diff options
authorEugeniy Mikhailov <>2012-08-21 16:44:37 -0400
committerEugeniy Mikhailov <>2012-08-21 16:44:37 -0400
commite1d512ed3a302d2afaefeba73ac2596a50ad93f4 (patch)
parent777d076eff48df02f8a8588b989c296dea9ef9dc (diff)
changed some substitution to better match our XMDS
6 files changed, 6998 insertions, 500 deletions
diff --git a/mathemathica_fwm/RbXMDSSetup.nb b/mathemathica_fwm/RbXMDSSetup.nb
index a8b7155..5be9fee 100755
--- a/mathemathica_fwm/RbXMDSSetup.nb
+++ b/mathemathica_fwm/RbXMDSSetup.nb
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
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@@ -168,7 +174,9 @@ Cell[BoxData[
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+ "}"}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.554569235990839*^9, 3.554570586963279*^9,
+ 3.554570646430884*^9}]
}, Open ]],
@@ -13592,7 +19330,9 @@ Cell[BoxData[
RowBox[{"0", ",", "2", ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",",
RowBox[{"1", ",", "1", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}]], "[", "t", "]"}],
- "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output"]
+ "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.554569236773899*^9, 3.554570587858582*^9,
+ 3.55457064718746*^9}]
}, Open ]],
@@ -13644,7 +19384,9 @@ Cell[BoxData[
RowBox[{"0.005434728849851996`", " ",
RowBox[{"NaturalWidth", "[", "1", "]"}]}],
- RowBox[{"Energy", "[", "1", "]"}], "2"]]], "Output"]
+ RowBox[{"Energy", "[", "1", "]"}], "2"]]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.554569236930736*^9, 3.554570587946757*^9,
+ 3.554570647232768*^9}]
}, Open ]],
@@ -13666,7 +19408,9 @@ Cell[BoxData[
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RowBox[{"1", ",", "1", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}]], "[", "t", "]"}],
- "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}],
- SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]", "2"]]}], ",",
- FractionBox[
+ "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{
+ FractionBox["1",
+ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]", "2"]],
RowBox[{"250.3067882057648`", " ",
@@ -13792,8 +19537,9 @@ Cell[BoxData[
RowBox[{"0", ",", "2", ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",",
RowBox[{"1", ",", "1", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}]], "[", "t", "]"}],
- "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}],
- SubscriptBox["\[CapitalOmega]", "2"]]}], "}"}]], "Output"]
+ "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.55456923715149*^9, 3.554570588024865*^9,
+ 3.554570647273362*^9}]
}, Open ]]
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@@ -13886,86 +19632,90 @@ Cell[BoxData[{
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+ PlotRangePadding->{Automatic, Automatic}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.5545692392228*^9, 3.55457059027492*^9,
+ 3.554570649603673*^9}],
GraphicsBox[{{}, {},
{Hue[0.67, 0.6, 0.6], LineBox[CompressedData["
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+ PlotRangePadding->{Automatic, Automatic}]], "Output",
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+ 3.554570649616191*^9}]
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}, Open ]],
@@ -14052,15 +19802,22 @@ Cell[BoxData[
RowBox[{"hb", "[", "2", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "7.85178251911697`*^7"}], ",",
RowBox[{"g", "[", "2", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "3.8117309832741246`*^7"}]}],
- "}"}]], "Output"],
+ "}"}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.554569239338414*^9, 3.554570590470957*^9,
+ 3.554570649731472*^9}],
Cell[BoxData["\<\"ha0 = 2.1471788680034824e10;\\nha1 = \
2.558764384495815e9;\\ng1 = 3.612847284945266e7;\\nha2 = 5.323020344462938e8;\
-\\nhb2 = 7.85178251911697e7;\\ng2 = 3.8117309832741246e7;\\n\"\>"], "Output"]
+\\nhb2 = 7.85178251911697e7;\\ng2 = 3.8117309832741246e7;\\n\"\>"], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.554569239338414*^9, 3.554570590470957*^9,
+ 3.554570649796009*^9}]
}, Open ]],
Cell["Convert equations to C form", "Text"],
+Cell[BoxData[""], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.554568964254851*^9, 3.554568970665412*^9}}],
@@ -14131,7 +19888,9 @@ Cell[BoxData[
RowBox[{"-", "1"}]}], "}"}], ",",
RowBox[{"2", ",", "2", ",",
- RowBox[{"-", "2"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output"],
+ RowBox[{"-", "2"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.55456923939103*^9, 3.55457059056514*^9,
+ 3.55457064995498*^9}],
@@ -14190,7 +19949,9 @@ Cell[BoxData[
RowBox[{"2", ",", "2", ",",
RowBox[{"-", "2"}]}], "}"}], "\[Rule]", "\<\"16\"\>"}]}],
- "}"}]], "Output"]
+ "}"}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.55456923939103*^9, 3.55457059056514*^9,
+ 3.554570649957038*^9}]
}, Open ]],
@@ -14344,17 +20105,21 @@ Cell[BoxData[{
RowBox[{"\"\<g\>\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",",
RowBox[{"\"\<W(\>\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}], "\[RuleDelayed]",
- RowBox[{"\"\<E\>\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\"\<E\>\"", "<>", "a", "<>", "\"\<a\>\""}]}], ",",
RowBox[{"\"\<Wc(\>\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}],
- RowBox[{"\"\<Ec\>\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\"\<E\>\"", "<>", "a", "<>", "\"\<ac\>\""}]}], ",",
RowBox[{"\"\<d(\>\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}], "\[RuleDelayed]",
- RowBox[{"\"\<d\>\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",",
+ RowBox[{"\"\<delta\>\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",",
RowBox[{"\"\<k(\>\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}], "\[RuleDelayed]",
- RowBox[{"\"\<k\>\"", "<>", "a"}]}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "Input"],
+ RowBox[{"\"\<Kvec\>\"", "<>", "a"}]}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "Input",
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.55456914848632*^9, 3.554569164767181*^9},
+ 3.554569287340058*^9, {3.554569321671209*^9, 3.554569324047068*^9}, {
+ 3.554569429250296*^9, 3.554569499438798*^9}, {3.554569642022385*^9,
+ 3.554569642695839*^9}}],
@@ -16009,87 +21774,97 @@ Cell[BoxData[
RowBox[{"r", "[",
RowBox[{"\<\"16\"\>", ",", "\<\"04\"\>"}], "]"}], " ",
RowBox[{"Wc", "[", "4", "]"}]}],
- RowBox[{"4", " ", "rt6"}]]}], ")"}]}]}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output"],
+ RowBox[{"4", " ", "rt6"}]]}], ")"}]}]}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output",
+ CellChangeTimes->{3.554569170819231*^9, 3.554569248122409*^9,
+ 3.554569293506631*^9, 3.554569324777101*^9, 3.554569450471414*^9,
+ 3.554569500532859*^9, 3.554569643540884*^9, 3.554570590676364*^9,
+ 3.554570650112442*^9}],
Cell[BoxData["\<\"rt6 = 2.449489742783178;\\nrt3 = 1.7320508075688772;\\nrt2 \
= 1.4142135623730951;\\ndr0101_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0101 + (g1*r0909)/2. + \
-(g2*r1313)/6. - i*((r0113*E4)/(4.*rt6) - (r1301*Ec4)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0113_dt = \
-(-(gt*r0113) - (gt + g2)*r0113)/2. - i*(WL*r0113 - ((2*WL)/3. - d1 + d2 - d3 \
-- v*k1 + v*k2 - v*k3)*r0113 + (r0101*Ec4)/(4.*rt6) - \
-(r1313*Ec4)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0202_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0202 + (g1*r0909)/4. + \
-(g1*r1010)/4. + (g2*r1313)/12. + (g2*r1414)/4. - i*((r0214*E4)/8. - \
-(r1402*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr0214_dt = (-(gt*r0214) - (gt + g2)*r0214)/2. - \
-i*((WL*r0214)/2. - (-d1 + d2 - d3 - v*k1 + v*k2 - v*k3)*r0214 - \
-(r0206*Ec3)/(8.*rt3) + (r0202*Ec4)/8. - (r1414*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr0303_dt = gt/8. \
-- gt*r0303 + (g1*r0909)/12. + (g1*r1010)/3. + (g1*r1111)/12. + (g2*r1313)/4. \
-+ (g2*r1515)/4. - i*((r0309*E1)/(4.*rt6) + (r0315*E4)/8. - \
-(r0903*Ec1)/(4.*rt6) - (r1503*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr0309_dt = (-(gt*r0309) - (gt + \
-g1)*r0309)/2. - i*(-((-WL/6. - d1 - v*k1)*r0309) + (r0303*Ec1)/(4.*rt6) - \
