path: root/xmds2/Shahriar_system
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xmds2/Shahriar_system')
3 files changed, 1535 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/xmds2/Shahriar_system/GenerateShahriarSystem_via_drive_modulation.nb b/xmds2/Shahriar_system/GenerateShahriarSystem_via_drive_modulation.nb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd35917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmds2/Shahriar_system/GenerateShahriarSystem_via_drive_modulation.nb
@@ -0,0 +1,1507 @@
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+Cell["set up the system", "Section"],
+Cell["This loads the package.", "MathCaption",
+ CellID->836781195],
+ RowBox[{"<<", "AtomicDensityMatrix`"}]], "Input",
+ CellID->2058623809],
+ "We define an atomic system consisting of two even-parity lower states and \
+two odd-parity upper states. We apply a light field with components at \
+frequencies ",
+ Cell[BoxData[
+ FormBox[
+ StyleBox[
+ SubscriptBox["\[Omega]", "1"], "InlineMath"], TraditionalForm]]],
+ " (near resonant with the ",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"|", "1"}], "\[RightAngleBracket]"}], "\[Rule]",
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+ " transition), ",
+ Cell[BoxData[
+ FormBox[
+ StyleBox[
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+ " and ",
+ Cell[BoxData[
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+ "(near resonant with the ",
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+ RowBox[{"|", "2"}], "\[RightAngleBracket]"}], "\[Rule]",
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+ " transition)\[AliasDelimiter]."
+}], "Text",
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+Define the atomic system. Three level \[CapitalLambda] system\
+\>", "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"system", "=",
+ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"AtomicState", "[",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"NaturalWidth", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Parity", "\[Rule]", "Even"}]}], "]"}], ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"AtomicState", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",",
+ RowBox[{"NaturalWidth", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Parity", "\[Rule]", "Even"}]}], "]"}], ",",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"AtomicState", "[",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",",
+ RowBox[{"NaturalWidth", "\[Rule]", "\[CapitalGamma]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Energy", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"BranchingRatio", "[", "1", "]"}], "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{"1", "/", "2"}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{"Parity", "\[Rule]", "Odd"}]}], "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ "}"}]}], ";"}]], "Input",
+ CellID->433132487],
+Define the optical field. Field (1) is probe, fields (2) and (3) are pumps\
+\>", "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{"field", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"OpticalField", "[",
+ RowBox[{"\[Omega]1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"\[CapitalOmega]1", "/",
+ RowBox[{"ReducedME", "[",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Dipole", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", "3"}], "]"}]}], ",",
+ "\[Phi]1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"OpticalField", "[",
+ RowBox[{"\[Omega]2", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"\[CapitalOmega]2", "/",
+ RowBox[{"ReducedME", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Dipole", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", "3"}], "]"}]}], ",",
+ "\[Phi]2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}]}]], "Input",
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+ RowBox[{
+ FractionBox[
+ RowBox[{
+ SuperscriptBox["\[ExponentialE]",
+ RowBox[{"\[ImaginaryI]", " ",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"\[Phi]1", "-",
+ RowBox[{"t", " ", "\[Omega]1"}]}], ")"}]}]], " ",
+ "\[CapitalOmega]1"}],
+ RowBox[{"ReducedME", "[",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Dipole", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", "3"}], "]"}]], "+",
+ FractionBox[
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+ RowBox[{"\[ImaginaryI]", " ",
+ RowBox[{"(",
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+ "\[CapitalOmega]2"}],
+ RowBox[{"ReducedME", "[",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Dipole", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", "3"}], "]"}]]}], ",", "0",
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+}, Open ]],
+The Hamiltonian for the system subject to the optical field. Probe couples \
+|1> and |3>, Pumps couple |2> and |3>.\
+\>", "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{"MatrixForm", "[",
+ RowBox[{"H", "=",
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+ RowBox[{"Expand", "@",
+ RowBox[{"Hamiltonian", "[",
+ RowBox[{"system", ",",
+ RowBox[{"ElectricField", "\[Rule]", "field"}]}], "]"}]}], "/.", " ",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Cos", "[", "_", "]"}], " ",
+ RowBox[{"ReducedME", "[",
+ RowBox[{"_", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Dipole", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", "_"}], "]"}]}], "\[Rule]",
+ "0"}]}]}], "]"}]], "Input"],
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+ RowBox[{"t", " ", "\[Omega]2"}]}], "]"}]}]},
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+ RowBox[{"-", "\[CapitalOmega]1"}], " ",
+ RowBox[{"Cos", "[",
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+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
