import sys import traceback import time # For sleep, clock, time and perf_counter from datetime import datetime import random import u3 import u6 import ue9 class UE9qol: def __init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs): #d = ue9.UE9(ethernet=True, ipAddress="") # Over TCP/ethernet connect to UE9 with IP address self.daq = ue9.UE9(debug=debug, autoOpen=autoOpen) # For applying the proper calibration to readings. c=self.daq.getCalibrationData() # by evmik # fixing missing slope for gain '0' c['AINSlopes']['0']= 0.0000775030 def getInputCh(self, chNum): return self.daq.getAIN(chNum) def setOutputCh(self, chNum=None, volts=None): if chNum == None or volts == None: print("setOutputCh needs chNum and volts to be set") return 0 bits = self.daq.voltageToDACBits(volts, dacNumber = chNum) # out is completely bogus for DAC settings in UE9 out=self.daq.singleIO(IOType=5, Channel=chNum, DAC=bits) return volts def close(self): self.daq.close() class UE9qolDummy: # to be used for graphics debugging def __init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs): # do nothing return def getInputCh(self, chNum): return random.normalvariate(chNum, 0.25) def setOutputCh(self, chNum=None, volts=None): # do nothing return def close(self): # do nothing return