-(r0909*Ec1)/(4.*rt6) - (r0307*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) - (r1509*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr0315_dt = \
-(-(gt*r0315) - (gt + g2)*r0315)/2. - i*(-(((-2*WL)/3. - d1 + d2 - d3 - v*k1 + \
-v*k2 - v*k3)*r0315) - (r0915*Ec1)/(4.*rt6) - (r0307*Ec3)/8. + (r0303*Ec4)/8. \
-- (r1515*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr0404_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0404 + (g1*r1010)/4. + \
-(g1*r1111)/4. + (g2*r1414)/4. + (g2*r1515)/12. + (g2*r1616)/6. - \
-i*((r0410*E1)/(4.*rt2) + (r0416*E4)/(4.*rt6) - (r1004*Ec1)/(4.*rt2) - \
-(r1604*Ec4)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0410_dt = (-(gt*r0410) - (gt + g1)*r0410)/2. - \
-i*(-(WL*r0410)/2. + (d1 + v*k1)*r0410 + (r0404*Ec1)/(4.*rt2) - \
-(r1010*Ec1)/(4.*rt2) - (r0408*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) - \
-(r1610*Ec4)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0416_dt = (-(gt*r0416) - (gt + g2)*r0416)/2. - \
-i*(-(WL*r0416)/2. - ((-4*WL)/3. - d1 + d2 - d3 - v*k1 + v*k2 - v*k3)*r0416 - \
-(r1016*Ec1)/(4.*rt2) - (r0408*Ec3)/(4.*rt2) + (r0404*Ec4)/(4.*rt6) - \
-(r1616*Ec4)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0505_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0505 + (g1*r1111)/2. + \
-(g2*r1515)/6. + (g2*r1616)/3. - i*((r0511*E1)/4. - \
-(r1105*Ec1)/4.);\\ndr0511_dt = (-(gt*r0511) - (gt + g1)*r0511)/2. - \
-i*(-(WL*r0511) - (WL/6. - d1 - v*k1)*r0511 + (r0505*Ec1)/4. - \
-(r1111*Ec1)/4.);\\ndr0602_dt = -(gt*r0602) - i*(-(WL*r0602)/2. + (-WL/2. - d1 \
-+ d2 - v*k1 + v*k2)*r0602 + (r0614*E4)/8. + \
-(r1402*Ec3)/(8.*rt3));\\ndr0606_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0606 + (g1*r0909)/12. + \
-(g1*r1010)/12. + (g2*r1313)/4. + (g2*r1414)/12. - i*(-(r0614*E3)/(8.*rt3) + \
-(r1406*Ec3)/(8.*rt3));\\ndr0614_dt = (-(gt*r0614) - (gt + g2)*r0614)/2. - \
-i*((-WL/2. - d1 + d2 - v*k1 + v*k2)*r0614 - (-d1 + d2 - d3 - v*k1 + v*k2 - \
-v*k3)*r0614 - (r0606*Ec3)/(8.*rt3) + (r1414*Ec3)/(8.*rt3) + \
-(r0602*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr0703_dt = -(gt*r0703) - i*((-d1 + d2 - v*k1 + \
-v*k2)*r0703 + (r0709*E1)/(4.*rt6) + (r0715*E4)/8. + (r0903*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) + \
-(r1503*Ec3)/8.);\\ndr0707_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0707 + (g1*r0909)/12. + \
-(g1*r1111)/12. + (g2*r1313)/4. + (g2*r1414)/3. + (g2*r1515)/4. - \
-i*(-(r0709*E2)/(4.*rt6) - (r0715*E3)/8. + (r0907*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) + \
-(r1507*Ec3)/8.);\\ndr0709_dt = (-(gt*r0709) - (gt + g1)*r0709)/2. - \
-i*(-((-WL/6. - d1 - v*k1)*r0709) + (-d1 + d2 - v*k1 + v*k2)*r0709 + \
-(r0703*Ec1)/(4.*rt6) - (r0707*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) + (r0909*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) + \
-(r1509*Ec3)/8.);\\ndr0715_dt = (-(gt*r0715) - (gt + g2)*r0715)/2. - i*((-d1 + \
-d2 - v*k1 + v*k2)*r0715 - ((-2*WL)/3. - d1 + d2 - d3 - v*k1 + v*k2 - \
-v*k3)*r0715 + (r0915*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) - (r0707*Ec3)/8. + (r1515*Ec3)/8. + \
-(r0703*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr0804_dt = -(gt*r0804) - i*((WL*r0804)/2. + (WL/2. - d1 + \
-d2 - v*k1 + v*k2)*r0804 + (r0810*E1)/(4.*rt2) + (r0816*E4)/(4.*rt6) + \
-(r1004*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) + (r1604*Ec3)/(4.*rt2));\\ndr0808_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0808 \
-+ (g1*r1010)/12. + (g1*r1111)/12. + (g2*r1414)/12. + (g2*r1515)/4. + \
-(g2*r1616)/2. - i*(-(r0810*E2)/(4.*rt6) - (r0816*E3)/(4.*rt2) + \
-(r1008*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) + (r1608*Ec3)/(4.*rt2));\\ndr0810_dt = (-(gt*r0810) - \
-(gt + g1)*r0810)/2. - i*((d1 + v*k1)*r0810 + (WL/2. - d1 + d2 - v*k1 + \
-v*k2)*r0810 + (r0804*Ec1)/(4.*rt2) - (r0808*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) + \
-(r1010*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) + (r1610*Ec3)/(4.*rt2));\\ndr0816_dt = (-(gt*r0816) - \
-(gt + g2)*r0816)/2. - i*((WL/2. - d1 + d2 - v*k1 + v*k2)*r0816 - ((-4*WL)/3. \
-- d1 + d2 - d3 - v*k1 + v*k2 - v*k3)*r0816 + (r1016*Ec2)/(4.*rt6) - \
-(r0808*Ec3)/(4.*rt2) + (r1616*Ec3)/(4.*rt2) + \
-(r0804*Ec4)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0909_dt = -((gt + g1)*r0909) - \
-i*(-(r0309*E1)/(4.*rt6) + (r0709*E2)/(4.*rt6) + (r0903*Ec1)/(4.*rt6) - \
-(r0907*Ec2)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0915_dt = (-((gt + g1)*r0915) - (gt + \
-g2)*r0915)/2. - i*((-WL/6. - d1 - v*k1)*r0915 - ((-2*WL)/3. - d1 + d2 - d3 - \
-v*k1 + v*k2 - v*k3)*r0915 - (r0315*E1)/(4.*rt6) + (r0715*E2)/(4.*rt6) - \
-(r0907*Ec3)/8. + (r0903*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr1010_dt = -((gt + g1)*r1010) - \
-i*(-(r0410*E1)/(4.*rt2) + (r0810*E2)/(4.*rt6) + (r1004*Ec1)/(4.*rt2) - \
-(r1008*Ec2)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr1016_dt = (-((gt + g1)*r1016) - (gt + \
-g2)*r1016)/2. - i*(-((d1 + v*k1)*r1016) - ((-4*WL)/3. - d1 + d2 - d3 - v*k1 + \
-v*k2 - v*k3)*r1016 - (r0416*E1)/(4.*rt2) + (r0816*E2)/(4.*rt6) - \
-(r1008*Ec3)/(4.*rt2) + (r1004*Ec4)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr1111_dt = -((gt + \
-g1)*r1111) - i*(-(r0511*E1)/4. + (r1105*Ec1)/4.);\\ndr1313_dt = -((gt + \
-g2)*r1313) - i*(-(r0113*E4)/(4.*rt6) + (r1301*Ec4)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr1414_dt = \
--((gt + g2)*r1414) - i*((r0614*E3)/(8.*rt3) - (r0214*E4)/8. - \
-(r1406*Ec3)/(8.*rt3) + (r1402*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr1515_dt = -((gt + g2)*r1515) - \
-i*((r0715*E3)/8. - (r0315*E4)/8. - (r1507*Ec3)/8. + \
-(r1503*Ec4)/8.);\\ndr1616_dt = -((gt + g2)*r1616) - i*((r0816*E3)/(4.*rt2) - \
-(r0416*E4)/(4.*rt6) - (r1608*Ec3)/(4.*rt2) + (r1604*Ec4)/(4.*rt6));\\n\"\>"], \
+(g2*r1313)/6. - i*((r0113*E4a)/(4.*rt6) - (r1301*E4ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0113_dt \
+= (-(gt*r0113) - (gt + g2)*r0113)/2. - i*(WL*r0113 - ((2*WL)/3. - delta1 + \
+delta2 - delta3 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2 - v*Kvec3)*r0113 + (r0101*E4ac)/(4.*rt6) \
+- (r1313*E4ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0202_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0202 + (g1*r0909)/4. + \
+(g1*r1010)/4. + (g2*r1313)/12. + (g2*r1414)/4. - i*((r0214*E4a)/8. - \
+(r1402*E4ac)/8.);\\ndr0214_dt = (-(gt*r0214) - (gt + g2)*r0214)/2. - \
+i*((WL*r0214)/2. - (-delta1 + delta2 - delta3 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2 - \
+v*Kvec3)*r0214 - (r0206*E3ac)/(8.*rt3) + (r0202*E4ac)/8. - \
+(r1414*E4ac)/8.);\\ndr0303_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0303 + (g1*r0909)/12. + \
+(g1*r1010)/3. + (g1*r1111)/12. + (g2*r1313)/4. + (g2*r1515)/4. - \
+i*((r0309*E1a)/(4.*rt6) + (r0315*E4a)/8. - (r0903*E1ac)/(4.*rt6) - \
+(r1503*E4ac)/8.);\\ndr0309_dt = (-(gt*r0309) - (gt + g1)*r0309)/2. - \
+i*(-((-WL/6. - delta1 - v*Kvec1)*r0309) + (r0303*E1ac)/(4.*rt6) - \
+(r0909*E1ac)/(4.*rt6) - (r0307*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) - (r1509*E4ac)/8.);\\ndr0315_dt \
+= (-(gt*r0315) - (gt + g2)*r0315)/2. - i*(-(((-2*WL)/3. - delta1 + delta2 - \
+delta3 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2 - v*Kvec3)*r0315) - (r0915*E1ac)/(4.*rt6) - \
+(r0307*E3ac)/8. + (r0303*E4ac)/8. - (r1515*E4ac)/8.);\\ndr0404_dt = gt/8. - \
+gt*r0404 + (g1*r1010)/4. + (g1*r1111)/4. + (g2*r1414)/4. + (g2*r1515)/12. + \
+(g2*r1616)/6. - i*((r0410*E1a)/(4.*rt2) + (r0416*E4a)/(4.*rt6) - \
+(r1004*E1ac)/(4.*rt2) - (r1604*E4ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0410_dt = (-(gt*r0410) - \
+(gt + g1)*r0410)/2. - i*(-(WL*r0410)/2. + (delta1 + v*Kvec1)*r0410 + \
+(r0404*E1ac)/(4.*rt2) - (r1010*E1ac)/(4.*rt2) - (r0408*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) - \
+(r1610*E4ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0416_dt = (-(gt*r0416) - (gt + g2)*r0416)/2. - \
+i*(-(WL*r0416)/2. - ((-4*WL)/3. - delta1 + delta2 - delta3 - v*Kvec1 + \
+v*Kvec2 - v*Kvec3)*r0416 - (r1016*E1ac)/(4.*rt2) - (r0408*E3ac)/(4.*rt2) + \