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+Apply the rotating-wave approximation to the Hamiltonian. \[Delta]a is \
+average pump detuning, \[Delta] is relative pump detuning.\
+\>", "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"Hrwa", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"RotatingWaveApproximation", "[",
+ RowBox[{"system", ",", "H", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"\[Omega]1", ",", "\[Omega]2"}], "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"TransformMatrix", "\[Rule]",
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+ RowBox[{"-", "\[ImaginaryI]"}], " ", "t", " ",
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+ RowBox[{"-", "\[Omega]1"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"-", "\[Omega]2"}], ",", "0"}], "}"}], "]"}]}],
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+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"\[Omega]1", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-",
+ RowBox[{"Energy", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "+", "\[Delta]1"}]}], ",",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-",
+ RowBox[{"Energy", "[", "2", "]"}]}], "+", "\[Delta]2"}]}]}],
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "\[ImaginaryI]"}], " ", "\[Phi]1"}]], " ",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-",
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+ RowBox[{
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+ Cell[BoxData[
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+ Cell[BoxData[
+ ButtonBox["TransitRelaxation",
+ BaseStyle->"Link",
+ ButtonData->"paclet:AtomicDensityMatrix/ref/TransitRelaxation"]]],
+ " supply the relaxation matrices. Add additional term \[Gamma]p for \
+incoherent pumping from |1> to |3>."
+}], "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{"MatrixForm", "[",
+ RowBox[{"relax", "=",
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+ RowBox[{"IntrinsicRelaxation", "[", "system", "]"}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"TransitRelaxation", "[",
+ RowBox[{"system", ",", "\[Gamma]t"}], "]"}], "+",
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+ {
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+ Cell[BoxData[
+ ButtonBox["TransitRepopulation",
+ BaseStyle->"Link",
+ ButtonData->"paclet:AtomicDensityMatrix/ref/TransitRepopulation"]]],
+ " supply the repopulation matrices."
+}], "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{"MatrixForm", "[",
+ RowBox[{"repop", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"OpticalRepopulation", "[", "system", "]"}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"TransitRepopulation", "[",
+ RowBox[{"system", ",", "\[Gamma]t"}], "]"}], "+",
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+ FractionBox["\[Gamma]t", "2"], "+",
+ RowBox[{
+ FractionBox["1", "2"], " ", "\[CapitalGamma]", " ",
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[Rho]",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]], "[", "t", "]"}]}]}], "0", "0"},
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+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{
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+Cell["Here are the evolution equations.", "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{"TableForm", "[",
+ RowBox[{"eqs", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"LiouvilleEquation", "[",
+ RowBox[{"system", ",", "Hrwa", ",", "relax", ",", "repop"}], "]"}], "//",
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+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{"-",
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+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}]], "[", "t", "]"}]}], "-",
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+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}]], "[", "t", "]"}]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"\[ImaginaryI]", " ", "\[Delta]2", " ",
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[Rho]",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}]], "[", "t", "]"}]}], "-",
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+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]]}]}]}], ",",
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+ SubscriptBox["dr",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "2"}]], "\[Equal]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"E1", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"Ef", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}]]}], "+",
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+ RowBox[{"(",
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+ RowBox[{"-", "G"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "gt"}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"da", " ", "i"}]}], ")"}], " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "2"}]]}], "-",
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+ RowBox[{"E1c", " ", "i", " ",
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+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "2"}]]}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"2", " ",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"G", "+", "gt"}], ")"}], " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
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+ RowBox[{"gt", "-",
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+ RowBox[{"(",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "gp"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "gt"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"d1", " ", "i"}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"da", " ", "i"}]}], ")"}], " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}]]}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"Ef", " ", "i", " ",
