from classes import * from beam2FaceDistance import * from colorGradient import * from fresnelReflection import * import numpy as np import pylab def faceBeamInteraction(beamIn, faces): # calculates refracted and reflected beam after interaction with a face # beam - structure defining the light beam # beam.origin - array [x,y] origin/soutce of the light beam # beam.k - k vector i.e. direction [kx,ky] # beam.intensity - intensity of the beam # beam.face - if beam starts from face then its index is here # beam.polarization - can be either 1 for 's' or 2 for 'p' # beam.status - could be 'reflected', 'refracted', 'incoming' # faces cell array of face structures # face - structure definiong the beam # face.vertex2 - [x,y] of the 2nd point/vertex of the face # face.n_left - indexes of refraction on the left hand side # with respect to 1st -> 2nd vertex direction # [ns,np] - for s and p polarizations # face.n_right - indexes of refraction on the right hand side # [ns,np] - for s and p polarizations k = beamIn.k polarization = beamIn.polarization # we go over all faces to find the closest which beam hits nFaces = len(faces) hitDistance = float('Inf') isFaceHit = False hitPosition = [float('NaN'), float('NaN')] closestFaceIndex = float('NaN') i = 0 for face in faces: [hitDistanceTmp, hitPositionTmp, isFaceHitTmp] = \ beam2FaceDistance(beamIn, face) if hitDistanceTmp < hitDistance: # this is the closer face isFaceHit = isFaceHitTmp hitPosition = hitPositionTmp hitDistance = hitDistanceTmp closestFaceIndex = i i += 1 if not isFaceHit: newBeams = [] return [isFaceHit, hitPosition, hitDistance, newBeams] # closest face face = faces[closestFaceIndex] kf = face.vertex2 - face.vertex1 # not a unit vector # hold on # draw face #line([face.vertex1(1), face.vertex2(1)], \ #[face.vertex1(2), face.vertex2(2)] , 'linestyle', '-', 'color', [0,0,0]) # draw beam nColors = 256 lineWidth = 2 if polarization == 0: # s-polarization lineBaseColor = [1,0,0] # RGB - red else: # p-polarization lineBaseColor = [0,0,1] # RGB - blue #plot(x,y,line_str) lineColor = colorGradient(beamIn.intensity * nColors, lineBaseColor, nColors) pylab.plot([beamIn.origin[0], hitPosition[0]],\ [beamIn.origin[1], hitPosition[1]],\ color = lineColor, linewidth = 2, linestyle = '-') # find is beam arriving from left or right using vectors cross product property # if z component of the product 'k x kf' is positive then beam arrives from # the left if (k[0]*kf[1] - k[1]*kf[0]) > 0: # beam coming from the left n1=face.nLeft[polarization] n2=face.nRight[polarization] # this means that notmal and beam k vector point to the same half plane # relative to the face nfAndkInTheSamePlane = True else: # beam coming from the right n1 = face.nRight[polarization] n2 = face.nLeft[polarization] # this means that notmal and beam k vector point to the different half plane # relative to the face nfAndkInTheSamePlane = False # normal vector to the face, looks to the left of it nf = [kf[1], -kf[0]] / np.linalg.norm(kf) # incidence angle calculation cosTheta_i =, nf) / (np.linalg.norm(k)*np.linalg.norm(nf)) sinTheta_i = -(k[0]*nf[1]-k[1]*nf[0]) /\ (np.linalg.norm(k) * np.linalg.norm(nf)) # positive angle to the right from normal before incidence to the face theta_i = np.arctan2(sinTheta_i, cosTheta_i) # we need to make sure that angle of incidence belong to [-pi/2,pi/2] interval if theta_i > np.pi/2: theta_i = np.pi-theta_i if theta_i < -np.pi/2: theta_i = -np.pi-theta_i # angle of the normal with respect to horizon thetaNormal = np.arctan2(nf[1], nf[0]) # reflected beam direction if nfAndkInTheSamePlane: thetaReflected = thetaNormal - theta_i + np.pi else: thetaReflected = thetaNormal + theta_i # coefficients of reflection and transmission for given polarization [R, thetaRefractedRel2Normal] = fresnelReflection(n1, n2, theta_i) reflectivity = R[polarization] transmission = 1 - reflectivity beamReflected = beam() beamReflected.origin = hitPosition beamReflected.k = [np.cos(thetaReflected), np.sin(thetaReflected)] beamReflected.face = closestFaceIndex beamReflected.polarization = polarization beamReflected.intensity = beamIn.intensity * reflectivity beamReflected.status = 'reflected' newBeams = [beamReflected] # refracted beam direction # refracted angle with respect to normal if transmission < 0.001: pass else: # beam refracts if nfAndkInTheSamePlane: thetaRefracted = thetaNormal + thetaRefractedRel2Normal else: thetaRefracted = thetaNormal - thetaRefractedRel2Normal + np.pi beamRefracted = beam() beamRefracted.origin = hitPosition beamRefracted.k = [np.cos(thetaRefracted), np.sin(thetaRefracted)] beamRefracted.face=closestFaceIndex beamRefracted.polarization = polarization beamRefracted.intensity = beamIn.intensity * transmission beamRefracted.status = 'refracted' newBeams.append(beamRefracted) return [isFaceHit, hitPosition, hitDistance, newBeams]