+(r0404*E4ac)/(4.*rt6) - (r1616*E4ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0505_dt = gt/8. - \
+gt*r0505 + (g1*r1111)/2. + (g2*r1515)/6. + (g2*r1616)/3. - i*((r0511*E1a)/4. \
+- (r1105*E1ac)/4.);\\ndr0511_dt = (-(gt*r0511) - (gt + g1)*r0511)/2. - \
+i*(-(WL*r0511) - (WL/6. - delta1 - v*Kvec1)*r0511 + (r0505*E1ac)/4. - \
+(r1111*E1ac)/4.);\\ndr0602_dt = -(gt*r0602) - i*(-(WL*r0602)/2. + (-WL/2. - \
+delta1 + delta2 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2)*r0602 + (r0614*E4a)/8. + \
+(r1402*E3ac)/(8.*rt3));\\ndr0606_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0606 + (g1*r0909)/12. + \
+(g1*r1010)/12. + (g2*r1313)/4. + (g2*r1414)/12. - i*(-(r0614*E3a)/(8.*rt3) + \
+(r1406*E3ac)/(8.*rt3));\\ndr0614_dt = (-(gt*r0614) - (gt + g2)*r0614)/2. - \
+i*((-WL/2. - delta1 + delta2 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2)*r0614 - (-delta1 + delta2 - \
+delta3 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2 - v*Kvec3)*r0614 - (r0606*E3ac)/(8.*rt3) + \
+(r1414*E3ac)/(8.*rt3) + (r0602*E4ac)/8.);\\ndr0703_dt = -(gt*r0703) - \
+i*((-delta1 + delta2 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2)*r0703 + (r0709*E1a)/(4.*rt6) + \
+(r0715*E4a)/8. + (r0903*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) + (r1503*E3ac)/8.);\\ndr0707_dt = \
+gt/8. - gt*r0707 + (g1*r0909)/12. + (g1*r1111)/12. + (g2*r1313)/4. + \
+(g2*r1414)/3. + (g2*r1515)/4. - i*(-(r0709*E2a)/(4.*rt6) - (r0715*E3a)/8. + \
+(r0907*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) + (r1507*E3ac)/8.);\\ndr0709_dt = (-(gt*r0709) - (gt + \
+g1)*r0709)/2. - i*(-((-WL/6. - delta1 - v*Kvec1)*r0709) + (-delta1 + delta2 - \
+v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2)*r0709 + (r0703*E1ac)/(4.*rt6) - (r0707*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) + \
+(r0909*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) + (r1509*E3ac)/8.);\\ndr0715_dt = (-(gt*r0715) - (gt + \
+g2)*r0715)/2. - i*((-delta1 + delta2 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2)*r0715 - ((-2*WL)/3. \
+- delta1 + delta2 - delta3 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2 - v*Kvec3)*r0715 + \
+(r0915*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) - (r0707*E3ac)/8. + (r1515*E3ac)/8. + (r0703*E4ac)/8.);\
+\\ndr0804_dt = -(gt*r0804) - i*((WL*r0804)/2. + (WL/2. - delta1 + delta2 - \
+v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2)*r0804 + (r0810*E1a)/(4.*rt2) + (r0816*E4a)/(4.*rt6) + \
+(r1004*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) + (r1604*E3ac)/(4.*rt2));\\ndr0808_dt = gt/8. - \
+gt*r0808 + (g1*r1010)/12. + (g1*r1111)/12. + (g2*r1414)/12. + (g2*r1515)/4. + \
+(g2*r1616)/2. - i*(-(r0810*E2a)/(4.*rt6) - (r0816*E3a)/(4.*rt2) + \
+(r1008*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) + (r1608*E3ac)/(4.*rt2));\\ndr0810_dt = (-(gt*r0810) - \
+(gt + g1)*r0810)/2. - i*((delta1 + v*Kvec1)*r0810 + (WL/2. - delta1 + delta2 \
+- v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2)*r0810 + (r0804*E1ac)/(4.*rt2) - (r0808*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) + \
+(r1010*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) + (r1610*E3ac)/(4.*rt2));\\ndr0816_dt = (-(gt*r0816) - \
+(gt + g2)*r0816)/2. - i*((WL/2. - delta1 + delta2 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2)*r0816 \
+- ((-4*WL)/3. - delta1 + delta2 - delta3 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2 - v*Kvec3)*r0816 \
++ (r1016*E2ac)/(4.*rt6) - (r0808*E3ac)/(4.*rt2) + (r1616*E3ac)/(4.*rt2) + \
+(r0804*E4ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0909_dt = -((gt + g1)*r0909) - \
+i*(-(r0309*E1a)/(4.*rt6) + (r0709*E2a)/(4.*rt6) + (r0903*E1ac)/(4.*rt6) - \
+(r0907*E2ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr0915_dt = (-((gt + g1)*r0915) - (gt + \
+g2)*r0915)/2. - i*((-WL/6. - delta1 - v*Kvec1)*r0915 - ((-2*WL)/3. - delta1 + \
+delta2 - delta3 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2 - v*Kvec3)*r0915 - (r0315*E1a)/(4.*rt6) + \
+(r0715*E2a)/(4.*rt6) - (r0907*E3ac)/8. + (r0903*E4ac)/8.);\\ndr1010_dt = \
+-((gt + g1)*r1010) - i*(-(r0410*E1a)/(4.*rt2) + (r0810*E2a)/(4.*rt6) + \
+(r1004*E1ac)/(4.*rt2) - (r1008*E2ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr1016_dt = (-((gt + \
+g1)*r1016) - (gt + g2)*r1016)/2. - i*(-((delta1 + v*Kvec1)*r1016) - \
+((-4*WL)/3. - delta1 + delta2 - delta3 - v*Kvec1 + v*Kvec2 - v*Kvec3)*r1016 - \
+(r0416*E1a)/(4.*rt2) + (r0816*E2a)/(4.*rt6) - (r1008*E3ac)/(4.*rt2) + \
+(r1004*E4ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr1111_dt = -((gt + g1)*r1111) - i*(-(r0511*E1a)/4. \
++ (r1105*E1ac)/4.);\\ndr1313_dt = -((gt + g2)*r1313) - \
+i*(-(r0113*E4a)/(4.*rt6) + (r1301*E4ac)/(4.*rt6));\\ndr1414_dt = -((gt + \
+g2)*r1414) - i*((r0614*E3a)/(8.*rt3) - (r0214*E4a)/8. - (r1406*E3ac)/(8.*rt3) \
++ (r1402*E4ac)/8.);\\ndr1515_dt = -((gt + g2)*r1515) - i*((r0715*E3a)/8. - \
+(r0315*E4a)/8. - (r1507*E3ac)/8. + (r1503*E4ac)/8.);\\ndr1616_dt = -((gt + \
+g2)*r1616) - i*((r0816*E3a)/(4.*rt2) - (r0416*E4a)/(4.*rt6) - \
+(r1608*E3ac)/(4.*rt2) + (r1604*E4ac)/(4.*rt6));\\n\"\>"], "Output",
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- "}"}]], "Output"],
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-0;\\nr1610 = 0;\\nr1616 = 0;\\n\"\>"], "Output"]
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+0;\\ncomplex r0404 = 0.125;\\ncomplex r0408 = 0;\\ncomplex r0410 = \
+0;\\ncomplex r0416 = 0;\\ncomplex r0505 = 0.125;\\ncomplex r0511 = \
+0;\\ncomplex r0602 = 0;\\ncomplex r0606 = 0.125;\\ncomplex r0614 = \
+0;\\ncomplex r0703 = 0;\\ncomplex r0707 = 0.125;\\ncomplex r0709 = \
+0;\\ncomplex r0715 = 0;\\ncomplex r0804 = 0;\\ncomplex r0808 = \
+0.125;\\ncomplex r0810 = 0;\\ncomplex r0816 = 0;\\ncomplex r0903 = \
+0;\\ncomplex r0907 = 0;\\ncomplex r0909 = 0;\\ncomplex r0915 = 0;\\ncomplex \
+r1004 = 0;\\ncomplex r1008 = 0;\\ncomplex r1010 = 0;\\ncomplex r1016 = \
+0;\\ncomplex r1105 = 0;\\ncomplex r1111 = 0;\\ncomplex r1301 = 0;\\ncomplex \
+r1313 = 0;\\ncomplex r1402 = 0;\\ncomplex r1406 = 0;\\ncomplex r1414 = \
+0;\\ncomplex r1503 = 0;\\ncomplex r1507 = 0;\\ncomplex r1509 = 0;\\ncomplex \
+r1515 = 0;\\ncomplex r1604 = 0;\\ncomplex r1608 = 0;\\ncomplex r1610 = \
+0;\\ncomplex r1616 = 0;\\n\"\>"], "Output",
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@@ -16441,8 +22229,10 @@ Cell[BoxData[
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"]"}], ",", "%"}], "]"}]], "Input"],
-mathemathica_fwm\\\\RbInits.txt\"\>"], "Output"]
+txt\"\>"], "Output",
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RowBox[{"M", "\[Rule]",
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RowBox[{"2", ",", "2", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}]], "[", "t", "]"}]}]}]}],
- "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output"]
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RowBox[{"0", ",", "2", ",", "2"}], "}"}], ",",
RowBox[{"2", ",", "2", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}]], "[", "t", "]"}]}]}],
- ")"}]}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output"]
+ ")"}]}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output",
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}, Open ]],
@@ -17630,7 +23424,8 @@ Cell[BoxData[
RowBox[{"2.449489742783178`", " ",
RowBox[{"r", "[",
RowBox[{"\<\"04\"\>", ",", "\<\"16\"\>"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}],
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+ "}"}]], "Output",
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Cell[BoxData["\<\"dW(1) == 0.16666666666666666*eta(1)*(2.449489742783178*r(\\\
\"03\\\",\\\"09\\\") + 4.242640687119286*r(\\\"04\\\",\\\"10\\\") + \
@@ -17641,24 +23436,27 @@ r(\\\"08\\\",\\\"10\\\")) - Lt[E2];\\ndW(3) == \
3.*r(\\\"07\\\",\\\"15\\\") + 4.242640687119286*r(\\\"08\\\",\\\"16\\\")) - \
Lt[E3];\\ndW(4) == (4*eta(2)*(2.449489742783178*r(\\\"01\\\",\\\"13\\\") + \
3*r(\\\"02\\\",\\\"14\\\") + 3*r(\\\"03\\\",\\\"15\\\") + \
-2.449489742783178*r(\\\"04\\\",\\\"16\\\")))/3. - Lt[E4];\\n\"\>"], "Output"],
