var http = require('http') var memo = require('asyncmemo') var lru = require('hashlru') var pkg = require('../package') var u = require('./util') var pull = require('pull-stream') var multicb = require('multicb') var paramap = require('pull-paramap') var Contacts = require('./contacts') var PrivateBox = require('private-box') var About = require('./about') var Follows = require('./follows') var Serve = require('./serve') var Render = require('./render') var Git = require('ssb-git') var cat = require('pull-cat') var proc = require('child_process') var toPull = require('stream-to-pull-stream') var BoxStream = require('pull-box-stream') var crypto = require('crypto') var SsbNpmRegistry = require('ssb-npm-registry') var os = require('os') var path = require('path') var fs = require('fs') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var Base64URL = require('base64-url') var ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys') var Url = require('url') var zeros = Buffer.alloc(24); zeros.fill(0) module.exports = App function getKey(msg) { return msg && msg.key } function App(sbot, config) { var self = this this.sbot = sbot this.config = config var conf = config.patchfoo || {} this.port = conf.port || 8027 = || 'localhost' this.msgFilter = conf.filter == null ? 'all' : conf.filter this.showPrivates = conf.showPrivates == null ? true : conf.showPrivates this.previewVotes = conf.previewVotes == null ? false : conf.previewVotes this.previewContacts = conf.previewContacts == null ? false : conf.previewContacts this.useOoo = == null ? false : this.ssbPort = 8008 this.portRegexp = new RegExp(':' + this.ssbPort + '$') this.caps = config.caps || {} this.peerInviteCap = this.caps.peerInvite || Buffer.from('HT0wIYuk3OWc2FtaCfHNnakV68jSGRrjRMP9Kos7IQc=', 'base64') // sha256('peer-invites') this.devPeerInviteCap = Buffer.from('pmr+IzM+4VAZgi5H5bOopXkwnzqrNussS7DtAJsfbf0=', 'base64') // sha256('peer-invites:DEVELOPMENT') this.voteBranches = !!config.voteBranches this.copyableIds = config.copyableIds == null ? true : config.copyableIds this.hostname = (/:/.test( ? '[' + + ']' : + ':' + this.port this.dir = path.join(config.path, conf.dir || 'patchfoo') this.scriptDir = path.join(this.dir, conf.scriptDir || 'script') this.draftsDir = path.join(this.dir, conf.draftsDir || 'drafts') this.allowHosts = u.toArray(conf.allowHosts || ['localhost:', '', '[::1]:', this.hostname]) this.allowHostsParsed = this.allowHosts.indexOf('*') > -1 ? [{ subdomains: true, host: '', port: '*' }] : (hostname) { var m = /^(\.)?(.*?)(:([0-9]*?|\*))?$/.exec(hostname) if (!m) return void console.trace('Unable to parse hostname pattern "'+hostname+'"') var port = !m[3] ? 80 : !m[4] ? Number(self.port) : '*' === m[4] ? '*' : Number(m[4]) if (port !== '*' && isNaN(port)) return void console.trace('Unable to parse port in hostname pattern "'+hostname+'". Default port: "'+self.port+'"') return { subdomains: !!m[1], host: m[2], port: port } }).filter(Boolean) this.trustedReferers = u.toArray(conf.trustedReferers || ['http://localhost:/', '', 'http://[::1]:/', 'http://' + this.hostname + '/']) this.trustedReferersParsed = this.trustedReferers.indexOf('*') > -1 ? [{ subdomains: true, host: '', port: '*', }] : (pattern) { var m = /^([a-z0-9\-+]+:)?\/\/+(\.)?(?:\[([0-9a-f:]*)\]|([^:/]*))(:([0-9]*?|\*))?(\/.*?)?$/.exec(pattern) if (!m) return void console.trace('Unable to parse URL pattern "'+pattern+'"') var port = !m[5] ? 80 : !m[6] ? Number(self.port) : '*' === m[6] ? '*' : Number(m[6]) if (port !== '*' && isNaN(port)) return void console.trace('Unable to parse port in URL pattern "'+pattern+'". Default port: "'+self.port+'"') return { protocol: m[1], subdomains: !!m[2], hostname: m[3] || m[4], port: port, path: m[7] } }).filter(Boolean) var base = conf.base || '/' this.opts = { base: base, blob_base: conf.blob_base || conf.img_base || base, img_base: conf.img_base || (base + 'image/'), emoji_base: conf.emoji_base || (base + 'emoji/'), encode_msgids: conf.encode_msgids == null ? true : Boolean(conf.encode_msgids), codeInTextareas: conf.codeInTextareas, } this.msgCache = lru(100) this.getMsg = memo({cache: this.msgCache}, getMsgWithValue, sbot) this.getMsgOoo = memo({cache: this.msgCache}, this.getMsgOoo) this.getAbout = memo({cache: this.aboutCache = lru(500)}, this._getAbout.bind(this)) this.unboxContent = memo({cache: lru(100)}, this.unboxContent.bind(this)) this.reverseNameCache = lru(500) this.reverseEmojiNameCache = lru(500) this.getBlobSize = memo({cache: this.blobSizeCache = lru(100)}, sbot.blobs.size.bind(sbot.blobs)) this.getVotes = memo({cache: lru(100)}, this._getVotes.bind(this)) this.getIdeaTitle = memo({cache: lru(100)}, this.getIdeaTitle) this.unboxMsg = this.unboxMsg.bind(this) this.render = new Render(this, this.opts) this.git = new Git(this.sbot, this.config) this.contacts = new Contacts(this.sbot) this.follows = new Follows(this.sbot, this.contacts) this.about = new About(this,, this.follows) this.serveSsbNpmRegistry = SsbNpmRegistry.respond(this.sbot, this.config) this.mtimes = {} this.getScript = memo({cache: false}, this.getScript) this.monitorBlobWants() this.navLinks = conf.nav || [ 'new', 'public', 'threads', this.sbot.private && 'private', 'mentions', 'peers', this.sbot.status && 'status', 'channels', 'tags', this.sbot.friends && 'friends', 'search', 'live', 'compose', 'drafts', 'emojis', 'self', 'searchbox' ] } App.prototype.isAllowedHostHeader = function (hostname) { var m = /^(\[[^\]]+\]|[^:]+)(?::([0-9]+))?/.exec(hostname) if (!m) return void console.error('Unable to parse Host header "'+hostname+'"') var host = m[1], port = Number(m[2] || 80) for (var i = 0; i < this.allowHostsParsed.length; i++) { var allow = this.allowHostsParsed[i] if ((allow.port === '*' || allow.port === port) && ( === '' || === host || (allow.subdomains && host.endsWith('.' ) return true } return false } App.prototype.getRefererPath = function (referer) { if (!referer) return var url = Url.parse(referer) var port = Number(url.port || 80) for (var i = 0; i < this.trustedReferersParsed.length; i++) { var allow = this.trustedReferersParsed[i] if ((!allow.protocol || allow.protocol === url.protocol) && (allow.port === '*' || allow.port === port) && (allow.hostname === '' || allow.hostname === url.hostname || (allow.subdomains && host.endsWith('.'+allow.hostname))) && (!allow.path || url.pathname.startsWith(allow.path)) ) return allow.path ? url.pathname.substr(allow.path.length) : url.pathname } return null } App.prototype.go = function () { var self = this var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { new Serve(self, req, res).go() }) server.listen(self.port,, onListening) function onListening() { var addr = server.address() var host = === 'IPv6' ? '[' + addr.address + ']' : addr.address self.log('Listening on http://' + host + ':' + addr.port) } // invalidate cached About info when new About messages come in if (!self.sbot.links) return console.error('missing sbot.links') else pull( self.sbot.links({rel: 'about', old: false, values: true}), pull.drain(function (link) { self.aboutCache.remove(link.dest) }, function (err) { if (err) throw err }) ) // keep alive ssb client connection setInterval(self.sbot.whoami, 10e3) } var logPrefix = '[' + + ']' App.prototype.log = console.log.bind(console, logPrefix) App.prototype.error = console.error.bind(console, logPrefix) App.prototype.unboxContent = function (content, cb) { if (this.sbot.private && this.sbot.private.unbox) return this.sbot.private.unbox(content, cb) if (typeof content !== 'string') return cb(new TypeError('content must be string')) // Missing ssb-private and privat key var keys = this.config.keys || {} if (!keys.private) { // Missing ssb-private and private key, so cannot decrypt here. // ssb-server may do decryption anyway, with private:true RPC option. return cb(null, null) } var data try { data = ssbKeys.unbox(content, this.config.keys.private) } catch(e) { return cb(e) } cb(null, data) } App.prototype.unboxContentWithKey = function (content, key, cb) { if (!key) return this.unboxContent(content, cb) var data try { var contentBuf = Buffer.from(content.replace(/\.box.*$/, ''), 'base64') var keyBuf = Buffer.from(key, 'base64') data = PrivateBox.multibox_open_body(contentBuf, keyBuf) if (!data) return cb(new Error('failed to decrypt')) data = JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8')) } catch(e) { return cb(new Error(e.stack || e)) } cb(null, data) } App.prototype.unboxMsgWithKey = function (msg, key, cb) { var self = this var c = msg && msg.value && msg.value.content if (typeof c !== 'string') cb(null, msg) else self.unboxContentWithKey(c, key, function (err, content) { if (err) { self.error('unbox:', err) return cb(null, msg) } else if (!content) { return cb(null, msg) } var m = {} for (var k in msg) m[k] = msg[k] m.value = {} for (var k in msg.value) m.value[k] = msg.value[k] m.value.content = content m.value.private = true cb(null, m) }) } App.prototype.unboxMsg = function (msg, cb) { return this.unboxMsgWithKey(msg, null, cb) } = function (query) { var fsearch = this.sbot.fulltext && if (fsearch) return fsearch(query) var search = && if (search) return search({query: String(query).toLowerCase()}) return pull.error(new Error('Search needs ssb-fulltext or ssb-search plugin')) } App.prototype.advancedSearch = function (opts) { return pull( ?{ dest: '#' +, reverse: true, }) : opts.dest ? this.sbot.backlinks ?