from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.dockarea import * import pyqtgraph.exporters import platform import os import argparse from threading import Thread import time # For sleep, clock, time and perf_counter from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date import numpy as np import csv import ue9qol from funcGenerator import Sweeper, SinGen, TriangleGen, RampGen, PulseGen import rfGen class Experiment: def __init__(self, root, args): self.root = root if args.save_prefix: self.save_prefix = args.save_prefix else: self.save_prefix = "set_the_prefix" if args.data_dir: self.data_dir = args.data_dir else: self.data_dir = "set_the_data_dir" self.save_cnt = 0 self.tic = 0 self.newDataIsReady = False self.channelsNames2grab={'tic', 'x','rfFreq','dac0', 'dac1', 'adc0', 'adc1', 'adc2', 'adc3'} alpha=100 self.channelsColor = { 'adc0': (20,20,20,alpha), 'adc1': (85,170,255,alpha), 'adc2': (255,0,255,alpha), 'adc3': (0,85,255,alpha), 'dac0': 'r', 'dac1': 'g'} #self.channelsNames2plot={'dac0', 'dac1', 'adc0', 'adc1', 'adc2', 'adc3'} if args.test: self.channelsNames2plot={'adc0', 'adc1', 'adc2', 'adc3'} else: self.channelsNames2plot={'adc0', 'adc1', 'adc2'} self.xChannelName='rfFreq' # can be also 'tic' or any of above self.xlabel='' self.channelGraph={} self.clearData() self.hardware = {} self.hardwareSetup(args) # now we ready to do gui self.guiSweeper = Sweeper(self.root, Npoints=10, SweepTime=1, onTicCallbacks=[self.updatePlot]) self.guiSetup(root) self.guiSweeper.cmdStart() def hardwareSetup(self,args): if args.test: print("Test mode, run with fake hardware") self.sweeper = Sweeper(self.root, Npoints=100, SweepTime=1, onTicCallbacks=[self.onTic]) self.hardware['LabJack'] = ue9qol.UE9qolDummy(sweeper=self.sweeper) self.hardware['rfGen'] = rfGen.rfGenLMX2487Dummy(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', speed=115200, timeout=1) else: self.sweeper = Sweeper(self.root, Npoints=500, SweepTime=10, onTicCallbacks=[self.onTic]) self.hardware['LabJack'] = ue9qol.UE9qol() if platform.system() == 'Linux': rf=rfGen.rfGenLMX2487(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', speed=115200, timeout=1) else: rf=rfGen.rfGenLMX2487(port='COM5', speed=115200, timeout=1) self.hardware['rfGen'] = rf fCent = 6.83468e9 fSpan = 100e3 self.rfGenFunc = RampGen(start=0, stop=0, sweeper = self.sweeper) self.rfGenFunc.setCenter(fCent) self.rfGenFunc.setSpan(fSpan) self.funcGen = TriangleGen(0, 5, sweeper = self.sweeper) def centralFreqValueChanged(self, sb): self.rfGenFunc.setCenter(sb.value()) pass def freqSpanValueChanged(self, sb): self.rfGenFunc.setSpan(sb.value()) pass def guiSetup(self, root): self.dockArea = area = DockArea() d1 = Dock("Global", size=(5,1)) d2 = Dock("Data", size=(100,100)) d3 = Dock("RF Gen", size=(1,2)) area.addDock(d1, 'top') area.addDock(d2, 'bottom', d1) area.addDock(d3, 'bottom', d2) self.root.addWidget(area) self.dataPlot = pg.PlotWidget(name='Plot1') d2.addWidget(self.dataPlot) self.dataPlot.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self.dataPlot.addLegend() # global buttons w1 = pg.LayoutWidget() bAutoZoom = QtGui.QPushButton('AutoZoom') bAutoZoom.clicked.connect(self.autoZoom) bRestart = QtGui.QPushButton('Restart') bRestart.clicked.connect(self.restart) bStart = QtGui.QPushButton('Start') bStart.clicked.connect(self.start) bStop = QtGui.QPushButton('Stop') bStop.clicked.connect(self.stop) bSave = QtGui.QPushButton('Save data') bSave.clicked.connect(self.saveCmd) bExit = QtGui.QPushButton('Exit') bExit.clicked.connect(exit) w1.addWidget(bAutoZoom, row=0, col=0) w1.addWidget(bRestart, row=0, col=1) w1.addWidget(bStart, row=0, col=2) w1.addWidget(bStop, row=0, col=3) w1.addWidget(bSave, row=0, col=4) w1.addWidget(bExit, row=0, col=5) d1.addWidget(w1) # RF gen gui fCent=self.rfGenFunc.getCenter() fSpan=self.rfGenFunc.getSpan() spins = [ ("Central Frequency", pg.SpinBox(value=fCent, bounds=[6.83e9, 6.84e9], suffix='Hz', siPrefix=True, step=1e3, decimals=10), self.centralFreqValueChanged), ("Frequency Span", pg.SpinBox(value=fSpan, bounds=[1, 10e6], dec=True, step=0.5, suffix='Hz', siPrefix=True, minStep=1), self.freqSpanValueChanged) ] w3 = pg.LayoutWidget() d3.addWidget(w3) for text, spin, cb in spins: l=QtGui.QLabel(text) w3.addWidget(l) w3.addWidget(spin) spin.sigValueChanged.connect(cb) def clearData(self): = {} for ch in self.channelsNames2grab:[ch] = [] def stop(self): self.sweeper.cmdStop() def start(self): self.sweeper.cmdStart() def restart(self): self.clearData() self.sweeper.cmdRestart() def getNewDataFileName(self, ext="csv"): data_dir = self.data_dir if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.mkdir(data_dir) if not os.path.isdir(data_dir): print(f"ERROR: cannot create directory for data: {data_dir}") print(f"Will use current dir for storage") data_dir = "." prefix = self.save_prefix today = datestr = today.strftime("%Y%m%d") self.save_cnt += 1 base_name = f"{prefix}_{datestr}_{self.save_cnt:#04}" file_name = f"{base_name}.