+2.449489742783178*r(\\\"04\\\",\\\"16\\\")))/3. - Lt[E4];\\n\"\>"], "Output",
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+ 4.242640687119286*r0410 + 6.*r0511) - Lt[E1];\\ndE2_dz = \
-0.8164965809277261*eta1*(r0709 + r0810) - Lt[E2];\\ndE3_dz = \
-1.*eta2*(1.7320508075688772*r0614 + 3.*r0715 + 4.242640687119286*r0816) - \
Lt[E3];\\ndE4_dz = (4*eta2*(2.449489742783178*r0113 + 3*r0214 + 3*r0315 + \
-2.449489742783178*r0416))/3. - Lt[E4];\\n\"\>"], "Output"],
+2.449489742783178*r0416))/3. - Lt[E4];\\n\"\>"], "Output",
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-mathemathica_fwm\\\\RbPropEquations.txt\"\>"], "Output"]
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-Cell[252390, 7211, 4464, 129, 126, "Output"]
+Cell[254050, 7246, 197, 5, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[254250, 7253, 4570, 131, 123, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[256869, 7343, 232, 4, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[258835, 7387, 232, 4, 49, "Text"],
-Cell[257126, 7351, 1661, 45, 119, "Input"],
-Cell[258790, 7398, 891, 21, 50, "Output"]
+Cell[259092, 7395, 1661, 45, 147, "Input"],
+Cell[260756, 7442, 980, 23, 69, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[259696, 7422, 519, 13, 49, "Text"],
-Cell[260218, 7437, 1771, 45, 98, "Input"],
-Cell[261992, 7484, 105, 3, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[261751, 7468, 519, 13, 49, "Text"],
+Cell[262273, 7483, 1771, 45, 118, "Input"],
+Cell[264047, 7530, 105, 3, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[262122, 7491, 213, 6, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[262338, 7499, 7417, 209, 202, "Output"]
+Cell[264177, 7537, 213, 6, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[264393, 7545, 7506, 211, 278, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[269770, 7711, 93, 2, 29, "Text"],
-Cell[269866, 7715, 187, 6, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[270056, 7723, 80, 2, 29, "Text"],
-Cell[270139, 7727, 216, 8, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[270358, 7737, 88, 2, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[271914, 7759, 93, 2, 30, "Text"],
+Cell[272010, 7763, 187, 6, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[272200, 7771, 80, 2, 30, "Text"],
+Cell[272283, 7775, 216, 8, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[272502, 7785, 88, 2, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[270471, 7743, 163, 5, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[270637, 7750, 11989, 385, 152, "Output"]
+Cell[272615, 7791, 163, 5, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[272781, 7798, 12078, 387, 231, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[282641, 8138, 85, 2, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[284874, 8188, 85, 2, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[282751, 8144, 190, 6, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[282944, 8152, 4464, 129, 126, "Output"]
+Cell[284984, 8194, 190, 6, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[285177, 8202, 216154, 5813, 1766, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[287423, 8284, 71, 2, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[501346, 14018, 71, 2, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[287519, 8290, 290, 8, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[287812, 8300, 14287, 488, 277, "Output"]
+Cell[501442, 14024, 290, 8, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[501735, 14034, 14374, 490, 365, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[302114, 8791, 297, 8, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[516124, 14527, 297, 8, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[302436, 8803, 534, 18, 33, "Input"],
-Cell[302973, 8823, 154837, 4560, 3394, "Output"]
+Cell[516446, 14539, 534, 18, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[516983, 14559, 154926, 4562, 4885, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[457825, 13386, 1289, 34, 82, "Text"],
+Cell[671924, 19124, 1289, 34, 102, "Text"],
-Cell[459139, 13424, 869, 26, 52, "Input"],
-Cell[460011, 13452, 4579, 142, 141, "Output"]
+Cell[673238, 19162, 869, 26, 50, "Input"],
+Cell[674110, 19190, 4667, 144, 144, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[464605, 13597, 130, 3, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[678792, 19337, 130, 3, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[464760, 13604, 1227, 35, 52, "Input"],
-Cell[465990, 13641, 189, 5, 49, "Output"]
+Cell[678947, 19344, 1227, 35, 50, "Input"],
+Cell[680177, 19381, 278, 7, 50, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[466194, 13649, 154, 3, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[680470, 19391, 154, 3, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[466373, 13656, 171, 6, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[466547, 13664, 4286, 131, 125, "Output"]
+Cell[680649, 19398, 171, 6, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[680823, 19406, 4417, 135, 142, "Output"]
}, Open ]]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[470882, 13801, 44, 0, 71, "Section"],
-Cell[470929, 13803, 253, 6, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[471185, 13811, 262, 5, 47, "Text"],
+Cell[685289, 19547, 44, 0, 74, "Section"],
+Cell[685336, 19549, 253, 6, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[685592, 19557, 262, 5, 49, "Text"],
-Cell[471472, 13820, 2135, 63, 112, "Input"],
-Cell[473610, 13885, 1997, 37, 230, "Output"],
-Cell[475610, 13924, 2364, 43, 232, "Output"]
+Cell[685879, 19566, 2135, 63, 107, "Input"],
+Cell[688017, 19631, 2090, 39, 225, "Output"],
+Cell[690110, 19672, 2450, 45, 228, "Output"]
}, Open ]]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[478023, 13973, 49, 0, 71, "Section"],
+Cell[692609, 19723, 49, 0, 74, "Section"],
-Cell[478097, 13977, 2204, 59, 112, "Input"],
-Cell[480304, 14038, 612, 16, 33, "Output"],
-Cell[480919, 14056, 213, 2, 145, "Output"]
+Cell[692683, 19727, 2204, 59, 130, "Input"],
+Cell[694890, 19788, 701, 18, 55, "Output"],
+Cell[695594, 19808, 302, 4, 145, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[481147, 14061, 43, 0, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[695911, 19815, 43, 0, 30, "Text"],
+Cell[695957, 19817, 92, 1, 30, "Input"],
-Cell[481215, 14065, 884, 26, 52, "Input"],
-Cell[482102, 14093, 1283, 40, 50, "Output"],
-Cell[483388, 14135, 1948, 57, 50, "Output"]
+Cell[696074, 19822, 884, 26, 69, "Input"],
+Cell[696961, 19850, 1369, 42, 50, "Output"],
+Cell[698333, 19894, 2035, 59, 69, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[485373, 14197, 5876, 159, 205, "Input"],
-Cell[491252, 14358, 58538, 1653, 1720, "Output"],
-Cell[549793, 16013, 5569, 78, 1057, "Output"]
+Cell[700405, 19958, 6158, 163, 243, "Input"],
+Cell[706566, 20123, 58765, 1657, 2381, "Output"],
+Cell[765334, 21782, 6258, 84, 1494, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[555399, 16096, 215, 6, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[555617, 16104, 120, 1, 30, "Output"]
+Cell[771629, 21871, 215, 6, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[771847, 21879, 214, 3, 30, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[555752, 16108, 61, 2, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[772076, 21885, 61, 2, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[555838, 16114, 5367, 145, 203, "Input"],
-Cell[561208, 16261, 5875, 158, 164, "Output"],
-Cell[567086, 16421, 722, 9, 962, "Output"]
+Cell[772162, 21891, 5440, 146, 233, "Input"],
+Cell[777605, 22039, 5964, 160, 222, "Output"],
+Cell[783572, 22201, 1215, 17, 962, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[567845, 16435, 210, 6, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[568058, 16443, 116, 1, 30, "Output"]
+Cell[784824, 22223, 210, 6, 30, "Input"],
+Cell[785037, 22231, 189, 3, 30, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[568189, 16447, 63, 2, 29, "Text"],