{ reverse: true, query: [ {$filter: { dest: opts.dest, value: { author: opts.source || undefined } }} ] }) : this.sbotLinks({ values: true, dest: opts.dest, source: opts.source || undefined, reverse: true, meta: false, }) : opts.source ? this.sbotCreateUserStream({ reverse: true, private: true, id: opts.source }) : this.sbot.createFeedStream({ reverse: true, private: true, }), this.unboxMessages(), opts.text && pull.filter(filterByText(opts.text)) ) } function forSome(each) { return function some(obj) { if (obj == null) return false if (typeof obj === 'string') return each(obj) if (Array.isArray(obj)) return obj.some(some) if (typeof obj === 'object') for (var k in obj) { if (each(k)) return true if (some(obj[k])) return true } return false } } function filterByText(str) { if (!str) return function () { return true } var matcher try { var search = new RegExp(str, 'i') matcher = search.test.bind(search) } catch(e) { matcher = function (value) { return String(value).indexOf(str) !== -1 } } var matches = forSome(matcher) return function (msg) { var c = msg.value.content return c && matches(c) } } App.prototype.getMsgDecrypted = function (key, cb) { var self = this this.getMsg(key, function (err, msg) { if (err) return cb(err) self.unboxMsg(msg, cb) }) } App.prototype.getMsgOoo = function (key, cb) { var ooo = if (!ooo) return cb(new Error('missing ssb-ooo plugin')) ooo.get(key, cb) } App.prototype.getMsgDecryptedOoo = function (key, cb) { var self = this this.getMsgOoo(key, function (err, msg) { if (err) return cb(err) self.unboxMsg(msg, cb) }) } App.prototype.privatePublish = function (content, recps, cb) { if (this.private && typeof this.private.publish === 'function') { return this.sbot.private.publish(content, recps, cb) } else { try { content =, recps) } catch(e) { return cb(e) } return this.sbot.publish(content, cb) } } App.prototype.publish = function (content, cb) { var self = this function tryPublish(triesLeft) { if (Array.isArray(content.recps)) { var recps = self.privatePublish(content, recps, next) } else { self.sbot.publish(content, next) } function next(err, msg) { if (err) { if (triesLeft > 0) { if (/^expected previous:/.test(err.message)) { return tryPublish(triesLeft-1) } } } return cb(err, msg) } } tryPublish(2) } App.prototype.wantSizeBlob = function (id, cb) { // only want() the blob if we don't already have it var self = this var blobs = this.sbot.blobs blobs.size(id, function (err, size) { if (size != null) return cb(null, size) self.blobWants[id] = true blobs.want(id, function (err) { if (err) return cb(err) blobs.size(id, cb) }) }) } App.prototype.addBlobRaw = function (cb) { var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var sink = pull( u.pullLength(done()), this.sbot.blobs.add(done()) ) done(function (err, size, hash) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, {link: hash, size: size}) }) return sink } App.prototype.addBlob = function (isPrivate, cb) { if (!isPrivate) return this.addBlobRaw(cb) else return this.addBlobPrivate(cb) } App.prototype.addBlobPrivate = function (cb) { var bufs = [] var self = this // use the hash of the cleartext as the key to encrypt the blob var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256') return pull.drain(function (buf) { bufs.push(buf) hash.update(buf) }, function (err) { if (err) return cb(err) var secret = hash.digest() pull( pull.values(bufs), BoxStream.createBoxStream(secret, zeros), self.addBlobRaw(function (err, link) { if (err) return cb(err) link.key = secret.toString('base64') cb(null, link) }) ) }) } App.prototype.getBlob = function (id, key) { if (!key) { var m = /^(.*)\?unbox=(.*)$/.exec(id) if (m) { id = m[1] key = m[2] } } if (!key) return this.sbot.blobs.get(id) if (typeof key === 'string') key = Buffer.from(key, 'base64') return pull( this.sbot.blobs.get(id), BoxStream.createUnboxStream(key, zeros) ) } App.prototype.getHasBlob = function (id, cb) { id = id.replace(/\?unbox=.*/, '') if (!this.sbot.blobs) return cb(new TypeError('missing ssb-blobs plugin')) if (!this.sbot.blobs.size) return cb(new TypeError('missing blobs.size method')) this.sbot.blobs.size(id, function (err, size) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, size != null) }) } App.prototype.pushBlob = function (id, cb) { console.error('pushing blob', id) this.sbot.blobs.push(id, cb) } App.prototype.readBlob = function (link) { link = u.toLink(link) return this.sbot.blobs.get({ hash:, size: link.size, }) } App.prototype.readBlobSlice = function (link, opts) { if (this.sbot.blobs.getSlice) return this.sbot.blobs.getSlice({ hash:, size: link.size, start: opts.start, end: opts.end, }) return pull( this.readBlob(link), u.pullSlice(opts.start, opts.end) ) } App.prototype.ensureHasBlobs = function (links, cb) { var