var pull = require('pull-stream') var paramap = require('pull-paramap') var lru = require('hashlru') var memo = require('asyncmemo') var u = require('./util') var packidx = require('pull-git-packidx-parser') var Reader = require('pull-reader') var toPull = require('stream-to-pull-stream') var zlib = require('zlib') var ObjectNotFoundError = u.customError('ObjectNotFoundError') module.exports = Git function Git(app) { = app this.findObject = memo({ cache: lru(5), asString: function (opts) { return opts.obj + opts.headMsgId } }, this._findObject.bind(this)) this.findObjectInMsg = memo({ cache: lru(5), asString: function (opts) { return opts.obj + opts.msg } }, this._findObjectInMsg.bind(this)) this.getPackIndex = memo({ cache: lru(4), asString: JSON.stringify }, this._getPackIndex.bind(this)) } // open, read, buffer and callback an object Git.prototype.getObject = function (opts, cb) { var self = this self.openObject(opts, function (err, obj) { if (err) return cb(err) pull( self.readObject(obj), u.pullConcat(cb) ) }) } // get a message that pushed an object Git.prototype.getObjectMsg = function (opts, cb) { this.findObject(opts, function (err, loc) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, loc.msg) }) } Git.prototype.openObject = function (opts, cb) { var self = this self.findObjectInMsg(opts, function (err, loc) { if (err) return cb(err)[loc.packLink], function (err) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, { type: opts.type, length: opts.length, offset: loc.offset, next:, packLink: loc.packLink, idx: loc.idx, msg: loc.msg, }) }) }) } Git.prototype.readObject = function (obj) { return pull(, {start: obj.offset, end:}), this.decodeObject({ type: obj.type, length: obj.length, packLink: obj.packLink, idx: obj.idx, }) ) } // find which packfile contains a git object, and where in the packfile it is // located Git.prototype._findObject = function (opts, cb) { if (!opts.headMsgId) return cb(new TypeError('missing head message id')) if (!opts.obj) return cb(new TypeError('missing object id')) var self = this var objId = opts.obj self.findObjectMsgs(opts, function (err, msgs) { if (err) return cb(err) if (msgs.length === 0) return cb(new ObjectNotFoundError('unable to find git object ' + objId)) self.findObjectInMsgs(objId, msgs, cb) }) } Git.prototype._findObjectInMsg = function (opts, cb) { if (!opts.msg) return cb(new TypeError('missing message id')) if (!opts.obj) return cb(new TypeError('missing object id')) var self = this, function (err, msg) { if (err) return cb(err) self.findObjectInMsgs(opts.obj, [msg], cb) }) } Git.prototype.findObjectInMsgs = function (objId, msgs, cb) { var self = this var objIdBuf = new Buffer(objId, 'hex') // if blobs may need to be fetched, try to ask the user about as many of them // at one time as possible var packidxs = [].concat.apply([], (msg) { var c = msg.value.content var idxs = u.toArray(c.indexes).map(u.toLink) return u.toArray(c.packs).map(u.toLink).map(function (pack, i) { var idx = idxs[i] if (pack && idx) return { msg: msg, packLink: pack, idxLink: idx, } }) })).filter(Boolean) var blobLinks = packidxs.length === 1 ? [packidxs[0].idxLink, packidxs[0].packLink] : (packidx) { return packidx.idxLink }), function (err) { if (err) return cb(err) pull( pull.values(packidxs), paramap(function (pack, cb) { self.getPackIndex(pack.idxLink, function (err, idx) { if (err) return cb(err) var offset = idx.find(objIdBuf) if (!offset) return cb() cb(null, { offset: offset.offset, next:, packLink: pack.packLink, idx: idx, msg: pack.msg, }) }) }, 4), pull.filter(), pull.take(1), pull.collect(function (err, offsets) { if (err) return cb(err) if (offsets.length === 0) return cb(new ObjectNotFoundError('unable to find git object ' + objId + ' in ' + msgs.length + ' messages')) cb(null, offsets[0]) }) ) }) } // given an object id and ssb msg id, get a set of messages of which at least one pushed the object. Git.prototype.findObjectMsgs = function (opts, cb) { var self = this var id = opts.obj var headMsgId = opts.headMsgId var ended = false var waiting = 0 var maybeMsgs = [] function cbOnce(err, msgs) { if (ended) return ended = true cb(err, msgs) } function objectMatches(commit) { return commit && (commit === id || commit.sha1 === id) } if (!headMsgId) return cb(new TypeError('missing head message id')) if (!u.isRef(headMsgId)) return cb(new TypeError('bad head message id \'' + headMsgId + '\'')) ;(function getMsg(id) { waiting++, function (err, msg) { waiting-- if (ended) return if (err && == 'NotFoundError') return cbOnce(new Error('missing message ' + headMsgId)) if (err) return cbOnce(err) var c = msg.value.content if (typeof c === 'string') return cbOnce(new Error('unable to decrypt message ' + msg.key)) if ((u.toArray(c.object_ids).some(objectMatches)) || (u.toArray(c.tags).some(objectMatches)) || (u.toArray(c.commits).some(objectMatches))) { // found the object return cbOnce(null, [msg]) } else if (!c.object_ids) { // the object might be here maybeMsgs.push(msg) } // traverse the DAG to keep looking for the object