-Cell[568255, 16451, 127, 3, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[785241, 22237, 63, 2, 30, "Text"],
+Cell[785307, 22241, 127, 3, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[568407, 16458, 1162, 35, 52, "Input"],
-Cell[569572, 16495, 18801, 470, 1163, "Output"]
+Cell[785459, 22248, 1162, 35, 69, "Input"],
+Cell[786624, 22285, 18864, 471, 1343, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[588388, 16968, 99, 2, 29, "Text"],
-Cell[588490, 16972, 709, 21, 31, "Input"],
-Cell[589202, 16995, 149, 3, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[805503, 22759, 99, 2, 30, "Text"],
+Cell[805605, 22763, 709, 21, 50, "Input"],
+Cell[806317, 22786, 149, 3, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[589376, 17002, 2094, 53, 159, "Input"],
-Cell[591473, 17057, 5151, 151, 137, "Output"]
+Cell[806491, 22793, 2094, 53, 171, "Input"],
+Cell[808588, 22848, 5215, 152, 248, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[596639, 17211, 86, 2, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[813818, 23003, 86, 2, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[596750, 17217, 916, 26, 33, "Input"],
-Cell[597669, 17245, 674, 23, 30, "Output"]
+Cell[813929, 23009, 916, 26, 69, "Input"],
+Cell[814848, 23037, 738, 24, 30, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[598358, 17271, 115, 3, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[815601, 23064, 115, 3, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[598498, 17278, 721, 21, 52, "Input"],
-Cell[599222, 17301, 5290, 162, 124, "Output"]
+Cell[815741, 23071, 721, 21, 69, "Input"],
+Cell[816465, 23094, 5354, 163, 166, "Output"]
}, Open ]],
-Cell[604527, 17466, 64, 2, 29, "Text"],
+Cell[821834, 23260, 64, 2, 30, "Text"],
-Cell[604616, 17472, 3489, 94, 154, "Input"],
-Cell[608108, 17568, 2396, 64, 92, "Output"],
-Cell[610507, 17634, 659, 9, 107, "Output"],
-Cell[611169, 17645, 415, 5, 107, "Output"],
-Cell[611587, 17652, 124, 1, 30, "Output"]
+Cell[821923, 23266, 3489, 94, 196, "Input"],
+Cell[825415, 23362, 2460, 65, 113, "Output"],
+Cell[827878, 23429, 723, 10, 164, "Output"],
+Cell[828604, 23441, 479, 6, 126, "Output"],
+Cell[829086, 23449, 172, 2, 30, "Output"]
}, Open ]]
}, Open ]]
diff --git a/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e088e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+### -*- make -*-
+### This file is part of the Debian xmds package
+### Copyright (C) 2006 Rafael Laboissiere
+### This file is relased under the GNU General Public License
+### This makefile can be used to build and run the XMDS examples
+XMDS_FILES = $(shell ls *.xmds)
+RUN_FILES = $(patsubst %.xmds,,$(XMDS_FILES))
+CC_FILES = $(patsubst %.xmds,,$(XMDS_FILES))
+XSIL_FILES = $(patsubst %.xmds,%.xsil,$(XMDS_FILES))
+M_FILES = $(patsubst %.xmds,%.m,$(XMDS_FILES))
+XMDS = xmds2
+XSIL2GRAPHICS = xsil2graphics
+all: $(RUN_FILES)
+ %.xmds
+ $(XMDS) $<
+ mv $(patsubst %.xmds,%,$<) $@
+ ./$< --E1o=0 --E3o=0
+%.m: %.xsil
+plot: $(M_FILES)
+ octave pp.m
+ rm -f $(CC_FILES) $(RUN_FILES) $(M_FILES) $(XSIL_FILES) *.wisdom.fftw3 *.dat octave-core *.wisdom *.pdf
+ rm -f $(png_targets)
+ rm -f $(eps_targets)
+eps_targets = $(wildcard *.eps)
+pdf_targets = $(eps_targets:%.eps=%.pdf)
+png_targets = $(pdf_targets:%.pdf=%.png)
+png: pdf $(png_targets)
+$(png_targets): %.png : %.pdf
+ convert -density 300 $< $@
+pdf: $(pdf_targets)
+$(pdf_targets): %.pdf : %.eps
+ cat $< | ps2eps -B > __tt.eps
+ epspdf __tt.eps $@
+ rm -f __tt.eps
+ #ps2eps -B $< | epspdf $< $@
+.PRECIOUS: %.xsil %.m
+.PHONY: all clean
diff --git a/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile.fig b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile.fig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71fba31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile.fig
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+### -*- make -*-
+### This makefile can be used to build and run the XMDS examples
+GNUPLOT_FILES = $(wildcard *.gp)
+eps_targets = $(wildcard *.eps)
+eps_bb_targets = $(
+pdf_targets = $(eps_targets:%.eps=%.pdf)
+png_targets = $(pdf_targets:%.pdf=%.png)
+fig: png
+pdf: $(pdf_targets)
+# fix bounding box
+$(eps_bb_targets): : %.eps
+ @cat $< | ps2eps -q -B > $@
+$(pdf_targets): %.pdf :
+ epspdf $< $@
+png: $(png_targets)
+$(png_targets): %.png : %.pdf
+ convert -density 300 $< $@
+ rm -f *.pdf
+ rm -f *.eps
+ rm -f *.bb
+real_clean: clean
+ rm -f *.png
+.PRECIOUS: %.xsil %.m
+.PHONY: all clean
diff --git a/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile.par b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc21c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile.par
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+### -*- make -*-
+### This file is part of the Debian xmds package
+### Copyright (C) 2006 Rafael Laboissiere
+### This file is relased under the GNU General Public License
+### This makefile can be used to build and run the XMDS examples
+PARAMS_FILES = $(wildcard *.params)
+PP_DIR = $(PARAMS_FILES:%.params=%)
+CALC_XSIL_FILES = $(PARAMS_FILES:%.params=%/data.xsil)
+default: $(CALC_XSIL_FILES)
+$(CALC_XSIL_FILES): %/data.xsil : % %.params
+ echo processing $$(dirname $(@)) dir
+ $(MAKE) -C $$(dirname $(@)) -f ../Makefile.pp SCRIPTS_DIR=../ PARAMS_FILE=../$<.params
+$(PP_DIR): % : %.params
+ echo need to make dir
+ [ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@
+ for d in $(PP_DIR); \
+ do $(MAKE) -C $$d SCRIPTS_DIR=../ -f ../Makefile.pp $@; done
+ for d in $(PP_DIR); \
+ do $(MAKE) -C $$d SCRIPTS_DIR=../ -f ../Makefile.pp $@; done
+.PHONY: all clean
diff --git a/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile.pp b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83e5bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/Makefile.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+### -*- make -*-
+### This makefile can be used to build and run the XMDS examples
+XSIL_FILES = Nlevels_with_doppler_with_z_4wm.xsil
+M_FILES = $(patsubst %.xsil,%.m,$(XSIL_FILES))
+GNUPLOT_FILES = $(wildcard *.gp)
+XSIL2GRAPHICS = xsil2graphics
+# fast light
+#PARAMS = --delta1=0 --delta2=0 --delta3=0 --E1o=1.9e7 --E2o=3.1e5 --E3o=3.8e7 --E4o=1e1
+#PARAMS = --delta1=0 --delta2=0 --delta3=0 --E1o=0.1e7 --E2o=1e4 --E3o=.3e7 --E4o=0 --Lcell=1.5e-2 --Temperature=.0001
+ --Ndens=1e15 \
+ --Lcell=10.0e-2 \
+ --Temperature=5 \
+ --Pwidth=0.4e-6 \
+ --delta1=0 --delta2=0 --delta3=0 \
+ --E1o=2e7 --E2o=1e2 --E3o=4e7 --E4o=1e0
+include $(PARAMS_FILE)
+# slow light EIT
+#PARAMS = --delta1=0 --delta2=0 --delta3=0 --E1o=1.9e7 --E2o=3.1e5 --E3o=0 --E4o=0
+all: $(XSIL_FILES) Nlevels_with_doppler_with_z_4wm.xsil $(M_FILES) plot fig
+Nlevels_with_doppler_with_z_4wm.xsil: ../ $(PARAMS_FILE)
+ $< $(PARAMS) | grep "Time elapsed for simulation is:" > exact_analysis_execution_time.txt
+%.m: %.xsil
+fig: pp_I2.stamp
+ $(MAKE) -f $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/Makefile.fig $@
+pretty_plots: pp_I2.stamp $(GNUPLOT_FILES)
+ gnuplot $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/
+ gnuplot $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/
+plot: pp_I2.stamp
+pp_I2.stamp: $(XSIL_FILES) $(M_FILES)
+ octave -q $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/pp_I2.m
+ rm -f $(M_FILES) $(XSIL_FILES) *.dat octave-core
+ rm -f pp_I2.stamp
+ $(MAKE) -f $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/Makefile.fig $@
+real_clean: clean
+ $(MAKE) -f $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/Makefile.fig $@
+ rm -f exact_analysis_execution_time.txt
+.PRECIOUS: %.xsil %.m
+.PHONY: all clean
diff --git a/xmds2/realistic_Rb/realistic_Rb.xmds b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/realistic_Rb.xmds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a40191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmds2/realistic_Rb/realistic_Rb.xmds
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<simulation xmds-version="2">
+ <name>realistic_Rb</name>
+ <author>Eugeniy Mikhailov</author>
+ <description>
+ License GPL.