{ext}" data_file = os.path.join(data_dir, file_name) if os.path.exists(data_file): data_file = self.getNewDataFileName(ext=ext) return data_file def saveCmd(self): csv_file = self.getNewDataFileName(ext='csv') print(f"Saving to {csv_file}") data = try: with open(csv_file, 'w') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(data.keys()) writer.writerows(zip(*data.values())) except IOError: print('I/O error') png_file=csv_file.replace(".csv", ".png") print(f"Picture saved to {png_file}") plt = self.dataPlot.getPlotItem() ex = pg.exporters.ImageExporter(plt) if pg.__version__ == '0.10.0': # Workaround for PyQtGraph version <= 0.10.0 # see w= int(plt.width()) h= int(plt.height()) # the value in setValue need to be different from default # otherwise it will not be taken ex.parameters().param('width').setValue(w+1, blockSignal=ex.widthChanged) ex.parameters().param('height').setValue(h+1, blockSignal=ex.heightChanged) # now we set actual value # ex.parameters()['width'] = w ex.parameters().param('width').setValue(w, blockSignal=ex.widthChanged) ex.parameters().param('height').setValue(h, blockSignal=ex.heightChanged) # beware this is bad workaround!!! plot data is misplaced ex.export(png_file) def onTic(self,swp=None): start = if swp is None: swp = self.sweeper # global tic counter tic = self.sweeper.getCnt()['tic'].append(tic) # RF generator rfFreq = self.rfGenFunc.getValue(swp) self.hardware['rfGen'].setFreq(rfFreq)['rfFreq'].append(rfFreq) # DAQ daq0 = self.hardware['LabJack'] # dac0 # dac0 = self.funcGen.getValue(swp) dac0 = 0 dac0 = self.funcGen.getValue(swp) daq0.setOutputCh(0, dac0)['dac0'].append(dac0) # dac1 # dac1 = PulseGen(ampl=5, sweeper=swp).getValue() dac1 = 0 daq0.setOutputCh(1, dac1)['dac1'].append(dac1) # adc0 adc0= daq0.getInputCh(0) # adc0 = SinGen(ampl=4, sweeper=swp).getValue()['adc0'].append( adc0 ) # adc1 adc1= daq0.getInputCh(1) # adc1 = SinGen(ampl=1, sweeper=swp).getValue()['adc1'].append( adc1 ) # adc2 adc2= daq0.getInputCh(2) # adc2 = SinGen(ampl=2, sweeper=swp).getValue()['adc2'].append( adc2 ) # adc3 adc3= daq0.getInputCh(3) # adc3 = SinGen(ampl=3, sweeper=swp).getValue()['adc3'].append( adc3 ) # X-axis (i.e. independent variable)[self.xChannelName] x=np.array(x) fCent = self.rfGenFunc.getCenter() x=(x-fCent)['x'] = x self.dataPlot.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency offset', units='Hz') self.dataPlot.setLabel('left', 'Signal', units='V') self.newDataIsReady = True stop = runTime = (stop-start).seconds + float((stop-start).microseconds)/1000000 # print("onTic DAQ took %s seconds." % (runTime) ) def autoZoom(self): self.dataPlot.autoRange() def updatePlot(self,swp=None): if self.newDataIsReady: self.newDataIsReady = False else: return start = x =['x'] for name in self.channelsNames2plot: if name not in continue y =[name] if name not in self.channelGraph: if name in self.channelsColor: color = self.channelsColor[name] else: color = (255,0,0) self.channelGraph[name]=self.dataPlot.plot(x,y, pen=None, symbol='o', symbolPen=None, symbolBrush=color, symbolSize=5, name=name) else: self.channelGraph[name].setData(x,y) # centralFreqFormatted = pg.siFormat(self.fCent, suffix='Hz', precision=4) # showing trailing zeros is tricky fCent = self.rfGenFunc.getCenter() centralFreqFormatted = f"{fCent/1e9:.9f}" centralFreqFormatted = str.ljust(centralFreqFormatted, 11, '0') + " GHz" self.dataPlot.setTitle(f"Signals around center frequency {centralFreqFormatted}") stop = runTime = (stop-start).seconds + float((stop-start).microseconds)/1000000 print("Replot took %s seconds to plot %s points per channel." % (runTime, len(['x'])) ) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Perform EIT based experiment.') parser.add_argument('--test', '-t', action='store_true', help='test mode, use fake/dummy hardware') args = parser.parse_args() app = QtGui.QApplication([]) pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w') pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k') mw = QtGui.QMainWindow() mw.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: PlotWidget') mw.resize(800,800) cw = QtGui.QWidget() mw.setCentralWidget(cw) l = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() cw.setLayout(l) args.save_prefix="eit" args.data_dir="VAMPIRE.Data" experiment=Experiment(l, args) app.exec()