# patchfoo > 扒扯福 , the fortune of raked-together chatter Plain SSB web UI. Uses HTML forms instead of client-side JS. Designed for use on low-power and low-resource computers. ## Goals - Support all message schemas commonly used in the main SSB network. - Make efficient use of screen space, memory, and CPU. - Run well in [dillo](http://dillo.org/) browser. - Serve as a place for experimenting with new HTML-based SSB UIs. ## Features - Render messages with author name and icons. - Render core ssb message types, git-ssb message types, and raw messages. - View public log, private log, user feeds, channels, and search. - Paginate views bidirectionally. - Compose, preview and publish public and private messages. - *and more* ## Joining SSB with Patchfoo Note: these guides may or may not be updated for using the binary installer, which may be an easier way to install patchfoo. (See the Install section below.) Find [this guide](%VaSj08AbdhIa4itK4z8Z91G80o2h5OhRLCEEO6MhAcU=.sha256) [on github](https://github.com/noffle/sailing-patchfoo) or [on SSB](http://git.scuttlebot.io/%25VaSj08AbdhIa4itK4z8Z91G80o2h5OhRLCEEO6MhAcU%3D.sha256). ## Requirements - [ssb-server][] (may be bundled in Patchwork, Patchbay or Oasis) For development and installing from source: - Node.js - [ssb-npm][] ≥ [v2.0.4](%aiHW6ONQvfcCoj+I5PVWlwumjHaOUhLjnuMBBy4RXfY=.sha256) - [git-ssb][] Recommended ssb-server plugins (see "Install extras" below): - ssb-backlinks - ssb-private - ssb-search ### Note about Node v12 If you are installing patchfoo from source or ssb-npm with Node v12 or later, after the installation process you may need to separately install sodium-native v3. Some of patchfoo's dependencies still depend on sodium-native v2 which does not work easily with Node v12. sodium-native v2 can be swapped with v3 without any problem. More info in this thread: %VPeffQAd5jva0VwOVnttfGDPDrLGxxSsIpea3Z1GncI=.sha256 ## Install **Easy install: use the binary installer below.** patchfoo can run either as a standalone process or as an ssb-server plugin. Running as a ssb-server plugin is faster and uses less resources. But it requires you to run ssb-server from the command-line, or use a ssb-server distribution that allows installing ssb-server plugins. Running as a standalone process should work while you are running a ssb-server distribution such as Patchwork, Patchbay, or Oasis. It also could potentially work with ssb-server implementations other than the Node.js one. The binary installer installs patchfoo to run as a standalone process. It bundles Node.js so you don't need to have node/npm installed. You still need a ssb-server running though. You also need a connection to the main SSB network for the installation script to fetch the necessary blobs. ### Binary install This installs a single executable file "patchfoo" on your system, with an embedded Node.js. Install patchfoo v1.5.1 binary for linux-{x64,armv7,arm64,x86} or macos-x64: ```sh curl 'http://localhost:8989/blobs/get/&qmhp9n9eM4GMk4nm9XmCuXzgsJTeQbNhVHRUjgDYs4w=.sha256' | sh ``` [Licenses for git-ssb v1.5.1 binary release](&MIPxJWgw33j7u9CvIOUxbPlkzw3UF0LjOePlLUxVY8s=.sha256) ### Install from source #### as a standalone process This is how to install patchfoo using git-ssb and ssb-npm and run it as a standalone process with a local ssb-server. Running as a standalone process this way is useful if you can use git-ssb and ssb-npm and are either just trying out patchfoo, or want to continue using a ssb-server distribution that doesn't allow installing ssb-server plugins, or want to develop patchfoo and not have to frequently restart ssb-server. ```sh git clone ssb://%YAg1hicat+2GELjE2QJzDwlAWcx0ML+1sXEdsWwvdt8=.sha256 patchfoo cd patchfoo ssb-npm install --branch %azW4q2GOnr52FVPK7pQk06VVMRuUJdUHXKN1PzhB9d0=.sha256 npm start ``` #### as a ssb-server plugin This is the traditional way to install and run patchfoo. Using `--production` skips installing `ssb-client`, which is not needed for plugin usage. If you want to also be able to run patchfoo as a standalone process, omit the `--production` option in the commands below. ```sh cd ~/.ssb/node_modules git clone ssb://%YAg1hicat+2GELjE2QJzDwlAWcx0ML+1sXEdsWwvdt8=.sha256 patchfoo cd patchfoo ssb-npm install --production --branch %azW4q2GOnr52FVPK7pQk06VVMRuUJdUHXKN1PzhB9d0=.sha256 node enable-plugin.js ``` ### Install via ssb-npm patchfoo sometimes has releases published on ssb-npm. To install packages globally with [ssb-]npm, you need a npm prefix set. That is a directory that npm packages will get installed to when do a global (`-g`) install. If you don't already have a npm prefix set, I recommend using `~/.local`: ```sh npm config set prefix ~/.local ``` The `bin` directory under the prefix should also be in your `$PATH`. On some GNU/Linux systems, `~/.profile` automatically adds `~/.local/bin` to `$PATH` if that exists as a directory. Otherwise, you should edit your `~/.profile` or similar file to add the npm prefix's `bin` directory to `$PATH`: ```sh PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH ``` ### as a standalone process This installs patchfoo globally and gives you a `patchfoo` executable. Note: if you previously installed a patchfoo binary release, [ssb-]npm will not overwrite it. You must manually remove it (e.g. `rm ~/.local/bin/patchfoo`) before installing via ssb-npm. ```sh ssb-npm install -g patchfoo --branch %azW4q2GOnr52FVPK7pQk06VVMRuUJdUHXKN1PzhB9d0=.sha256 ``` ### as a ssb-server plugin This does a global ssb-npm install and then symlinks it into place and installs it with ssb-server as a plugin. ```sh ssb-npm install -g patchfoo --branch %azW4q2GOnr52FVPK7pQk06VVMRuUJdUHXKN1PzhB9d0=.sha256 