+ Solving simplified Rb atom model
+ with fields propagation along spatial axis Z
+ with Doppler broadening.
+ We assume four-wave mixing condition when w3-w4=w2-w1 i.e. fields E3 and E4 drive the same
+ resonance as fields E2 and E1.
+ * --------------- | F=1, 2P_3/2 >
+ * \ \
+ * \ E3_r \ -------- | F=2, 2P_+1/2 >
+ * \ E4_r \ / \
+ * \ \ / E2_l \
+ * \ / \ E1_l
+ * | F=2, 2S_1/2 > -------------- \
+ * \ \
+ * \ \
+ * ------------- | F=1, 2S_1/2 >
+ *
+ We are solving
+ dE/dz+(1/c)*dE/dt=i*eta*rho_ij, where j level is higher then i.
+ Note that E is actually a Rabi frequency of electromagnetic field not the EM field
+ in xmds terms it looks like
+ dE_dz = i*eta*rhoij - 1/c*L[E], here we moved t dependence to Fourier space
+ VERY IMPORTANT: all Rabi frequency should be given in [1/s], if you want to
+ normalize it to something else look drho/dt equation.
+ No need to renormalizes eta as long as its express through
+ the upper level decay rate in the same units as Rabi frequency.
+ </description>
+ <features>
+ <globals>
+ <![CDATA[
+ const double pi = M_PI;
+ const double c=3.e8;
+ const double k_boltzmann= 1.3806505e-23; // Boltzmann knostant in [J/K]
+ const double lambda=794.7e-9; //wavelength in m
+ const double Kvec = 2*M_PI/lambda; // k-vector
+ const double Gamma_super=6*(2*M_PI*1e6); // characteristic decay rate of upper level used for eta calculations expressed in [1/s]
+ // eta will be calculated in the <arguments> section
+ double eta = 0; // eta constant in the wave equation for Rabi frequency. Units are [1/(m s)]
+ // --------- Atom and cell properties -------------------------
+ // range of Maxwell distribution atomic velocities
+ const double mass = (86.909180527 * 1.660538921e-27); // atom mass in [kg]
+ // above mass expression is written as (expression is isotopic_mass * atomic_mass_unit)
+ // Average sqrt(v^2) in Maxwell distribution for one dimension
+ // Maxwell related parameters will be calculated in <arguments> section
+ double v_thermal_averaged=0;
+ // Maxwell distribution velocities range to take in account in [m/s]
+ double V_maxwell_min = 0, V_maxwell_max = 0;
+ // repopulation rate (atoms flying in/out the laser beam) in [1/s]
+ const double gt=0.01 *(2*M_PI*1e6);
+ // Natural linewidth of j's level in [1/s]
+ const double G3=3.0 *(2*M_PI*1e6);
+ const double G4=3.0 *(2*M_PI*1e6);
+ // total decay of i-th level branching ratios. Rij branching of i-th level to j-th
+ const double R41=0.5, R42=0.5;
+ const double R31=0.5, R32=0.5;
+ complex E1ac, E2ac, E3ac, E4ac; // Complex conjugated Rabi frequencies
+ complex r21, r31, r41, r32, r42, r43, r44; // density matrix elements
+ // inner use variables
+ double probability_v; // will be used as p(v) in Maxwell distribution
+ ]]>
+ </globals>
+ <validation kind="run-time"/> <!--allows to put ranges as variables-->
+ <benchmark />
+ <arguments>
+ <!-- Rabi frequency divided by 2 in [1/s] -->
+ <argument name="E1o" type="real" default_value="2*1.5*(2*M_PI*1e6)" />
+ <argument name="E2o" type="real" default_value="0.05*(2*M_PI*1e6)" />
+ <argument name="E3o" type="real" default_value="2*3.0*(2*M_PI*1e6)" />
+ <argument name="E4o" type="real" default_value=".01*(2*M_PI*1e6)" />
+ <!-- Fields detuning in [1/s] -->
+ <argument name="delta1" type="real" default_value="0.0" />
+ <argument name="delta2" type="real" default_value="0.0" />
+ <argument name="delta3" type="real" default_value="0.0" />
+ <!--Pulse duration/width [s] -->
+ <argument name="Pwidth" type="real" default_value="0.1e-6" />
+ <!-- Atom and cell properties -->
+ <!--Cell length [m] -->
+ <argument name="Lcell" type="real" default_value="1.5e-2" />
+ <!--Density of atoms [1/m^3] -->
+ <argument name="Ndens" type="real" default_value="1e15" />
+ <!--Atoms temperature [K] -->
+ <!--TODO: looks like Temperature > 10 K knocks solver,
+ I am guessing detunings are too large and thus it became a stiff equation-->
+ <!--! make sure it is not equal to zero!-->
+ <argument name="Temperature" type="real" default_value="5" />
+ <!-- This will be executed after arguments/parameters are parsed -->
+ <!-- Read the code Luke: took me a while of reading the xmds2 sources to find it -->
+ <![CDATA[
+ // Average sqrt(v^2) in Maxwell distribution for one dimension
+ if (Temperature == 0)
+ _LOG(_ERROR_LOG_LEVEL, "ERROR: Temperature should be >0 to provide range for Maxwell velocity distribution\n");
+ v_thermal_averaged=sqrt(k_boltzmann*Temperature/mass);
+ // Maxwell distribution velocities range to take in account in [m/s]
+ // there is almost zero probability for higher velocity p(4*v_av) = 3.3e-04 * p(0)
+ V_maxwell_min = -4*v_thermal_averaged; V_maxwell_max = -V_maxwell_min;
+ // eta constant in the wave equation for Rabi frequency. Units are [1/(m s)]
+ eta = 3*lambda*lambda*Ndens*Gamma_super/8.0/M_PI;
+ ]]>
+ </arguments>
+ <bing />
+ <diagnostics />
+ <fftw plan="patient" threads="1" />
+ <!-- I don't see any speed up on 6 core CPU even if use threads="6" -->
+ <openmp />
+ <auto_vectorise />
+ <halt_non_finite />
+ </features>
+ <!-- 'z', 't', and 'v' to have dimensions [m], [s], and [m/s] -->
+ <geometry>
+ <propagation_dimension> z </propagation_dimension>
+ <transverse_dimensions>
+ <!-- IMPORTANT: looks like having a lot of points in time helps with convergence.
+ I suspect that time spacing should be small enough to catch
+ all pulse harmonics and more importantly 1/dt should be larger than
+ the largest detuning (including Doppler shifts).
+ Unfortunately calculation time is proportional to lattice size
+ so we cannot just blindly increase it.
