path: root/xmds2/Genas_system/GenasSystemPlots.nb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xmds2/Genas_system/GenasSystemPlots.nb')
1 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xmds2/Genas_system/GenasSystemPlots.nb b/xmds2/Genas_system/GenasSystemPlots.nb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c347101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmds2/Genas_system/GenasSystemPlots.nb
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+(* Content-type: application/mathematica *)
+(*** Wolfram Notebook File ***)
+(* *)
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+(* Beginning of Notebook Content *)
+Cell["Functions for field parameterization conversion", "Section"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Ax", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"0", ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "0"}], ";"}]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Ax", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ex_", ",", "Ey_"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ FractionBox[
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[", "Ex", "]"}],
+ SqrtBox[
+ RowBox[{
+ SuperscriptBox[
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[", "Ex", "]"}], "2"], "+",
+ SuperscriptBox[
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[", "Ey", "]"}], "2"]}]]]}]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Ay", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"0", ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "0"}], ";"}]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Ay", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ex_", ",", "Ey_"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ FractionBox[
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[", "Ey", "]"}],
+ SqrtBox[
+ RowBox[{
+ SuperscriptBox[
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[", "Ex", "]"}], "2"], "+",
+ SuperscriptBox[
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[", "Ey", "]"}], "2"]}]]]}]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"\[Phi]", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"0", ",", "Ey_"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "0"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"\[Phi]", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ex_", ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], "=",
+ "0"}], ";"}]}], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"\[Phi]", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ex_", ",", "Ey_"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{"Arg", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ FractionBox["Ey",
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[", "Ey", "]"}]],
+ FractionBox[
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[", "Ex", "]"}], "Ex"]}], "]"}]}]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"AmplitudePhase", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ex_", ",", "Ey_"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Ax", "[",
+ RowBox[{"#1", ",", "#2"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Ay", "[",
+ RowBox[{"#1", ",", "#2"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\[Phi]", "[",
+ RowBox[{"#1", ",", "#2"}], "]"}]}], "}"}], "&"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ex", ",", "Ey"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}],
+ "]"}]}]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"S1", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ax_", ",", "Ay_", ",", "\[Phi]_"}], "}"}], ",",
+ "AmplitudePhase"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{
+ SuperscriptBox["Ax", "2"], "-",
+ SuperscriptBox["Ay", "2"]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"S2", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ax_", ",", "Ay_", ",", "\[Phi]_"}], "}"}], ",",
+ "AmplitudePhase"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{"2", "Ax", " ", "Ay", " ",
+ RowBox[{"Cos", "[", "\[Phi]", "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"S3", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ax_", ",", "Ay_", ",", "\[Phi]_"}], "}"}], ",",
+ "AmplitudePhase"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{"2", "Ax", " ", "Ay", " ",
+ RowBox[{"Sin", "[", "\[Phi]", "]"}]}]}]}], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Stokes", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ax_", ",", "Ay_", ",", "\[Phi]_"}], "}"}], ",",
+ "AmplitudePhase"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"S1", "[",
+ RowBox[{"#1", ",", "#2"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"S2", "[",
+ RowBox[{"#1", ",", "#2"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"S3", "[",
+ RowBox[{"#1", ",", "#2"}], "]"}]}], "}"}], "&"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ax", ",", "Ay", ",", "\[Phi]"}], "}"}], ",", "AmplitudePhase"}],
+ "]"}]}]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"\[Alpha]", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"S1_", ",", "S2_", ",", "S3_"}], "}"}], ",", "Stokes"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{
+ FractionBox["1", "2"],
+ RowBox[{"ArcTan", "[",
+ RowBox[{"S1", ",", "S2"}], "]"}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"\[Epsilon]", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"S1_", ",", "S2_", ",", "S3_"}], "}"}], ",", "Stokes"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{
+ FractionBox["1", "2"],
+ RowBox[{"ArcSin", "[", "S3", "]"}]}]}]}], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"AngleEllipticity", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"S1_", ",", "S2_", ",", "S3_"}], "}"}], ",", "Stokes"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"\[Alpha]", "[",
+ RowBox[{"#1", ",", "#2"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\[Epsilon]", "[",
+ RowBox[{"#1", ",", "#2"}], "]"}]}], "}"}], "&"}], "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"S1", ",", "S2", ",", "S3"}], "}"}], ",", "Stokes"}],
+ "]"}]}]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"AngleEllipticity", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ax_", ",", "Ay_", ",", "\[Phi]_"}], "}"}], ",",
+ "AmplitudePhase"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{"AngleEllipticity", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Stokes", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ax", ",", "Ay", ",", "\[Phi]"}], "}"}], ",",
+ "AmplitudePhase"}], "]"}], ",", "Stokes"}], "]"}]}]], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"AngleEllipticity", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ex_", ",", "Ey_"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], ":=",
+ RowBox[{"AngleEllipticity", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"AmplitudePhase", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"Ex", ",", "Ey"}], "}"}], ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}],