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+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "3"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"E1c", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "2"}]]}]}]}], ",",
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+ SubscriptBox["dr",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "3"}]], "\[Equal]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "E1c"}], " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}]]}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"Efc", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "G"}], "-", "gp", "-",
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "gt"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"d1", " ", "i"}]}], ")"}], " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "3"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"E1c", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]]}]}]}], ",",
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+ SubscriptBox["dr",
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+ RowBox[{"gt", "-",
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "gt", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}]]}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"Ef", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"Efc", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "2"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"G", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]]}]}]}], ",",
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+ SubscriptBox["dr",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}]], "\[Equal]",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "E1c"}], " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "1"}]]}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"Efc", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "G"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "gt"}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"da", " ", "i"}]}], ")"}], " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"Efc", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]]}]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["dr",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]], "\[Equal]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "gp", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"E1", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"1", ",", "3"}]]}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"Ef", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}]]}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"E1c", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "1"}]]}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"Efc", " ", "i", " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "2"}]]}], "-",
+ RowBox[{"2", " ",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"G", "+", "gt"}], ")"}], " ",
+ SubscriptBox["r",
+ RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]]}]}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output",
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+Cell[BoxData["\<\"dr11_dt = gt - 2*(gp + gt)*r11 - E1*i*r13 + E1c*i*r31 + \
+G*r33;\\ndr12_dt = (-gp - 2*gt - d1*i + da*i)*r12 - Ef*i*r13 + \
+E1c*i*r32;\\ndr13_dt = -(E1c*i*r11) - Efc*i*r12 + (-G - gp - 2*gt - d1*i)*r13 \
++ E1c*i*r33;\\ndr22_dt = gt - 2*gt*r22 - Ef*i*r23 + Efc*i*r32 + \
+G*r33;\\ndr23_dt = -(E1c*i*r21) - Efc*i*r22 + (-G - 2*gt - da*i)*r23 + \
+Efc*i*r33;\\ndr33_dt = 2*gp*r11 + E1*i*r13 + Ef*i*r23 - E1c*i*r31 - Efc*i*r32 \
+- 2*(G + gt)*r33;\\n\"\>"], "Output",
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+ 3.52426584452029*^9, 3.52426593042942*^9, 3.524265967380181*^9}],
+xmds2/Shahriar_system/code.txt\"\>"], "Output",
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+ 3.524014214903372*^9, 3.524259784109108*^9, 3.52425981618349*^9,
+ 3.524259922834424*^9, 3.524260078672261*^9, 3.524260324306823*^9,
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diff --git a/xmds2/Shahriar_system/Readme b/xmds2/Shahriar_system/Readme
index c0bb248..cd74054 100644
--- a/xmds2/Shahriar_system/Readme
+++ b/xmds2/Shahriar_system/Readme
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-Usual EIT only two fields probe and pump
-./ --E2o 30e6 --E3o 0 --d1 0 --da 0 --delta 0 --gp 0
+Usual EIT only two fields probe and pump i.e. no beatnote on pump
+!./ --E1o 10e-4 --E2o 20e6 --d1 0 --da 0 --delta 0 --gp 0
-Raman (far detuned) EIT only two fields probe and pump
-!./ --E2o 30e6 --E3o 0 --d1 50e6 --da 50e6 --delta 0 --gp 0
+Raman (far detuned) EIT only two fields probe and pump i.e. no beatnote on pump
+!./ --E1o 10e-4 --E2o 20e6 --d1 1000e6 --da 1000e6 --delta 0 --gp 0
Attemt for double lambda gain.
-!./ --E1o 10e-4 --E2o 10e6 --E3o 10e6 --d1 800e6 --da 800e6 --delta 100e6 --gp 30e6
+!./ --E1o 10e-4 --E2o 80e6 --d1 600e6 --da 600e6 --delta 80e6 --gp 20e6
diff --git a/xmds2/Shahriar_system/Shahriar_system.xmds b/xmds2/Shahriar_system/Shahriar_system.xmds
index 389f120..83b1b22 100644
--- a/xmds2/Shahriar_system/Shahriar_system.xmds
+++ b/xmds2/Shahriar_system/Shahriar_system.xmds
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
* ------- |1>
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ IMPORTANT simplification: E2 = E3 by magnitude then we can use a field consisting
+ of beat note between E1 and E2 oscillating at frequency wa=(w1+w2)/2
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are solving
dE/dz+(1/c)*dE/dt=i*eta*rho_ij, where j level is higher then i.