+ Some rules of thumb:
+ * lattice="1000" domain="(-1e-6, 1e-6)"
+ was good enough detunings up to 155 MHz (980 rad/s) notice that 1/dt=500 MHz
+ * lattice="10000" domain="(-1e-6, 1e-6)"
+ works for Doppler averaging in up to 400K for Rb when lasers are zero detuned
+ -->
+ <dimension name="t" lattice="10000" domain="(-1e-6, 1e-6)" />
+ <dimension name="v" lattice="100" domain="(V_maxwell_min, V_maxwell_max)" />
+ </transverse_dimensions>
+ </geometry>
+ <!-- Rabi frequency -->
+ <vector name="E_field" type="complex" initial_space="t">
+ <components>E1 E2 E3 E4</components>
+ <initialisation>
+ <![CDATA[
+ // Initial (at starting 'z' position) electromagnetic field does not depend on detuning
+ // as well as time
+ E1=E1o;
+ E2=E2o*exp(-pow( ((t-0.0)/Pwidth),2) );
+ E3=E3o;
+ E4=E4o;
+ ]]>
+ </initialisation>
+ </vector>
+ <!--Maxwell distribution probability p(v)-->
+ <computed_vector name="Maxwell_distribution_probabilities" dimensions="v" type="real">
+ <components>probability_v</components>
+ <evaluation>
+ <![CDATA[
+ // TODO: move to the global space/function. This reevaluated many times since it called from dependency requests but it never changes during the script lifetime since 'v' is fixed.
+ probability_v=1.0/(v_thermal_averaged*sqrt(2*M_PI)) * exp( - mod2(v/v_thermal_averaged)/2.0 );
+ ]]>
+ </evaluation>
+ </computed_vector>
+ <!--Maxwell distribution norm sum(p(v))
+ Needed since we sum over the grid instead of true integral,
+ we also have finite cut off velocities-->
+ <computed_vector name="Maxwell_distribution_probabilities_norm" dimensions="" type="real">
+ <components>probability_v_norm</components>
+ <evaluation>
+ <dependencies basis="v">Maxwell_distribution_probabilities</dependencies>
+ <![CDATA[
+ // TODO: move to the global space/function. This reevaluated many times since it called from dependency requests but it never changes during the script lifetime since 'v' is fixed.
+ probability_v_norm=probability_v;
+ ]]>
+ </evaluation>
+ </computed_vector>
+ <!-- Averaged across Maxwell distribution fields amplitudes -->
+ <computed_vector name="E_field_avgd" dimensions="t" type="complex">
+ <components>E1a E2a E3a E4a</components>
+ <evaluation>
+ <dependencies basis="v">E_field Maxwell_distribution_probabilities Maxwell_distribution_probabilities_norm</dependencies>
+ <![CDATA[
+ double prob_v_normalized=probability_v/probability_v_norm;
+ E1a=E1*prob_v_normalized;
+ E2a=E2*prob_v_normalized;
+ E3a=E3*prob_v_normalized;
+ E4a=E4*prob_v_normalized;
+ ]]>
+ </evaluation>
+ </computed_vector>
+ <!-- Averaged across Maxwell distribution density matrix components -->
+ <computed_vector name="density_matrix_averaged" dimensions="t" type="complex">
+ <components>r11a r22a r33a r12a r13a r14a r23a r24a r34a r44a</components>
+ <evaluation>
+ <dependencies basis="v">density_matrix Maxwell_distribution_probabilities Maxwell_distribution_probabilities_norm</dependencies>
+ <![CDATA[
+ double prob_v_normalized=probability_v/probability_v_norm;
+ r11a=r11*prob_v_normalized;
+ r22a=r22*prob_v_normalized;
+ r33a=r33*prob_v_normalized;
+ r12a=r12*prob_v_normalized;
+ r13a=r13*prob_v_normalized;
+ r14a=r14*prob_v_normalized;
+ r23a=r23*prob_v_normalized;
+ r24a=r24*prob_v_normalized;
+ r34a=r34*prob_v_normalized;
+ r44a=r44*prob_v_normalized;
+ ]]>
+ </evaluation>
+ </computed_vector>
+ <vector name="density_matrix" type="complex" initial_space="t">
+ <!--<components>r11 r22 r33 r44 r12 r13 r14 r23 r24 r34 r21 r31 r41 r32 r42 r43</components>-->
+ <!--<components>r11 r22 r33 r44 r12 r13 r14 r23 r24 r34</components>-->
+ <components>r11 r22 r33 r12 r13 r14 r23 r24 r34 r44</components>
+ <!--
+ note one of the level population is redundant since
+ r11+r22+r33+r44=1
+ so r11 is missing
+ -->
+ <initialisation>
+ <!--This sets boundary condition at all times and left border of z (i.e. z=0)-->
+ <!-- Comment out no light field initial conditions
+ <![CDATA[
+ // Note:
+ // convergence is really slow if all populations concentrated at the bottom level |1>
+ // this is because if r11=1, everything else is 0 and then every small increment
+ // seems to be huge and adaptive solver makes smaller and smaller steps.
+ // As quick and dirty fix I reshuffle initial population
+ // so some of the population sits at the second ground level |2>
+ // TODO: Fix above. Make the equation of motion for r11
+ // and express other level, let's say r44
+ // through population normalization
+ r11 = 1;
+ r22 = 0; r33 = 0; r44 = 0;
+ r12 = 0; r13 = 0; r14 = 0;
+ r23 = 0; r24 = 0;
+ r34 = 0;
+ ]]>
+ -->
+ <!-- Below initialization assumes strong E1 and E3 which were shining for long time before
+ we even start to look at the problem -->
+ <!-- Precalculated by Nate via Mathematica steady state solver -->
+ <dependencies>E_field_avgd</dependencies>
+ <![CDATA[
+ E1ac = conj(E1a);
+ E2ac = conj(E2a);
+ E3ac = conj(E3a);
+ E4ac = conj(E4a);
+ // IMPORTANT: assumes no detunings
+ r11 = (gt*(4*mod2(E1a) + (G3 + gt)*(G3 + 2*gt))*((G4 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) + gt*(G4 + gt)) + 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*(R41 -
+ R42)))/(2.*(-16*mod2(E1a)*mod2(E3a)*G3*G4*R32*R41 + (G3 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E1a) + gt*(G3 + gt))*((G4 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) +
+ gt*(G4 + gt)) - 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42) + 4*mod2(E1a)*G3*R31*(-((G4 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) + gt*(G4 + gt))) + 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42)));
+ r13 = -((E1ac*gt*(G3 + gt)*i*((G4 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) + gt*(G4 + gt))
+ + 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*(R41 -
+ R42)))/(-16*mod2(E1a)*mod2(E3a)*G3*G4*R32*R41 + (G3 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E1a) + gt*(G3 + gt))*((G4 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) +
+ gt*(G4 + gt)) - 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42) + 4*mod2(E1a)*G3*R31*(-((G4 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) + gt*(G4 + gt))) + 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42)));
+ r22 = (gt*(4*mod2(E3a) + (G4 + gt)*(G4 + 2*gt))*((G3 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E1a) + gt*(G3 + gt)) + 4*mod2(E1a)*G3*(-R31 +
+ R32)))/(2.*(-16*mod2(E1a)*mod2(E3a)*G3*G4*R32*R41 + (G3 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E1a) + gt*(G3 + gt))*((G4 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) +
+ gt*(G4 + gt)) - 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42) + 4*mod2(E1a)*G3*R31*(-((G4 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) + gt*(G4 + gt))) + 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42)));
+ r24 = -((E3ac*gt*(G4 + gt)*i*((G3 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E1a) + gt*(G3 + gt))
+ + 4*mod2(E1a)*G3*(-R31 +
+ R32)))/(-16*mod2(E1a)*mod2(E3a)*G3*G4*R32*R41 + (G3 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E1a) + gt*(G3 + gt))*((G4 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) +
+ gt*(G4 + gt)) - 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42) + 4*mod2(E1a)*G3*R31*(-((G4 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) + gt*(G4 + gt))) + 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42)));
+ r33 = (2*mod2(E1a)*gt*((G4 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) + gt*(G4 + gt)) +