self = this var done = multicb({pluck: 1}) links.filter(Boolean).forEach(function (link) { var cb = done() self.sbot.blobs.size(, function (err, size) { if (err) cb(err) else if (size == null) cb(null, link) else cb() }) }) done(function (err, missingLinks) { if (err) console.trace(err) missingLinks = missingLinks.filter(Boolean) if (missingLinks.length == 0) return cb() return cb({name: 'BlobNotFoundError', links: missingLinks}) }) } App.prototype.getReverseNameSync = function (name) { var id = this.reverseNameCache.get(name) return id } App.prototype.getReverseEmojiNameSync = function (name) { return this.reverseEmojiNameCache.get(name) } App.prototype.getNameSync = function (name) { var about = this.aboutCache.get(name) return about && } function sbotGet(sbot, id, cb) { // ssb-ooo@1.0.1 (a50da3928500f3ac0fbead0a1b335a3dd5bbc096): raw=true // ssb-ooo@1.1.0 (f7302d12e56d566b84205bbc0c8b882ae6fd9b12): ooo=false if ( { sbot.get({id: id, raw: true, ooo: false, private: true}, cb) } else { if (!sbot.private) { // if no sbot.private, assume we have newer sbot that supports private:true return sbot.get({id: id, private: true}, cb) } sbot.get(id, cb) } } function getMsgWithValue(sbot, id, cb) { var self = this if (!id) return cb() var parts = id.split('?unbox=') id = parts[0] var unbox = parts[1] && parts[1].replace(/ /g, '+') try { sbotGet(sbot, id, function (err, value) { if (err) return cb(err) var msg = {key: id, value: value} if (unbox && value && typeof value.content === 'string') return, unbox, cb) cb(null, msg) }) } catch(e) { return cb(e) } } App.prototype._getAbout = function (id, cb) { var self = this if (!u.isRef(id)) return cb(null, {}) self.about.get(id, function (err, about) { if (err) return cb(err) var sigil = id[0] || '@' if ( &&[0] !== sigil) { = sigil + } self.reverseNameCache.set(, id) cb(null, about) }) } App.prototype.pullGetMsg = function (id) { return pull.asyncMap(this.getMsg)(pull.once(id)) } App.prototype.createLogStream = function (opts) { opts = opts || {} return opts.sortByTimestamp ? this.createFeedStream(opts) : this.sbot.createLogStream(opts) } App.prototype.createFeedStream = function (opts) { // work around being treated as opts.gte sometimes return pull( this.sbot.createFeedStream(opts), pull.filter(function (msg) { var ts = msg && msg.value && msg.value.timestamp return typeof ts === 'number' && ts !== && ts !== }) ) } var stateVals = { connected: 3, connecting: 2, disconnecting: 1, } function comparePeers(a, b) { var aState = stateVals[a.state] || 0 var bState = stateVals[b.state] || 0 return (bState - aState) || (b.stateChange|0 - a.stateChange|0) } App.prototype.streamPeers = function (opts) { var gossip = this.sbot.gossip return u.readNext(function (cb) { gossip.peers(function (err, peers) { if (err) return cb(err) if (opts) peers = peers.filter(function (peer) { for (var k in opts) if (opts[k] !== peer[k]) return false return true }) peers.sort(comparePeers) cb(null, pull.values(peers)) }) }) } App.prototype.getContact = function (source, dest, cb) { var self = this pull( self.sbot.links({source: source, dest: dest, rel: 'contact', reverse: true, values: true, meta: false, keys: false}), pull.filter(function (value) { var c = value && !value.private && value.content return c && c.type === 'contact' }), pull.take(1), pull.reduce(function (acc, value) { // trinary logic from ssb-friends return value.content.following ? true : value.content.flagged || value.content.blocking ? false : null }, null, cb) ) } App.prototype.isMuted = function (id, cb) { var self = this pull( self.sbot.links({source:, dest: id, rel: 'contact', reverse: true, values: true, meta: false}), // meta:false to emulate private:true pull.filter(function (msg) { return msg && msg.value && typeof msg.value.content === 'string' }), this.unboxMessages(), pull.filter(function (msg) { var c = msg && msg.value && msg && msg.value.content return c && c.type === 'contact' }), pull.take(1), pull.reduce(function (acc, msg) { var c = msg && msg.value && msg.value.content return c.following ? false : c.flagged || c.blocking ? true : null }, null, cb) ) } App.prototype.unboxMessages = function () { return paramap(this.unboxMsg, 16) } App.prototype.streamChannels = function (opts) { return pull( this.sbotMessagesByType({type: 'channel', reverse: true}), this.unboxMessages(), pull.filter(function (msg) { return msg.value.content.subscribed }), (msg) { return }), pull.unique() ) } App.prototype.streamMyChannels = function (id, opts) { // use ssb-query plugin if it is available, since it has an index for // author + type if (this.sbot.query) return pull({ reverse: true, query: [ {$filter: { value: { author: id, content: {type: 'channel'} } }}, {$map: ['value', 