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gauss_diffraction_on_aperture.m b/gauss_diffraction_on_aperture.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f72e85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gauss_diffraction_on_aperture.m
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+% Illustrates the use fo LaguerreGaussianE.m, decompose.m and recompose.m by
+% defining an off-center Guassian beam (Fig. 1, Col. 1) and recomposing it
+% in a basis of Laguerre Gaussians defined about the center on the figure.
+% The recomposed beam is shown in Fig. 1, Col. 2, where we have used the
+% first 40 Laguerre Gaussian modes. Figure 1, Col. 3 shows the
+% difference between the recomposed beam and the original. Figure 2 shows
+% the magnitude of the coefficients of the various modes in the
+% decomposition.
+ploton=[1 0];
+overlaponly=0; showfigure=0;
+clear domain;
+[rmesh,thetamesh,xmesh,ymesh]=polarmesh([0,screensize,nptsr],[0 2*pi nptstheta],'lin');
+domain(:,:,1)=rmesh; domain(:,:,2)=thetamesh;
+mask_R = (w/2);
+mask = 1.0*((xmesh.^2+ymesh.^2) > mask_R^2);
+%mask = 1.0;
+if overlaponly
+ z1=LaguerreGaussianE([0,2,q_(w,R,lambda),lambda],xmesh,ymesh,'cart');
+ z2=LaguerreGaussianE([0,2,q_(w,R,lambda),lambda],xmesh,ymesh,'cart');
+ a=overlap(z1,conj(z2),domain,rmesh)
+ if showfigure
+ figure(4);
+ subplot(221); h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(z1).^2); shg; colorbar; axis square; set(h,'edgecolor','none');
+ subplot(222); h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(z2).^2); shg; colorbar; axis square; set(h,'edgecolor','none');
+ subplot(223); h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,angle(z1)); shg; colorbar; axis square; set(h,'edgecolor','none');
+ subplot(224); h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,angle(z2)); shg; colorbar; axis square; set(h,'edgecolor','none');
+ end
+ return
+clear tmat tmat_in
+disp(' '); disp('horizontal');
+disp(' '); disp('vertical')
+%[rmesh,thetamesh,xmesh,ymesh]=polarmesh([0,screensize/10,nptsr],[0 2*pi nptstheta],'lin');
+%domain(:,:,1)=rmesh; domain(:,:,2)=thetamesh;
+if ploton(1)==1
+ figure(1);
+ subplot(331);
+ h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(zin).^2); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('original intensity');
+ subplot(332);
+ h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(zout).^2); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('recomposed');
+ subplot(333);
+ h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(zout).^2-abs(zin).^2); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('difference');
+ subplot(334);
+ h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,real(zin)); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('original real part');
+ subplot(335);
+ h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,real(zout)); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('recomposed');
+ subplot(336);
+ h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,real(zout)-real(zin)); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('difference');
+ subplot(337);
+ h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,imag(zin)); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('original imaginary part')
+ subplot(338);
+ h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,imag(zout)); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('recomposed');
+ subplot(339);
+ h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,imag(zout)-imag(zin)); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('difference');
+if length(ploton)>=2 & ploton(2)==1
+ figure(2);
+ coeffplotmat=[coeffs(:,end:-1:2,2),coeffs(:,:,1)];
+ ps=(-size(coeffs(:,:,2),1)+1:size(coeffs(:,:,1),1)-1);
+ ms=(0:size(coeffs(:,:,2))-1);
+ [psmesh,msmesh]=meshgrid(ps,ms);
+ h=pcolor(psmesh,msmesh,log10(abs(coeffplotmat))); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+ title('Log_{10} of coefficients of the modes in the decomposition');
+ xlabel('m'); ylabel('p');
+h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(z_test).^2); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+title('high order LG');
+[rmesh,thetamesh,xmesh,ymesh]=polarmesh([0,screensize/10,nptsr],[0 2*pi nptstheta],'lin');
+domain(:,:,1)=rmesh; domain(:,:,2)=thetamesh;
+mask = 1.0*((xmesh.^2+ymesh.^2) > mask_R^2);
+h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(z_before_mask_magn).^2); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+title('before mask enlaged');
+h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(zin_magn).^2); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+title('masked enlaged');
+h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(zin_magn).^2 - abs(zout_magn).^2); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+title('intensity diff enlaged');
+h=pcolor(xmesh,ymesh,abs(zout_magn).^2); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); axis square; colorbar; drawnow; shg;
+title('recomposed enlaged');
+% beam crossections
+clear mask domain;
+[rmesh,thetamesh,xmesh,ymesh]=polarmesh([0,screensize/5,nptsr],[0 2*pi 2],'lin');
+domain(:,:,1)=rmesh; domain(:,:,2)=thetamesh;
+mask = 1.0*((xmesh.^2+ymesh.^2) > mask_R.^2);
+hold off
+plot(xmesh(1,:), abs( z_before_mask_magn(1,:)).^2 )
+hold all
+plot(xmesh(1,:), abs( zin_magn(1,:)).^2 )
+plot(xmesh(1,:), abs( zout_magn(1,:)).^2 )
+title('beam crossection');
+hold off
diff --git a/gauss_transmission_after_aperture.m b/gauss_transmission_after_aperture.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a5bbc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gauss_transmission_after_aperture.m
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% Illustrates the use fo LaguerreGaussianE.m, decompose.m and recompose.m by
+% defining an off-center Guassian beam (Fig. 1, Col. 1) and recomposing it
+% in a basis of Laguerre Gaussians defined about the center on the figure.
+% The recomposed beam is shown in Fig. 1, Col. 2, where we have used the
+% first 40 Laguerre Gaussian modes. Figure 1, Col. 3 shows the
+% difference between the recomposed beam and the original. Figure 2 shows
+% the magnitude of the coefficients of the various modes in the
+% decomposition.
+clear domain
+[rmesh,thetamesh,xmesh,ymesh]=polarmesh([0,screensize,nptsr],[0 2*pi nptstheta],'lin');
+domain(:,:,1)=rmesh; domain(:,:,2)=thetamesh;
+Np = 1000;
+apR = linspace(0, 2, Np); % aperture ratio
+for i = Np:-1:1
+ mask_R = w*apR(i);
+ % disk
+ mask = 1.0*((xmesh.^2+ymesh.^2) > mask_R^2);
+ zout=mask.*z_before_mask;
+ a_disk(i)=overlap(zout,conj(zout),domain,rmesh);
+ % iris
+ mask = 1.0*((xmesh.^2+ymesh.^2) < mask_R^2);
+ zout=mask.*z_before_mask;
+ a_iris(i)=overlap(zout,conj(zout),domain,rmesh);
+plot( a_disk, apR, 'k-', a_iris, apR, 'r-' );
+grid on;
+legend( ['disk'; 'iris'] );
+ylabel('Aperture radius R_a/w');
+xlabel('Transmitter power ratio')
+title( 'LG_{00} beam transmission after round disk or aperture');