@@ -61,7 +65,7 @@
const double R31=0.5, R32=0.5;
- complex E1c, E2c, E3c; // Complex conjugated Rabi frequencies
+ complex E1c, E2c, E3c, Efc; // Complex conjugated Rabi frequencies
complex r21, r31, r32; // density matrix elements
@@ -100,14 +104,18 @@
<!-- Rabi frequency -->
<vector name="E_field" type="complex" initial_space="t">
- <components>E1 E2 E3</components>
+ <components>E1 Ef</components>
// Initial (at starting 'z' position) electromagnetic field does not depend on detuning
// as well as time
E1=E1o*exp(-pow( ((t-0.0)/1e-6),2) );
- E2=E2o;
- E3=E3o;
+ // very dirty hack, I assume that E2=E3 then I can use beatnote formula since
+ // w1 approcimately equals w2
+ // I assign it to new combined field with amplitude Ef
+ // E*cos( (wa+d/2)*t ) * E*cos( (wa-d/2)*t ) = 2*E*cos(d*t/2)*cos(wa*t) = Ef*cos(wa*t)
+ Ef = 2*E2o*cos(delta*t/2); // E3o assumed to be equal E2o
@@ -136,21 +144,9 @@
- <vector name="pump_detunings" type="complex" initial_space="t">
- <components> d dc </components>
- <!--dc is probably redundant since it is just complex conjugate of d-->
- <initialisation>
- <![CDATA[
- d = exp( i*t*delta );
- dc = conj(d);
- ]]>
- </initialisation>
- </vector>
<!--For this set of conditions ARK45 is faster than ARK89-->
- <integrate algorithm="ARK45" tolerance="1e-5" interval="4e-2">
+ <integrate algorithm="ARK45" tolerance="1e-5" interval="7e-2">
<!--SIC algorithm seems to be much slower and needs fine 'z' step tuning and much finer time grid-->
<!--For example I had to quadruple the time grid from 1000 to 4000 when increased z distance from 0.02 to 0.04-->
@@ -159,7 +155,7 @@
<operator kind="cross_propagation" algorithm="SI" propagation_dimension="t">
- <dependencies>E_field pump_detunings</dependencies>
+ <dependencies>E_field</dependencies>
<boundary_condition kind="left">
r11 = 1; r22 = 0; r33 = 0;
@@ -169,8 +165,7 @@
E1c = conj(E1);
- E2c = conj(E2);
- E3c = conj(E3);
+ Efc = conj(Ef);
@@ -178,12 +173,11 @@
// Equations of motions according to Simon's mathematica code
dr11_dt = gt - 2*(gp + gt)*r11 - E1*i*r13 + E1c*i*r31 + G*r33;
- dr12_dt = (-gp - 2*gt - d1*i + da*i)*r12 - i*(E2*d + E3*dc)*r13 + E1c*i*r32;
- dr13_dt = -(E1c*i*r11) - i*(E3c*d + E2c*dc)*r12 + (-G - gp - 2*gt - d1*i)*r13 + E1c*i*r33;
- dr22_dt = gt - 2*gt*r22 - i*(E2*d + E3*dc)*r23 + i*(E3c*d + E2c*dc)*r32 + G*r33;
- dr23_dt = -(E1c*i*r21) - i*(E3c*d + E2c*dc)*r22 + (-G - 2*gt - da*i)*r23 + i*(E3c*d + E2c*dc)*r33;
- dr33_dt = 2*gp*r11 + E1*i*r13 + i*(E2*d + E3*dc)*r23 - E1c*i*r31 - i*(E3c*d + E2c*dc)*r32 - 2*(G + gt)*r33;
+ dr12_dt = (-gp - 2*gt - d1*i + da*i)*r12 - Ef*i*r13 + E1c*i*r32;
+ dr13_dt = -(E1c*i*r11) - Efc*i*r12 + (-G - gp - 2*gt - d1*i)*r13 + E1c*i*r33;
+ dr22_dt = gt - 2*gt*r22 - Ef*i*r23 + Efc*i*r32 + G*r33;
+ dr23_dt = -(E1c*i*r21) - Efc*i*r22 + (-G - 2*gt - da*i)*r23 + Efc*i*r33;
+ dr33_dt = 2*gp*r11 + E1*i*r13 + Ef*i*r23 - E1c*i*r31 - Efc*i*r32 - 2*(G + gt)*r33;
<operator kind="ex" constant="yes">
@@ -196,8 +190,7 @@
dE1_dz = i*eta*conj(r13) -Lt[E1] ;
- dE2_dz = i*eta*conj(r23) -Lt[E2] ;
- dE3_dz = i*eta*conj(r23) -Lt[E3] ;
+ dEf_dz = i*eta*conj(r23) -Lt[Ef] ;
@@ -208,11 +201,10 @@
<sampling basis="t(1000)" initial_sample="yes">
- <moments>I1_out I2_out I3_out</moments>
+ <moments>I1_out If_out</moments>
I1_out = mod2(E1);
- I2_out = mod2(E2);
- I3_out = mod2(E3);
+ If_out = mod2(Ef);