u.toArray(c.repoBranch).filter(u.isRef).forEach(getMsg) if (waiting === 0) { cbOnce(null, maybeMsgs) } }) })(headMsgId) } Git.prototype._getPackIndex = function (idxBlobLink, cb) { pull(, packidx(cb)) } var objectTypes = [ 'none', 'commit', 'tree', 'blob', 'tag', 'unused', 'ofs-delta', 'ref-delta' ] function readTypedVarInt(reader, cb) { var type, value, shift, function (end, buf) { if (ended = end) return cb(end) var firstByte = buf[0] type = objectTypes[(firstByte >> 4) & 7] value = firstByte & 15 shift = 4 checkByte(firstByte) }) function checkByte(byte) { if (byte & 0x80), gotByte) else cb(null, type, value) } function gotByte(end, buf) { if (ended = end) return cb(end) var byte = buf[0] value += (byte & 0x7f) << shift shift += 7 checkByte(byte) } } function readVarInt(reader, cb) { var value = 0, shift = 0, function gotByte(end, buf) { if (ended = end) return cb(end) var byte = buf[0] value += (byte & 0x7f) << shift shift += 7 if (byte & 0x80), gotByte) else cb(null, value) }) } function inflate(read) { return toPull(zlib.createInflate())(read) } Git.prototype.decodeObject = function (opts) { var self = this var packLink = opts.packLink return function (read) { var reader = Reader() reader(read) return u.readNext(function (cb) { readTypedVarInt(reader, function (end, type, length) { if (end === true) cb(new Error('Missing object type')) else if (end) cb(end) else if (type === 'ref-delta') getObjectFromRefDelta(length, cb) else if (opts.type && type !== opts.type) cb(new Error('expected type \'' + opts.type + '\' ' + 'but found \'' + type + '\'')) else if (opts.length && length !== opts.length) cb(new Error('expected length ' + opts.length + ' ' + 'but found ' + length)) else cb(null, inflate( }) }) function getObjectFromRefDelta(length, cb) {, function (end, sourceHash) { if (end) return cb(end) var inflatedReader = Reader() pull(, inflate, inflatedReader) readVarInt(inflatedReader, function (err, expectedSourceLength) { if (err) return cb(err) readVarInt(inflatedReader, function (err, expectedTargetLength) { if (err) return cb(err) var offset = opts.idx.find(sourceHash) if (!offset) return cb(null, 'missing source object ' + sourcehash.toString('hex')) var readSource = pull(, { start: offset.offset, end: }), self.decodeObject({ type: opts.type, length: expectedSourceLength, packLink: opts.packLink, idx: opts.idx }) ) cb(null, patchObject(inflatedReader, length, readSource, expectedTargetLength)) }) }) }) } } } function readOffsetSize(cmd, reader, readCb) { var offset = 0, size = 0 function addByte(bit, outPos, cb) { if (cmd & (1 << bit)), function (err, buf) { if (err) readCb(err) else cb(buf[0] << (outPos << 3)) }) else cb(0) } addByte(0, 0, function (val) { offset = val addByte(1, 1, function (val) { offset |= val addByte(2, 2, function (val) { offset |= val addByte(3, 3, function (val) { offset |= val addSize() }) }) }) }) function addSize() { addByte(4, 0, function (val) { size = val addByte(5, 1, function (val) { size |= val addByte(6, 2, function (val) { size |= val readCb(null, offset, size || 0x10000) }) }) }) } } function patchObject(deltaReader, deltaLength, readSource, targetLength) { var srcBuf var ended return u.readNext(function (cb) { pull(readSource, u.pullConcat(function (err, buf) { if (err) return cb(err) srcBuf = buf cb(null, read) })) }) function read(abort, cb) { if (ended) return cb(ended), function (end, dBuf) { if (ended = end) return cb(end) var cmd = dBuf[0] if (cmd & 0x80) // skip a variable amount and then pass through a variable amount readOffsetSize(cmd, deltaReader, function (err, offset, size) { if (err) return earlyEnd(err) var buf = srcBuf.slice(offset, offset + size) cb(end, buf) }) else if (cmd) // insert `cmd` bytes from delta, cb) else cb(new Error("unexpected delta opcode 0")) }) function earlyEnd(err) { cb(err === true ? new Error('stream ended early') : err) } } } var gitNameRegex = /^(.*) <(([^>@]*)(@[^>]*)?)> (.*) (.*)$/ function parseName(line) { var m = gitNameRegex.exec(line) if (!m) return null return { name: m[1], email: m[2], localpart: m[3], feed: u.isRef(m[4]) && m[4] || undefined, date: new Date(m[5] * 1000), tz: m[6], } } Git.prototype.getCommit = function (obj, cb) { pull(this.readObject(obj), u.pullConcat(function (err, buf) { if (err) return cb(err) var commit = { msg: obj.msg, parents: [], } var authorLine, committerLine var lines = buf.toString('utf8').split('\n') for (var line; (line = lines.shift()); ) { var parts = line.split(' ') var prop = parts.shift() var value = parts.join(' ') switch (prop) { case 'tree': commit.tree = value break case 'parent': commit.parents.push(value) break case 'author': authorLine = value break case 'committer': committerLine = value break case 'gpgsig': var sigLines = [value] while (lines[0] && lines[0][0] == ' ') sigLines.push(lines.shift().slice(1)) commit.gpgsig = sigLines.join('\n') break default: return cb(new TypeError('unknown git object property ' + prop)) } } commit.committer = parseName(committerLine) if (authorLine !== committerLine) = parseName(authorLine) commit.body = lines.join('\n') cb(null, commit) })) }