+ 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*(R41 -
+ R42)))/(-16*mod2(E1a)*mod2(E3a)*G3*G4*R32*R41 + (G3 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E1a) + gt*(G3 + gt))*((G4 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) +
+ gt*(G4 + gt)) - 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42) + 4*mod2(E1a)*G3*R31*(-((G4 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) + gt*(G4 + gt))) + 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42));
+ r44 = (2*mod2(E3a)*gt*((G3 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E1a) + gt*(G3 + gt)) +
+ 4*mod2(E1a)*G3*(-R31 +
+ R32)))/(-16*mod2(E1a)*mod2(E3a)*G3*G4*R32*R41 + (G3 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E1a) + gt*(G3 + gt))*((G4 + 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) +
+ gt*(G4 + gt)) - 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42) + 4*mod2(E1a)*G3*R31*(-((G4 +
+ 2*gt)*(4*mod2(E3a) + gt*(G4 + gt))) + 4*mod2(E3a)*G4*R42));
+ ]]>
+ </initialisation>
+ </vector>
+ <sequence>
+ <!--For this set of conditions ARK45 is faster than ARK89-->
+ <!--ARK45 is good for small detuning when all frequency like term are close to zero-->
+ <integrate algorithm="ARK45" tolerance="1e-5" interval="Lcell">
+ <!--<integrate algorithm="SI" steps="200" interval="Lcell"> -->
+ <!--RK4 is good for large detunings when frequency like term are big, it does not try to be too smart about adaptive step which ARK seems to make too small-->
+ <!--When ARK45 works it about 3 times faster then RK4 with 1000 steps-->
+ <!--<integrate algorithm="RK4" steps="100" interval="1.5e-2">-->
+ <!--SIC algorithm seems to be much slower and needs fine 'z' step tuning and much finer time grid-->
+ <!--For example I had to quadruple the time grid from 1000 to 4000 when increased z distance from 0.02 to 0.04-->
+ <!--<integrate algorithm="SIC" interval="4e-2" steps="200">-->
+ <samples>100 100</samples>
+ <!--Use the next line for debuging to see velocity dependence. Uncomment/switch on output groups 3,4-->
+ <!--<samples>100 100 100 100</samples>-->
+ <operators>
+ <operator kind="cross_propagation" algorithm="SI" propagation_dimension="t">
+ <integration_vectors>density_matrix</integration_vectors>
+ <dependencies>E_field_avgd</dependencies>
+ <boundary_condition kind="left">
+ <!--This set boundary condition at all 'z' and left border of 't' (i.e. min(t))-->
+ <!--
+ <![CDATA[
+ r11 = 0; r22 = 1; r33 = 0; r44 = 0;
+ r12 = 0; r13 = 0; r14 = 0;
+ r23 = 0; r24 = 0;
+ r34 = 0;
+ printf("z= %g, t= %g\n", z, t);
+ ]]>
+ -->
+ </boundary_condition>
+ <![CDATA[
+ E1ac = conj(E1a);
+ E2ac = conj(E2a);
+ E3ac = conj(E3a);
+ E4ac = conj(E4a);
+ r21=conj(r12);
+ r31=conj(r13);
+ r41=conj(r14);
+ r32=conj(r23);
+ r42=conj(r24);
+ r43=conj(r34);
+ //r44=1- r11 - r22 - r33;
+ // Equations of motions according to Nate's mathematica code
+ dr11_dt = gt/2 - gt*r11 + i*(-(E1a*r13) - E4a*r14 + E1ac*r31 + E4ac*r41) + G3*r33*R31 + G4*r44*R41;
+ dr12_dt = -(gt*r12) + i*((-(delta1 + Kvec*v) + (delta2 + Kvec*v))*r12 - E2a*r13 - E3a*r14 + E1ac*r32 + E4ac*r42);
+ dr13_dt = -((G3 + 2*gt)*r13)/2. + i*(-(E1ac*r11) - E2ac*r12 - (delta1 + Kvec*v)*r13 + E1ac*r33 + E4ac*r43);
+ dr14_dt = -((G4 + 2*gt)*r14)/2. + i*(-(E4ac*r11) - E3ac*r12 - ((delta1 + Kvec*v) - (delta2 + Kvec*v) + (delta3 + Kvec*v))*r14 + E1ac*r34 + E4ac*r44);
+ dr22_dt = gt/2 - gt*r22 + i*(-(E2a*r23) - E3a*r24 + E2ac*r32 + E3ac*r42) + G3*r33*R32 + G4*r44*R42;
+ dr23_dt = -((G3 + 2*gt)*r23)/2. + i*(-(E1ac*r21) - E2ac*r22 - (delta2 + Kvec*v)*r23 + E2ac*r33 + E3ac*r43);
+ dr24_dt = -((G4 + 2*gt)*r24)/2. + i*(-(E4ac*r21) - E3ac*r22 - (delta3 + Kvec*v)*r24 + E2ac*r34 + E3ac*r44);
+ dr33_dt = i*(E1a*r13 + E2a*r23 - E1ac*r31 - E2ac*r32) - (G3 + gt)*r33;
+ dr34_dt = -((G3 + G4 + 2*gt)*r34)/2. + i*(E1a*r14 + E2a*r24 - E4ac*r31 - E3ac*r32 + ((delta2 + Kvec*v) - (delta3 + Kvec*v))*r34);
+ dr44_dt = i*(E4a*r14 + E3a*r24 - E4ac*r41 - E3ac*r42) - (G4 + gt)*r44;
+ ]]>
+ </operator>
+ <!--
+ According to xmds2 docs operator kind="ip" should be faster
+ but our codes runs about 5% to 10% slower with it.
+ Maybe because we very close to the stiff condition so I use "ex" kind
+ <operator kind="ip" constant="yes">
+ -->
+ <operator kind="ex" constant="yes" type="imaginary">
+ <operator_names>Lt</operator_names>
+ <![CDATA[
+ Lt = -i/c*kt;
+ ]]>
+ </operator>
+ <integration_vectors>E_field</integration_vectors>
+ <dependencies>density_matrix</dependencies>
+ <![CDATA[
+ dE1_dz = i*eta*conj(r13) +Lt[E1] ;
+ dE2_dz = i*eta*conj(r23) +Lt[E2] ;
+ dE3_dz = i*eta*conj(r24) +Lt[E3] ;
+ dE4_dz = i*eta*conj(r14) +Lt[E4] ;
+ ]]>
+ </operators>
+ </integrate>
+ </sequence>
+ <!-- The output to generate -->
+ <output format="binary" filename="realistic_Rb.xsil">
+ <group>
+ <sampling basis="t(1000) " initial_sample="yes">
+ <dependencies>E_field_avgd</dependencies>
+ <moments>I1_out I2_out I3_out I4_out</moments>
+ <![CDATA[
+ I1_out = mod2(E1a);
+ I2_out = mod2(E2a);
+ I3_out = mod2(E3a);
+ I4_out = mod2(E4a);
+ ]]>
+ </sampling>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <sampling basis="t(100) v(10)" initial_sample="yes">
+ <dependencies>density_matrix_averaged</dependencies>
+ <moments>
+ r11_out r22_out r33_out r44_out
+ r12_re_out r12_im_out r13_re_out r13_im_out r14_re_out r14_im_out
+ r23_re_out r23_im_out r24_re_out r24_im_out
+ r34_re_out r34_im_out
+ </moments>
+ <![CDATA[
+ // populations output
+ r11_out = r11a.Re();
+ r22_out = r22a.Re();
+ r33_out = r33a.Re();
+ r44_out = r44a.Re();
+ // coherences output
+ r12_re_out = r12a.Re();
+ r12_im_out = r12a.Im();
+ r13_re_out = r13a.Re();
+ r13_im_out = r13a.Im();
+ r14_re_out = r14a.Re();
+ r14_im_out = r14a.Im();
+ r23_re_out = r23a.Re();
+ r23_im_out = r23a.Im();
+ r24_re_out = r24a.Re();
+ r24_im_out = r24a.Im();
+ r34_re_out = r34a.Re();
+ r34_im_out = r34a.Im();
+ ]]>
+ </sampling>
+ </group>
+ <!-- use the following two groups only for debuging
+ otherwise they are quite useless and have to much information
+ in 3D space (z,t,v) -->
+ <!--
+ <group>
+ <sampling basis="t(100) v(10)" initial_sample="yes">
+ <dependencies>E_field</dependencies>
+ <moments>I1_out_v I2_out_v I3_out_v I4_out_v</moments>
+ <![CDATA[
+ // light field intensity distribution in velocity subgroups
+ I1_out_v = mod2(E1);
+ I2_out_v = mod2(E2);
+ I3_out_v = mod2(E3);
+ I4_out_v = mod2(E4);
+ ]]>
+ </sampling>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <sampling basis="t(100) v(10)" initial_sample="yes">
+ <dependencies>density_matrix</dependencies>
+ <moments>
+ r11_out_v r22_out_v r33_out_v r44_out_v
+ r12_re_out_v r12_im_out_v r13_re_out_v r13_im_out_v r14_re_out_v r14_im_out_v
+ r23_re_out_v r23_im_out_v r24_re_out_v r24_im_out_v
+ r34_re_out_v r34_im_out_v
+ </moments>
+ <![CDATA[
+ // density matrix distribution in velocity subgroups
+ // populations output
+ r11_out_v = r11.Re();
+ r22_out_v = r22.Re();
+ r33_out_v = r33.Re();
+ r44_out_v = r44.Re();
+ // coherences output
+ r12_re_out_v = r12.Re();
+ r12_im_out_v = r12.Im();
+ r13_re_out_v = r13.Re();
+ r13_im_out_v = r13.Im();
+ r14_re_out_v = r14.Re();
+ r14_im_out_v = r14.Im();
+ r23_re_out_v = r23.Re();
+ r23_im_out_v = r23.Im();
+ r24_re_out_v = r24.Re();
+ r24_im_out_v = r24.Im();
+ r34_re_out_v = r34.Re();
+ r34_im_out_v = r34.Im();
+ ]]>
+ </sampling>
+ </group>
+ -->
+ </output>
+vim: ts=2 sw=2 foldmethod=indent: