var clientFactory = require("ssb-client"); var config = require("ssb-config"); var pull = require("pull-stream"); var Pushable = require("pull-pushable"); var many = require("pull-many"); // Change to 'true' to get debugging output DEBUG = !false DEFAULT_OPTS = { lt:, gt: -Infinity } GRAPH_TYPE = "follow" MAX_HOPS = 1 MAX_REPLY_RECURSIONS = 10 // only instantiate a ssb-client once, so we don't have to create a new connection every time we load a channel page let client = null; class ChannelController { constructor(opts) { this.opts = opts, this.outputStream = Pushable(), this.idsInChannel = {}, this.rootMessages = {}, // used to check for replies this.getMessagesFrom = function(channelName, followedIds, preserve, cb) { var hashtagStream = createHashtagStream("#" + channelName); var channelStream = createChannelStream(channelName); var stream = many([hashtagStream, channelStream]); var self = this; pull(stream, pull.filter(function(msg) { return followedIds.includes(; }), pull.drain(function(msg) { self.pushMessage(msg); }, function() { self.getReplies(); })); cb(this.outputStream, preserve); }, this.pushMessage = function(newMsg) { this.idsInChannel[] = true; if(newMsg.value.timestamp > && newMsg.value.timestamp < { this.rootMessages[newMsg.key] = newMsg; requestBlobs(newMsg); } }, this.getReplies = function() { let replyStreams = []; for(let userId of Object.keys(this.idsInChannel)) { replyStreams.push(createUserStream(userId)); } let self = this; pull( many(replyStreams), pull.filter(function(msg) { let messageIsValid = msg.value && msg.value.content && msg.value.content.root; return messageIsValid && !(msg.key in self.rootMessages) && (msg.value.content.root in self.rootMessages); }), pull.drain(function(msg) { self.pushMessage(msg); }, function() { self.sortAndPushAllMessages(); getProfilePicturesOf(Object.keys(self.idsInChannel)); }) ); }, this.sortAndPushAllMessages = function() { let self = this; let messages = Object.keys(this.rootMessages).map(function(msgId) { return self.rootMessages[msgId]; }); for(let msg of messages.sort((a, b) => b.value.timestamp - a.value.timestamp)) { this.outputStream.push(msg); } this.exit(); }, this.exit = function() { debug("ending stream") this.outputStream.end(); delete this; } } } function requestBlobs(msg) { if(msg.value && msg.value.content) { if(msg.value.content.mentions && Symbol.iterator in Object(msg.value.content.mentions)) { for(let mention of msg.value.content.mentions) { if(mention.type && { if(typeof == "string") { getBlob( } else { debug("Message has non-string value: " + JSON.stringify(; } } } } } } function getProfilePicturesOf(relevantIds) { let profilePictureStreams = [] let profilePictureFound = {}; for(let userId of relevantIds) { profilePictureFound[userId] = false; profilePictureStreams.push(createMetadataStream(userId)); } let collectedStream = many(profilePictureStreams); if(relevantIds.length == 0) { // avoid the edge case where checkIfDone is never called // exit(cb, preserve); return; } pull( collectedStream, pull.drain(function(msg) { if(!profilePictureFound[] && msg.value.content.image) { if(typeof msg.value.content.image == "string") { debug("Getting profile picture at " + msg.value.content.image + " for user " +; getBlob(msg.value.content.image); profilePictureFound[] = true; } else if(typeof msg.value.content.image == "object" && typeof == "string") { debug("Getting profile picture at " + + " for user " +; getBlob(; profilePictureFound[] = true; } else { debug("Message has unknown msg.value.content.image value: " + JSON.stringify(msg.value.content.image)); } } }) ); } function getBlob(blobId) { debug("Ensuring existence of blob with ID " + blobId); client.blobs.has(blobId, function(err, has) { if(err) { debug("[ERROR] ssb.blobs.has failed on the blob with ID " + blobId); } if(!err && !has) { debug("Wanting blob with ID " + blobId); client.blobs.want(blobId, () => {}); } }); } function debug(message) { if(DEBUG) { var timestamp = new Date(); console.log("[channels-lib] [" + timestamp.toISOString() + "] " + message); } } function createHashtagStream(channelName) { var search = &&; if(!search) { console.log("[FATAL] ssb-search plugin must be installed to us channels"); } var query = search({ query: channelName }); return query; } /* function createHashtagStream(channelTag) { var query ={ query: [{ "$filter": { value: { content: { mentions: [ channelTag ] } } } }], reverse: true }); return query; } */ function createChannelStream(channelName) { var query ={ query: [{ "$filter": { value: { content: { channel: channelName } } } }], reverse: true }); return query; } function createUserStream(userId) { var query = client.createUserStream({ id: userId }); return query; } function createMetadataStream(userId) { var query ={ query: [{ "$filter": { value: { author: userId, content: { type: "about" } } } }] }); query.streamName = userId; // mark the stream object so we can tell which stream a message came from later return query; } function getConfig() { return { host: || "localhost", port: config.port || 8008 } } module.exports = { getMessages: function(ssbClient, channelName, ssbOpts, preserve, cb, hops=MAX_HOPS) { client = ssbClient; client.friends.hops({ dunbar: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, max: hops }, function(error, friends) { if(error) { throw "Couldn't get a list of friends from scuttlebot:\n" + error; } var followedIds = Object.keys(friends).map(id => id.toLowerCase()); let controller = new ChannelController(ssbOpts || DEFAULT_OPTS); controller.getMessagesFrom(channelName, followedIds, preserve, cb); }); } }