from qolab.hardware.basic import BasicInstrument from qolab.hardware.multimeter import MultimeterSCPI from qolab.hardware.scpi import SCPI_PROPERTY from pyvisa import constants as pyvisa_constants import time class HP_34401(MultimeterSCPI): """ HP 34401 multimeter (same as Agilent) """ """ rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager() instr=rm.open_resource('ASRL/dev/ttyUSB0::INSTR') """ def __init__(self, resource, *args, **kwds): super().__init__(resource, *args, **kwds) self.config['Device model']='HP 34401' self.resource.read_termination = '\r\n' self.resource.baud_rate = 9600 self.resource.data_bits = 8 self.resource.parity = pyvisa_constants.Parity.none self.resource.stop_bits = self.resource.timeout = 5000 self.switchTime = 0.5 # switch time in seconds for Function/Measurement change self.deviceProperties.update({'Function'}) rawFunction = SCPI_PROPERTY(scpi_prfx='SENSe:FUNCtion', ptype=str, doc=""" Current measurement function (Voltmeter DC/AC, Currentmeter DC/AC, etc. Important! When assigning, string should be quoted, i.e. use: Function=\'"VOLT:DC"\' Possible values: "VOLTage:DC", same as "VOLT" "VOLTage:DC:RATio" "VOLTage:AC" "CURRent:DC", same as "CURR" "CURRent:AC" "RESistance" (2-wire ohms) "FRESistance" (4-wire ohms) "FREQuency" "PERiod" "CONTinuity" "DIODe" """ ) def getFunction(self): rfunc = self.rawFunction if rfunc == '"VOLT"': return "Vdc" elif rfunc == '"VOLT:AC"': return "Vac" elif rfunc == '"CURR"': return "Adc" elif rfunc == '"CURR:AC"': return "Aac" elif rfunc == '"RES"': return "Resistance" elif rfunc == '"FRES"': return "Resistance4Wires" elif rfunc == '"DIOD"': return "Diode" elif rfunc == '"FREQ"': return "Frequency" elif rfunc == '"PER"': return "Period" elif rfunc == '"CONT"': return "Continuity" else: return "Unknown" def toRemote(self): self.write("SYSTem:REMote") def toLocal(self): self.write("SYSTem:LOCal") def isSensing(self, test): return test == self.rawFunction Reading = SCPI_PROPERTY(scpi_prfx='SYSTem:REMote; :READ', ptype=float, doc='Report current measurement', no_setter=True) # HP 34401 is tricky # when reading over serial interface the value of measurement/function, # the device need to be switched to REMOTE mode, but this leaves screen blank and unusable # so we have to do the dance with toRemote and toLocal def getReadingWithSettingFunction(self, desired_function_string, function_internal_name): """ Get the reading but first check if we are set to do specific function/measurement. If the instrument set to do different function, set to desired one Note: the function name should be in quotes, i.e. '"Volt"' """ if not self.isSensing(function_internal_name): self.rawFunction=desired_function_string time.sleep(self.switchTime) # self.toRemote() # this is done inside of Reading ret = self.Reading self.toLocal() return ret @BasicInstrument.tsdb_append def getVdc(self): return self.getReadingWithSettingFunction('"VOLTage:DC"', '"VOLT"') @BasicInstrument.tsdb_append def getVac(self): return self.getReadingWithSettingFunction('"VOLTage:AC"', '"VOLT:AC"') @BasicInstrument.tsdb_append def getAdc(self): return self.getReadingWithSettingFunction('"CURRent:DC"', '"CURR"') @BasicInstrument.tsdb_append def getAac(self): return self.getReadingWithSettingFunction('"CURRent:AC"', '"CURR:AC"') @BasicInstrument.tsdb_append def getResistance(self): return self.getReadingWithSettingFunction('"RESistance"', '"RES"') @BasicInstrument.tsdb_append def getResistance4Wires(self): return self.getReadingWithSettingFunction('"FRESistance"', '"FRES"') @BasicInstrument.tsdb_append def getDiode(self): return self.getReadingWithSettingFunction('"DIODe"', '"DIOD"') @BasicInstrument.tsdb_append def getFreq(self): return self.getReadingWithSettingFunction('"FREQuency"', '"FREQ"') @BasicInstrument.tsdb_append def getPeriod(self): return self.getReadingWithSettingFunction('"PERiod"', '"PER"') if __name__ == '__main__': import pyvisa print("testing") rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager() print(rm.list_resources()) instr=rm.open_resource('ASRL/dev/ttyUSB0::INSTR') multimeter = HP_34401(instr) print('------ Header start -------------') print(str.join('\n', multimeter.getHeader())) print('------ Header ends -------------')