var pull = require('pull-stream') var multicb = require('multicb') var cat = require('pull-cat') var u = require('./util') module.exports = About function About(app, myId, follows) { = app this.myId = myId this.follows = follows } About.prototype.createAboutOpStream = function (id) { return pull({dest: id, rel: 'about', values: true, reverse: true, private: true, meta: false}),, (msg) { var c = msg.value.content if (typeof c !== 'object' || c === null) return [] return Object.keys(c).filter(function (key) { return key !== 'about' && key !== 'type' && key !== 'recps' && key !== 'reason' }).map(function (key) { var value = c[key] return { id: msg.key, author:, timestamp: msg.value.timestamp, prop: key, value: value, remove: value && value.remove, } }) }), pull.flatten() ) } About.prototype.createAboutStreams = function (id) { var ops = this.createAboutOpStream(id) var scalars = {/* author: {prop: value} */} var sets = {/* author: {prop: {link}} */} var setsDone = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true}) setsDone()(null, pull.values([])) return { scalars: pull( ops, pull.unique(function (op) { return + '-' + op.prop + '-' }), pull.filter(function (op) { return !op.remove }) ), sets: u.readNext(setsDone) } } function computeTopAbout(aboutByFeed) { var propValueCounts = {/* prop: {value: count} */} var topValues = {/* prop: value */} var topValueCounts = {/* prop: count */} for (var feed in aboutByFeed) { var feedAbout = aboutByFeed[feed] for (var prop in feedAbout) { var value = feedAbout[prop] var valueCounts = propValueCounts[prop] || (propValueCounts[prop] = {}) var count = (valueCounts[value] || 0) + 1 valueCounts[value] = count if (count > (topValueCounts[prop] || 0)) { topValueCounts[prop] = count topValues[prop] = value } } } return topValues } About.prototype.get = function (dest, cb) { var self = this var myAbout = [] var aboutByFeed = {} var aboutByFeedFollowed = {} this.follows.getFollows(this.myId, function (err, follows) { if (err) return cb(err) pull( cat([ dest[0] === '%' &&,{ rel: 'about', dest: dest, values: true, private: true, meta: false }) ]),, pull.drain(function (msg) { var author = var c = msg.value.content if (!c) return if (msg.key === dest && c.type === 'about') { // don't describe an about message with itself return } var about = author === self.myId ? myAbout : follows[author] ? aboutByFeedFollowed[author] || (aboutByFeedFollowed[author] = {}) : aboutByFeed[author] || (aboutByFeed[author] = {}) if ( = if (c.title) about.title = c.title if (c.image) { about.image = u.linkDest(c.image) about.imageLink = u.toLink(c.image) } if (c.description) about.description = c.description if (c.publicWebHosting) about.publicWebHosting = c.publicWebHosting }, function (err) { if (err) return cb(err) var destAbout = aboutByFeedFollowed[dest] || aboutByFeed[dest] // bias the author's choices by giving them an extra vote if (destAbout) { if (follows[dest]) aboutByFeedFollowed._author = destAbout else aboutByFeed._author = destAbout } var about = {} var followedAbout = computeTopAbout(aboutByFeedFollowed) var topAbout = computeTopAbout(aboutByFeed) for (var k in topAbout) about[k] = topAbout[k] // prefer followed feeds' choices for (var k in followedAbout) about[k] = followedAbout[k] // if we follow the destination/author feed, prefer its choices if (follows[dest]) for (var k in destAbout) about[k] = destAbout[k] // always prefer own choices for (var k in myAbout) about[k] = myAbout[k] cb(null, about) }) ) }) }