# qolab Collection of function and classes to run experimental hardware and data analysis with python. The package `qolab` was started in April 2021 by Eugeniy E. Mikhailov within Quantum Optics Lab (QOLab), which explains it name. ## Developing ### Formatting Adhere to [black](https://pypi.org/project/black/) formatting style and run modified files via `black`. I.e. do `black fname` or even more extreme ~~~~~ black . ~~~~~ to reformat the whole project. ### Linting I find [flake8](https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8/tree/main) to be quite good linter. Make sure that you check for linting errors all the files and review the messages. Before committing and especially pushing, run ~~~~~ flake8 --max-line-length=88 ~~~~~ here we set maximum line length to `black` default, which is a bit longer `python` recommended 79. ### Test instructions Make sure that you run the test suite and no errors are triggered. ~~~~~ export PYTHONPATH=. python -m pytest ~~~~~ Note that we cannot just run `pytest` since I see no way to set the module search path. ## Build instructions To build a python wheel package and put it in `./dist/` directory, run ~~~~~ flit build ~~~~~