""" Module: GW INSTEK GPP-250-4.5 power supply unit control Description: This module provides a class to interface with the GW INSTEK GPP250-4.5 power supply unit (PSU) using pyvisa for setting current and voltage on the PSU Author: Mykhailo Vorobiov Email: mvorobiov@wm.edu Date: 2024-11-05 Update: 2024-11-05 """ from qolab.hardware.power_supply._basic import PowerSupplySCPI import pyvisa class GPP3610H(PowerSupplySCPI): """ A class for interfacing with GW INSTEK GPP-3610H signle channel power supply unit. """ def __init__(self, resource, *args, **kwds): """ Initialize the PSU class. """ super().__init__(resource, *args, **kwds) self.resource = resource self.config["Device model"] = "GWInstek GPP-3610H" self.numberOfChannels = 2 self.deviceProperties.update({"OpMode"}) self.resource.read_termination = "\n" self.resource.timeout = 1000 self.MAX_CURRENT = 10.0 # Amp self.MAX_VOLTAGE = 36.0 # Volt @property def idn(self): return self.get_idn() def get_idn(self): """ Query the identification of the instrument. :return: Identifier string if query is successful or None otherwise. """ try: self.write('*IDN?') response = self.read_bytes(count=39).decode().strip() return response except pyvisa.VisaIOError as e: print(f'[ERROR!] Error retrieving identification: {e}') def get_out_current(self): """ Query the current reading of the instrument. :return: Current reading in amps as float number and None if error occurs. """ try: self.write('IOUT1?') response = float(self.read_bytes(count=8).decode()[:-2]) return response except pyvisa.VisaIOError as e: print(f"[ERROR!] Error querying the current reading: {e}") def get_out_voltage(self): """ Query the voltage reading of the instrument. :return: Voltage reading in volts as float number and None if error occurs. """ try: self.write('VOUT1?') response = float(self.read_bytes(count=8).decode()[:-2]) return response except pyvisa.VisaIOError as e: print(f"[ERROR!] Error querying the voltage reading: {e}") def set_current(self, current): """ Set the target current output of the instrument. """ if current <= self.MAX_CURRENT and current >= 0.0: try: self.write(f'SOUR:CURR {current}') print(f"Current is set to {current} V") except pyvisa.VisaIOError as e: print(f"[ERROR!] Error setting the current target output: {e}") else: print(f"[WARNING] Target current must be between 0 and {self.MAX_CURRENT} Amps." f"\n\tThe traget current left unchanged.") def set_voltage(self, voltage): """ Set the target voltage output of the instrument. """ if voltage <= self.MAX_VOLTAGE and voltage >= 0.0: try: self.write(f'SOUR:VOLT {voltage}') print(f"[INFO] Voltage is set to {voltage} V") except pyvisa.VisaIOError as e: print(f"[ERROR!] Error setting the voltage target output: {e}") else: print(f"[WARNING] Target voltage must be between 0 and {self.MAX_VOLTAGE} Volts." f"\n\tThe traget voltage left unchanged.") def enable_output(self, output_state=False): """ Set the output state of the instrument ON or OFF. :param output_state: Boolean flag. Sets the output ON if 'True' or OFF if 'False'. """ self.output_state = output_state # This is here to define out state (need some work on it) try: if self.output_state: self.write(f'OUTP:STAT 1') self.output_state = output_state print(f"[INFO] Output is ON") else: self.write(f'OUTP:STAT 0') self.output_state = not(output_state) print(f"[INFO] Output is OFF") except pyvisa.VisaIOError as e: print(f"[ERROR!] Error toggle the output: {e}")