diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mathemathica_fwm')
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+ " 8 defines WignerD, so we need to unprotect it."
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+}, Open ]],
+The Hamiltonian for the system subject to the optical field.\
+\>", "MathCaption",
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+}, Open ]],
+The Hamiltonian for the system subject to the coupling field\
+\>", "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{"ReducedME", "[",
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+The level diagram showing field detunings.\
+\>", "MathCaption",
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+ "Density-matrix and field variables at one point ",
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+ "Here we find the field evolution equations with finite difference \
+approximation (first-order upwind scheme) for co-propagating beams. ",
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+ " is the the grid spacing in the spatial dimension."
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+ RowBox[{"Im", ",",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", "i"}]], "[", "t0", "]"}], "\[Equal]",
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+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{"Re", ",", "1", ",", "i"}]], "[", "t0", "]"}], "\[Equal]",
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+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{"Re", ",",
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+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}]]}], ",",
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+ RowBox[{"Im", ",", "1", ",", "i"}]], "[", "t0", "]"}], "\[Equal]",
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+ RowBox[{"Im", ",",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", "i"}]], "[", "t0", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}]}],
+ "}"}]], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Boundary conditions for co-propagating fields. Fields 1 and 3 are constant, \
+fields 2 and 4 are pulsed. The first point is 0, and the last point is n0.\
+\>", "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{"boundaryconds", "=",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]",
+ RowBox[{"Re", ",", "1", ",", "0"}]], "[", "t", "]"}], "\[Equal]",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]",
+ RowBox[{"Re", ",",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", "0"}]], "[", "t", "]"}], "\[Equal]",
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]0",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}]]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]",
+ RowBox[{"Im", ",", "1", ",", "0"}]], "[", "t", "]"}], "\[Equal]",
+ "0"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]",
+ RowBox[{"Im", ",",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", "0"}]], "[", "t", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}]}],
+ "}"}]}]], "Input",
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+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]",
+ RowBox[{"Re", ",", "1", ",", "0"}]], "[", "t", "]"}], "\[Equal]",
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]0", "1"]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]",
+ RowBox[{"Re", ",",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", "0"}]], "[", "t", "]"}], "\[Equal]",
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]0",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}]]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]",
+ RowBox[{"Im", ",", "1", ",", "0"}]], "[", "t", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}],
+ ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]",
+ RowBox[{"Im", ",",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", "0"}]], "[", "t", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "0"}]}],
+ "}"}]], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["Results", "Section"],
+Cell["Choose number of spatial points.", "MathCaption",
+ CellGroupingRules->{GroupTogetherGrouping, 10000.},
+ CellID->35853137],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"n", "=", "80"}], ";"}]], "Input"],
+Cell["All system variables for all spatial points.", "MathCaption",
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+ CellID->380000867],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"allvars", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Flatten", "@",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{"vars", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "0", ",", "n"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ";"}]], "Input"],
+Cell["Equations for all points for the co-propagating case.", "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"TableForm", "[",
+ RowBox[{"alleqs", "=",
+ RowBox[{"Join", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"DeleteCases", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Flatten", "@",
+ RowBox[{"Table", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Join", "[",
+ RowBox[{"eqs", ",", "inits", ",", "fieldeqs", ",", "initfields"}],
+ "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "0", ",", "n"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Alternatives", "@@",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"D", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"#", "[",
+ RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}], ",", "t"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]",
+ "_"}], "&"}], "/@",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"boundaryconds", "/.",
+ RowBox[{"n0", "\[Rule]", "n"}]}], ")"}]}], ")"}]}]}], "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"boundaryconds", "/.",
+ RowBox[{"n0", "\[Rule]", "n"}]}], ")"}]}], "]"}]}], "]"}],
+ ";"}]], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.53463640765625*^9, 3.534636603890625*^9}],
+ "Here we choose parameters and integrate the equations. Blue is ",
+ Cell[BoxData[
+ FormBox[
+ SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]", "-"], TraditionalForm]],
+ FormatType->"TraditionalForm"],
+ " field intensity, magenta is ",
+ Cell[BoxData[
+ FormBox[
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+ "field intensity."