+ ",", "AmplitudePhase"}], "]"}]}]], "Input"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["Read and plot data", "Section"],
+fpDat = OpenRead[\"Genas_system_mg0.dat\",BinaryFormat -> True];
+z1Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+z1 = Flatten[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, z1Len, ByteOrdering->-1]];
+t1Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+t1 = Flatten[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t1Len, ByteOrdering->-1]];
+Exreout1Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+Exreout1 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t1Len, \
+Eximout1Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+Eximout1 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t1Len, \
+Eyreout1Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+Eyreout1 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t1Len, \
+Eyimout1Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+Eyimout1 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t1Len, \
+fpDat = OpenRead[\"Genas_system_mg1.dat\",BinaryFormat -> True];
+z2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+z2 = Flatten[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, z2Len, ByteOrdering->-1]];
+t2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+t2 = Flatten[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, ByteOrdering->-1]];
+r11out2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r11out2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r22out2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r22out2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r33out2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r33out2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r44out2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r44out2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r12reout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r12reout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r12imout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r12imout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r13reout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r13reout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r13imout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r13imout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r14reout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r14reout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r14imout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r14imout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r23reout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r23reout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r23imout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r23imout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r24reout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r24reout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r24imout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r24imout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r34reout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r34reout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+r34imout2Len = BinaryRead[fpDat, \"UnsignedInteger32\", ByteOrdering->-1];
+r34imout2 = Flatten[Table[BinaryReadList[fpDat, {\"Real64\"}, t2Len, \
+declaredVariables={\"z1\", \"t1\", \"Exreout1\", \"Eximout1\", \"Eyreout1\", \
+\"Eyimout1\", \"z2\", \"t2\", \"r11out2\", \"r22out2\", \"r33out2\", \
+\"r44out2\", \"r12reout2\", \"r12imout2\", \"r13reout2\", \"r13imout2\", \
+\"r14reout2\", \"r14imout2\", \"r23reout2\", \"r23imout2\", \"r24reout2\", \
+\"r24imout2\", \"r34reout2\", \"r34imout2\"}
+\>", "Input"],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Exout1", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Exreout1", "+",
+ RowBox[{"\[ImaginaryI]", " ", "Eximout1"}]}]}],
+ ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Eyout1", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Eyreout1", "+",
+ RowBox[{"\[ImaginaryI]", " ", "Eyimout1"}]}]}],
+ ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"ListAnimate", "@",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"intens", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{".5", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10",
+ RowBox[{"-", "7"}]],
+ RowBox[{"Abs", "[", "#", "]"}]}], "&"}], "/@",
+ RowBox[{"Transpose", "@",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Exout1", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"All", ",", "i"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Eyout1", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"All", ",", "i"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "}"}]}]}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"mask", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"If", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"#", "<", ".1"}], ",", "Null", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@",
+ RowBox[{"intens", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"All", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}]}]}], ";",
+ "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"alep", "=",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"AngleEllipticity", "[",
+ RowBox[{"#", ",", "ComplexAmplitude"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@",
+ RowBox[{"Transpose", "@",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Exout1", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"All", ",", "i"}], "]"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Eyout1", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"All", ",", "i"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "}"}]}]}]}], ";",
+ RowBox[{"ListLinePlot", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Transpose", "[",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"z1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"mask", " ",
+ RowBox[{"alep", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"All", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Transpose", "[",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"z1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"intens", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[",
+ RowBox[{"All", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], "}"}], "]"}]}],
+ "}"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"PlotRange", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "\[Pi]"}], "/", "2"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\[Pi]", "/", "2"}]}], "}"}]}]}], "]"}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "1", ",",
+ RowBox[{"Length", "[", "t1", "]"}], ",", "1"}], "}"}]}],
+ "]"}]}]}], "Input"]
+}, Open ]]
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