'content']} ] }), pull.unique('channel'), pull.filter('subscribed'),'channel') ) return pull( this.sbotCreateUserStream({id: id, reverse: true}), this.unboxMessages(), (msg) { return msg.value.content }), pull.filter(function (c) { return c.type === 'channel' }), pull.unique('channel'), pull.filter('subscribed'),'channel') ) } App.prototype.streamTags = function () { return pull( this.sbotMessagesByType({type: 'tag', reverse: true}), this.unboxMessages(), pull.filter(function (msg) { return !msg.value.content.message }) ) } function compareVoted(a, b) { return b.value - a.value } App.prototype.getVoted = function (_opts, cb) { if (isNaN(_opts.limit)) return pull.error(new Error('missing limit')) var self = this var opts = { type: 'vote', limit: _opts.limit * 100, reverse: !!_opts.reverse, gt: || undefined, lt: || undefined, } var votedObj = {} var votedArray = [] var numItems = 0 var firstTimestamp, lastTimestamp pull( self.sbotMessagesByType(opts), self.unboxMessages(), pull.take(function () { return numItems < _opts.limit }), pull.drain(function (msg) { if (!firstTimestamp) firstTimestamp = msg.timestamp lastTimestamp = msg.timestamp var vote = if (!vote) return var target = u.linkDest(vote) var votes = votedObj[target] if (!votes) { numItems++ votes = {id: target, value: 0, feedsObj: {}, feeds: []} votedObj[target] = votes votedArray.push(votes) } if ( in votes.feedsObj) { if (!opts.reverse) return // leave latest vote value as-is // remove old vote value votes.value -= votes.feedsObj[] } else { votes.feeds.push( } var value = vote.value > 0 ? 1 : vote.value < 0 ? -1 : 0 votes.feedsObj[] = value votes.value += value }, function (err) { if (err && err !== true) return cb(err) var items = votedArray if (opts.reverse) items.reverse() items.sort(compareVoted) cb(null, {items: items, firstTimestamp: firstTimestamp, lastTimestamp: lastTimestamp}) }) ) } App.prototype.createAboutStreams = function (id) { return this.about.createAboutStreams(id) } App.prototype.streamEmojis = function () { return pull( cat([ this.sbot.links({ rel: 'mentions', source:, dest: '&', values: true, meta: false // emulate private:true }), this.sbot.links({rel: 'mentions', dest: '&', values: true, meta: false}) ]), this.unboxMessages(), (msg) { return msg.value.content.mentions }), pull.flatten(), pull.filter('emoji'), pull.unique('link') ) } App.prototype.filter = function (plugin, opts, filter) { var limit = Number(opts.limit) var filterOpts = { $gt: || 1438957925282, $lt: ||, } return{ reverse: opts.reverse, limit: limit || undefined, query: [{$filter: u.mergeOpts(filter, opts.sortByTimestamp ? { value: { timestamp: filterOpts } } : { timestamp: filterOpts })}] }) } App.prototype.filterMessages = function (opts) { var self = this var limit = Number(opts.limit) return pull( paramap(function (msg, cb) { self.filterMsg(msg, opts, function (err, show) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, show ? msg : null) }) }, 4), pull.filter(Boolean), limit && pull.take(limit) ) } App.prototype.streamChannel = function (opts) { // prefer ssb-backlinks to ssb-query because it also handles hashtag mentions if (this.sbot.backlinks) return this.filter(this.sbot.backlinks, opts, { dest: /\*$/.test( ? {$prefix: '#' +\*$/, '')} : '#' + }) if (this.sbot.query) return this.filter(this.sbot.query, opts, { value: {content: {channel: /\*$/.test( ? {$prefix:\*$/, '')} :}}, }) return pull.error(new Error( 'Viewing channels/tags requires the ssb-backlinks or ssb-query plugin')) } App.prototype.streamMentions = function (opts) { if (!this.sbot.backlinks) return pull.error(new Error( 'Viewing mentions requires the ssb-backlinks plugin')) if (this.sbot.backlinks) return this.filter(this.sbot.backlinks, opts, { dest: ||, }) } App.prototype.streamPrivate = function (opts) { if (this.sbot.private && { if (opts.sortByTimestamp) return pull.error('ssb-private does not support sort by claimed timestamp') return this.filter(this.sbot.private, opts, {}) } return pull( this.createLogStream(u.mergeOpts(opts, {private: true})), pull.filter(u.isMsgEncrypted), this.unboxMessages(), pull.filter(u.isMsgReadable) ) } App.prototype.blobMentions = function (opts) { if (!this.sbot.links2) return pull.error(new Error( 'missing ssb-links plugin')) var filter = {rel: ['mentions',]} if ( filter.source = return{ query: [ {$filter: filter}, {$filter: {dest: {$prefix: '&'}}}, {$map: { name: ['rel', 1], size: ['rel', 2], link: 'dest', author: 'source', time: 'ts' }} ] }) } App.prototype.monitorBlobWants = function () { var self = this self.blobWants = {} pull( this.sbot.blobs.createWants(), pull.drain(function (wants) { for (var id in wants) { if (wants[id] < 0) self.blobWants[id] = true else delete