+}], "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{"params", "=",
+ RowBox[{"{",
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+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]0",
+ RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "\[Rule]", "0."}], ",",
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+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]0", "1"], "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{"1.", " ", "2", "\[Pi]", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\[CapitalGamma]2", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{"1.", " ", "2", "\[Pi]", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\[CapitalGamma]3", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\[Gamma]t", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{".001", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Ec", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{"10.", " ", "2", "\[Pi]", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\[CapitalDelta]", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "100."}], " ", "2", "\[Pi]", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\[CapitalOmega]L", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{"50.", " ", "2", "\[Pi]", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"c", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{"3.", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "8"]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\[Eta]", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{"3.", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox[
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"794.7", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10",
+ RowBox[{"-", "9"}]]}], ")"}], "2"],
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "15"], ")"}],
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[Pi]", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}], ")"}], "/",
+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{"4.", "\[Pi]"}], ")"}]}]}]}], ",",
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+ RowBox[{"(",
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+ RowBox[{"-", "105."}], "+",
+ RowBox[{"10",
+ RowBox[{"i", "/", "n"}]}]}], ")"}], " ", "2", "\[Pi]", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"t0", "\[Rule]", "0"}]}], "}"}]}], ";"}], "\n",
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+ RowBox[{"NDSolve", "[",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"Evaluate", "[",
+ RowBox[{"alleqs", "/.", "params"}], "]"}], ",", "allvars", ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"t", ",", "0", ",",
+ RowBox[{"4.", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10",
+ RowBox[{"-", "6"}]]}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}],
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+ RowBox[{"(",
+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{"Re", ",",
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+ RowBox[{
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+ RowBox[{"Im", ",",
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+ RowBox[{"Re", ",", "1", ",", "i"}]], "[", "t", "]"}], "+",
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+ RowBox[{
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]",
+ RowBox[{"Im", ",", "1", ",", "i"}]], "[", "t", "]"}]}]}],
+ ")"}], "]"}], "2"]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], "/.", "params"}],
+ "]"}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"{",
+ RowBox[{"i", ",", "0", ",", "n"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "/.",
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+}, Open ]],
+Same plot with flipped magnetic field\
+\>", "MathCaption",
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+ RowBox[{"params", "=",
+ RowBox[{"{",
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+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
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+ RowBox[{"\[Gamma]t", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{".001", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"Ec", "\[Rule]",
+ RowBox[{"10.", " ", "2", "\[Pi]", " ",
+ SuperscriptBox["10", "6"]}]}], ",",
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+ RowBox[{
+ RowBox[{"-", "100."}], " ", "2", "\[Pi]", " ",
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+ CellID->16777324],
+Cell[109800, 3216, 493, 14, 33, "Input"],
+Cell[110296, 3232, 4557, 154, 72, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[114868, 3389, 341, 8, 43, "MathCaption",
+ CellGroupingRules->{GroupTogetherGrouping, 10000.},
+ CellID->100512453],
+Cell[115234, 3401, 2265, 58, 139, "Input"],
+Cell[117502, 3461, 1330, 45, 37, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[118869, 3511, 678, 19, 33, "Input"],
+Cell[119550, 3532, 553, 16, 30, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[120140, 3553, 537, 16, 31, "Input"],
+Cell[120680, 3571, 4404, 138, 83, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[125099, 3712, 152, 2, 43, "MathCaption",
+ CellGroupingRules->{GroupTogetherGrouping, 10000.},
+ CellID->135712718],
+Cell[125276, 3718, 924, 27, 31, "Input"],
+Cell[126203, 3747, 802, 25, 30, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[127020, 3775, 255, 5, 43, "MathCaption",
+ CellGroupingRules->{GroupTogetherGrouping, 10000.},
+ CellID->71091213],
+Cell[127300, 3784, 916, 27, 31, "Input"],
+Cell[128219, 3813, 797, 25, 30, "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[129065, 3844, 26, 0, 71, "Section"],
+Cell[129094, 3846, 127, 2, 43, "MathCaption",
+ CellGroupingRules->{GroupTogetherGrouping, 10000.},
+ CellID->35853137],
+Cell[129224, 3850, 68, 2, 31, "Input"],
+Cell[129295, 3854, 140, 2, 43, "MathCaption",
+ CellGroupingRules->{GroupTogetherGrouping, 10000.},
+ CellID->380000867],
+Cell[129438, 3858, 231, 7, 31, "Input"],
+Cell[129672, 3867, 149, 2, 43, "MathCaption",
+ CellGroupingRules->{GroupTogetherGrouping, 10000.},
+ CellID->129539961],
+Cell[129824, 3871, 1171, 33, 72, "Input"],
+Cell[130998, 3906, 458, 14, 43, "MathCaption",
+ CellGroupingRules->{GroupTogetherGrouping, 10000.},
+ CellID->40567123],
+Cell[131481, 3924, 4644, 129, 143, "Input"],
+Cell[136128, 4055, 3033, 59, 234, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[139176, 4117, 141, 4, 43, "MathCaption",
+ CellGroupingRules->{GroupTogetherGrouping, 10000.},
+ CellID->264338212],
+Cell[139342, 4125, 4667, 130, 143, "Input"],
+Cell[144012, 4257, 3004, 58, 235, "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]]
+(* End of internal cache information *)