self.blobWants[id] self.blobSizeCache.remove(id) } }, function (err) { if (err) console.trace(err) }) ) } App.prototype.getBlobState = function (id, cb) { var self = this if (self.blobWants[id]) return cb(null, 'wanted') self.getBlobSize(id, function (err, size) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, size != null) }) } App.prototype.getNpmReadme = function (tarballId, cb) { var self = this // TODO: make this portable, and handle plaintext readmes var tar = proc.spawn('tar', ['--ignore-case', '-Oxz', 'package/', 'package/readme.markdown', 'package/readme.mkd']) var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) pull( self.sbot.blobs.get(tarballId), toPull.sink(tar.stdin, done()) ) pull( toPull.source(tar.stdout), pull.collect(done()) ) done(function (err, _, bufs) { if (err) return cb(err) var text = Buffer.concat(bufs).toString('utf8') cb(null, text, true) }) } App.prototype.filterMsg = function (msg, opts, cb) { var self = this var myId = var author = msg.value && var filter = opts.filter || self.msgFilter if (filter === 'all') return cb(null, true) var show = (filter !== 'invert') var isPrivate = msg.value && typeof msg.value.content === 'string' if (isPrivate && !self.showPrivates) return cb(null, !show) if (author === myId || author === opts.feed || msg.key === opts.msgId) return cb(null, show) self.follows.getFollows(myId, function (err, follows) { if (err) return cb(err) if (follows[author]) return cb(null, show) self.getVotes(msg.key, function (err, votes) { if (err) return cb(err) for (var author in votes) { if (follows[author] && votes[author] > 0) { return cb(null, show) } } return cb(null, !show) }) }) } App.prototype.isFollowing = function (src, dest, cb) { var self = this self.follows.getFollows(src, function (err, follows) { if (err) return cb(err) return cb(null, follows[dest]) }) } App.prototype.getVotesStream = function (id) { var links2 = this.sbot.links2 if (links2 && return{ query: [ {$filter: { dest: id, rel: [{$prefix: 'vote'}] }}, {$map: { value: ['rel', 1], author: 'source' }} ] }) var backlinks = this.sbot.backlinks if (backlinks && return{ query: [ {$filter: { dest: id, value: { content: { type: 'vote', vote: { link: id } } } }}, {$map: { author: ['value', 'author'], value: ['value', 'content', 'vote', 'value'] }} ] }) return pull( this.sbot.links({ dest: id, rel: 'vote', keys: false, meta: false, values: true }), (value) { var vote = value && value.content && return { author: value &&, vote: vote && vote.value } }) ) } App.prototype._getVotes = function (id, cb) { var votes = {} pull( this.getVotesStream(), pull.drain(function (vote) { votes[] = vote.value }, function (err) { cb(err, votes) }) ) } App.prototype.getAddresses = function (id) { if (!this.sbot.backlinks) { if (!this.warned1) { this.warned1 = true console.trace('Getting peer addresses requires the ssb-backlinks plugin') } return pull.empty() } var pubMsgAddresses = pull({ reverse: true, query: [ {$filter: { dest: id, value: { content: { type: 'pub', address: { key: id, host: {$truthy: true}, port: {$truthy: true}, } } } }}, {$map: ['value', 'content', 'address']} ] }), (addr) { return + ':' + addr.port }) ) var newerAddresses = pull( cat([{ reverse: true, query: [ {$filter: { value: { author: id, content: { type: 'address', address: {$truthy: true} } } }}, {$map: ['value', 'content', 'address']} ] }),{ reverse: true, query: [ {$filter: { value: { author: id, content: { type: 'pub-owner-confirm', address: {$truthy: true} } } }}, {$map: ['value', 'content', 'address']} ] }) ]),, id)) ) return pull( cat([newerAddresses, pubMsgAddresses]), pull.unique() ) } App.prototype.isPub = function (id, cb) { if (!this.sbot.backlinks) { return pull( this.sbot.links({ dest: id, rel: 'pub' }), pull.take(1), pull.collect(function (err, links) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, links.length == 1) }) ) } return pull({ limit: 1, query: [ {$filter: { dest: id, value: { content: { type: 'pub', address: { key: id, host: {$truthy: true}, port: {$truthy: true}, } } } }} ] }), pull.collect(function (err, msgs) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, msgs.length == 1) }) ) } App.prototype.getIdeaTitle = function (id, cb) { if (!this.sbot.backlinks) return cb(null, String(id).substr(0, 8) + '…') pull({ reverse: true, query: [ {$filter: { dest: id, value: { content: { type: 'talenet-idea-update', ideaKey: id, title: {$truthy: true} } } }}, {$map: ['value', 'content', 'title']} ] }), pull.take(1), pull.collect(function (err, titles) { if (err) return cb(err) var title = titles && titles[0] || (String(id).substr(0, 8) + '…') cb(null, title) }) ) } function traverse(obj, emit) { emit(obj) if (obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object') { for (var k in obj) { traverse(obj[k], emit) } } } App.prototype.expandOoo = function (opts, cb) { var self = this var dest = opts.dest var msgs = opts.msgs if (!Array.isArray(msgs)) return cb(new TypeError('msgs should be array')) // algorithm: // traverse all links in the initial message set. // find linked-to messages not in the set. // fetch those messages. // if one links to the dest, add it to the set // and look for more missing links to fetch. // done when no more links to fetch var msgsO = {} var getting = {} var waiting = 0 function checkDone() { if (waiting) return var msgs = Object.keys(msgsO).map(function (key) { return msgsO[key] }) cb(null, msgs) } function getMsg(id) { if (msgsO[id] || getting[id]) return getting[id] = true waiting++ self.getMsgDecryptedOoo(id, function (err, msg) { waiting-- if (err) console.trace(err) else gotMsg(msg) checkDone() }) } var links = {} function addLink(id) { if (typeof id === 'string' && id[0] === '%' && u.isRef(id)) { links[id] = true } } msgs.forEach(function (msg) { if (msgs[msg.key]) return if (msg.value.content === false) return // missing root msgsO[msg.key] = msg traverse(msg, addLink) }) waiting++ for (var id in links) { getMsg(id) } waiting-- checkDone() function gotMsg(msg) { if (msgsO[msg.key]) return var links = [] var linkedToDest = msg.key === dest traverse(msg, function (id) { if (id === dest) linkedToDest = true links.push(id) }) if (linkedToDest) { msgsO[msg.key] = msg links.forEach(addLink) } } } App.prototype.getLineComments = function (opts, cb) { // get line comments for a git-update message and git object id. // line comments include message id, commit id and path // but we have message id and git object hash. // look up the git object hash for each line-comment // to verify that it is for the git object file we want var updateId = opts.obj.msg.key var objId = opts.hash var self = this var lineComments = {} pull( self.sbot.backlinks ?{ query: [ {$filter: { dest: updateId, value: { content: { type: 'line-comment', updateId: updateId, } } }} ] }) : pull( self.sbot.links({ dest: updateId, rel: 'updateId', values: true, meta: false, }), pull.filter(function (msg) { var c = msg && msg.value && msg.value.content return c && c.type === 'line-comment' && c.updateId === updateId }) ), paramap(function (msg, cb) { var c = msg.value.content self.git.getObjectAtPath({ msg: updateId, obj: c.commitId, path: c.filePath, }, function (err, info) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, { obj: info.obj, hash: info.hash, msg: msg, }) }) }, 4), pull.filter(function (info) { return info.hash === objId }), pull.drain(function (info) { lineComments[info.msg.value.content.line] = info }, function (err) { cb(err, lineComments) }) ) } App.prototype.sbotLinks = function (opts) { if (!this.sbot.links) return pull.error(new Error('missing sbot.links')) return this.sbot.links(opts) } App.prototype.sbotCreateUserStream = function (opts) { if (!this.sbot.createUserStream) return pull.error(new Error('missing sbot.createUserStream')) return this.sbot.createUserStream(opts) } App.prototype.sbotMessagesByType = function (opts) { if (opts.sortByTimestamp) { if (!this.sbot.query) { return pull.error(new Error('missing ssb-query')) } return this.filter(this.sbot.query, opts, { value: {content: {type: opts.type}} }) } else { if (!this.sbot.messagesByType) { return pull.error(new Error('missing sbot.messagesByType')) } return this.sbot.messagesByType(opts) } } App.prototype.getThread = function (msg) { return cat([ pull.once(msg), this.sbot.backlinks ?{ query: [ {$filter: {dest: msg.key}} ] }) : this.sbotLinks({ dest: msg.key, meta: false, values: true }) ]) } App.prototype.getLinks = function (id) { return this.sbot.backlinks ?{ query: [ {$filter: {dest: id}} ] }) : this.sbotLinks({ dest: id, meta: false, values: true }) } App.prototype.getLinksBy = function (id, relOrType) { return this.sbot.backlinks ?{ query: [ {$filter: { dest: id, value: { content: { type: relOrType } } }} ] }) : this.sbotLinks({ dest: id, meta: false, values: true, rel: relOrType }) } App.prototype.getLinks3 = function (id, author, rel) { return this.sbotLinks({ dest: id, source: author, rel: rel, meta: false, values: true }) } App.prototype.getShard = function (id, cb) { var self = this this.getMsgDecrypted(id, function (err, msg) { if (err) return cb(new Error('Unable to get shard message: ' + err.stack)) var c = msg.value.content || {} if (!c.shard) return cb(new Error('Message missing shard: ' + id)) self.unboxContent(c.shard, function (err, shard) { if (err) return cb(new Error('Unable to decrypt shard: ' + err.stack)) cb(null, shard) }) }) } App.prototype.sbotStatus = function (cb) { /* sbot.status is a "sync" method. if we are a plugin, it is sync. if we are * calling over muxrpc, it is async. */ var status try { status = this.sbot.status(cb) } catch(err) { return cb(err) } if (typeof status === 'object' && status !== null) return cb(null, status) } function writeAll(fd, buf, cb) { var offset = 0 var remaining = buf.length fs.write(fd, buf, function onWrite(err, bytesWritten) { if (err) return cb(err) offset += bytesWritten remaining -= bytesWritten if (remaining > 0) fs.write(fd, buf, offset, remaining, null, onWrite) else cb() }) } App.prototype.verifyGitObjectSignature = function (obj, cb) { var self = this var tmpPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), '.git_vtag_tmp' + Math.random().toString('36')) // use a temp file to work around function closeEnd(err) { fs.close(fd, function (err1) { fs.unlink(tmpPath, function (err2) { cb(err2 || err1 || err) }) }) }, 'w+', function (err, fd) { if (err) return cb(err) self.git.extractSignature(obj, function (err, parts) { if (err) return closeEnd(err) writeAll(fd, parts.signature, function (err) { if (err) return closeEnd(err) try { next(fd, parts) } catch(e) { closeEnd(e) } }) }) }) function next(fd, parts) { var readSig = fs.createReadStream(null, {fd: fd, start: 0}) var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) var gpg = proc.spawn('gpg', ['--status-fd=1', '--keyid-format=long', '--verify', '/dev/fd/3', '-'], { stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe', readSig] }).on('close', done().bind(null, null)) .on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'gpg')) gpg.stdin.end(parts.payload) pull(toPull.source(gpg.stdout), u.pullConcat(done())) pull(toPull.source(gpg.stderr), u.pullConcat(done())) done(function (err, code, status, output) { if (err) return closeEnd(err) fs.unlink(tmpPath, function (err) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, { goodsig: status.includes('\n[GNUPG:] GOODSIG '), status: status.toString(), output: output.toString() }) }) }) } } App.prototype.getScript = function (filepath, cb) { var filename = path.join(this.scriptDir, filepath) var self = this fs.stat(filename, function (err, stat) { if (err) return cb(err) var resolved try { resolved = require.resolve(filename) } catch(e) { return cb(e) } var prevMtime = self.mtimes[resolved] var mtime = stat.mtime.getTime() if (mtime !== prevMtime) { delete require.cache[resolved] self.mtimes[filename] = mtime } var module try { module = require(resolved) } catch(e) { return cb(e) } cb(null, module) }) } function writeNewFile(dir, data, tries, cb) { var id = Base64URL.encode(crypto.randomBytes(8)) fs.writeFile(path.join(dir, id), data, {flag: 'wx'}, function (err) { if (err && err.code === 'EEXIST' && tries > 0) return writeNewFile(dir, data, tries-1, cb) if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, id) }) } App.prototype.saveDraft = function (id, url, form, content, cb) { var self = this if (!self.madeDraftsDir) { mkdirp.sync(self.draftsDir) self.madeDraftsDir = true } var draft = { url: url, form: form, content: content } var data = JSON.stringify(draft) if (id) fs.writeFile(path.join(self.draftsDir, id), data, cb) else writeNewFile(self.draftsDir, data, 32, cb) } App.prototype.getDraft = function (id, cb) { var self = this var filename = path.join(self.draftsDir, id) fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', function (err, data) { if (err && err.code === 'EISDIR') return cb(null, {id: id, isDir: true}) if (err) return cb(err) var draft try { draft = JSON.parse(data) } catch(e) { return cb(new Error('JSON Error reading ' + filename + ': ' + e.stack)) } = id cb(null, draft) }) } App.prototype.discardDraft = function (id, cb) { fs.unlink(path.join(this.draftsDir, id), cb) } function compareMtime(a, b) { return b.mtime.getTime() - a.mtime.getTime() } function statAll(files, dir, cb) { pull( pull.values(files), pull.filter(function (file) { return !/^\./.test(file) }), paramap(function (file, cb) { fs.stat(path.join(dir, file), function (err, stats) { if (err) return cb(err) = file cb(null, stats) }) }, 8), pull.collect(cb) ) } App.prototype.listDrafts = function (dir) { var self = this var draftsDir = dir ? path.join(self.draftsDir, dir) : self.draftsDir return u.readNext(function (cb) { fs.readdir(draftsDir, function (err, files) { if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') return cb(null, pull.empty()) if (err) return cb(err) statAll(files, draftsDir, function (err, stats) { if (err) return cb(err) stats.sort(compareMtime) cb(null, pull( pull.values(stats), paramap(function (stat, cb) { var name = dir ? path.join(dir, : self.getDraft(name, cb) }, 4) )) }) }) }) } App.prototype.removeDefaultPort = function (addr) { return addr.replace(this.portRegexp, '') }