dir=$(dirname $(realpath $(which patchfoo))) ln -s "$dir" ~/.ssb/node_modules/ node "$dir/enable-plugin.js" ``` ## Install extras To most effectively render things, patchfoo needs the `ssb-backlinks` and `ssb-private` ssb-server plugins. The `ssb-search` plugin is also helpful, for fulltext search of your SSB DB. If you are using a ssb-server distribution like Patchwork, Patchbay or Oasis's ssb-server, these plugins are already included. If you are using ssb-server from the command-line, the plugins have to be installed separately: ```sh sbot plugins.install ssb-backlinks sbot plugins.install ssb-private sbot plugins.install ssb-search ``` ## Config Pass config options with args e.g. `npm start -- --patchfoo.port 8027` if running standalone, or `sbot server --patchfoo.port 8027` if running as an sbot plugin. To make config options persistent, set them in `~/.ssb/config`, e.g.: ```json { "patchfoo": { "port": 8027, "host": "::", "filter": "all", "showPrivates": true, "previewVotes": true, "voteBranches": false, "ooo": true, "nav": [ "new", "public", "private", "mentions", "peers", "status", "channels", "tags", "friends", "search" "live", "compose", "drafts", "emojis", "self", "searchbox" ], "dir": "patchfoo", "scriptDir": "script", "draftsDir": "drafts" } } ``` ### Config options - `port`: port for the server to listen on. default: `8027` - `host`: host address for the server to listen on. default: `localhost` - `base`: base url that the app is running at. default: `/` - `blob_base`: base url for links to ssb blobs. default: same as `base` - `img_base`: base url for blobs embedded as images. default: same as `base` - `encode_msgids`: whether to URL-encode message ids in local links. default: `true` - `auth`: HTTP auth password. default: `null` (no password required) - `allowAddresses`: Array of IP addresses allowed to connect. default: `null` (allow any to connect). Note if host is `localhost` then this setting is useless. - `allowHosts`: Array of hostnames allowed that patchfoo may be connected at, or `*` to allow using any hostname. Default is to allow patchfoo's configured port, at patchfoo's configured host, `localhost`, `` or `::1`. If hostname includes trailing colon without port, it means use patchfoo's server port. `*` for the port means allow connections at any port. If hostname begins with `.`, subdomains under it are allowed too. - `trustedReferers`: Array of URL patterns allowed as base of HTTP Referers for POST & PUT requests to patchfoo, or `*` to allow any. Default is `http://` followed by patchfoo's host and port, or `localhost`, `` or `[::1]` at patchfoo's port. Port may be wildcard (`*`) to allow any port, or blank (trailing `:`) for patchfoo's port. Subdomains can be allowed by beginning the hostname with a period (`.`). patchfoo subpaths which may contain arbitrary blob content are excluded from the set of allowed referers. - `filter`: Filter setting. `"all"` to show all messages. `"invert"` to show messages that would be hidden by the default setting. Otherwise the default setting applies, which is so to only show messages authored or upvoted by yourself or by a feed that you you follow. Exceptions are that if you navigate to a user feed page, you will see messages authored by that feed, and if you navigate to a message page, you will see that message - regardless of the filter setting. The `filter` setting may also be specified per-request as a query string parameter. - `showPrivates`: Whether or not to show private messages. Default is `true`. Overridden by `filter=all`. - `previewVotes`: Whether to preview creating votes/likes/digs (`true`) or publish them immediately (`false`). default: `false` - `previewContacts`: Whether to preview creating contact/(un)follow/block messages (`true`) or publish them immediately (`false`). default: `false` - `voteBranches`: whether to publish vote messages with thread `branch` and `root` properties, and include `vote` messages in `branch` properties of a posts. default: `false`. - `ooo`: if true, use `ssb-ooo` to try to fetch missing messages in threads. also can set per-request with query string `?ooo=1`. default: `false` `codeInTextareas`: if `true`, render markdown code blocks in textareas. if `false`, render them in `pre` tags. default: `false` - `nav`: array of nav links. Each item may be a string, object or special value. Special values are `"searchbox"` and `"self"`, which are the search field box, and link to the current feed id's page, respectively. Any other string is interpretted to be a link to the page of that name prefixed with a forward slash. An object may have properties `name` and `url`, and that will be interpretted as a link with given name and URL (with `toUrl` conversions applied). default is the list in the readme above. - `dir`: name of directory in `~/.ssb/` to use for patchfoo things. default: `"patchfoo"`. - `scriptDir: name of directory in patchfoo's directory (as set by `patchfoo.dir` config option above) to use for user scripts. default: `"script"`. - `draftsDir: name of directory in patchfoo's directory (as set by `patchfoo.dir` config option above) to use for message draft data. default: `"drafts"`. - `newLimit: limit of messages to show on `/new` page. Default: 500. Overridable with query string parameter `limit=...`. - `dualMarkdownPreview`: Preview messages in composer in multiple SSB markdown implementations, `ssb-marked` and `ssb-markdown` >= 3. Overridable with query string parameter `dualMd=1`. - `replyMentionFeeds`: Mention thread branch authors in "reply" property, like Patchwork. Default `true`. ## TODO - Add more sophisticated private messages view. - Count digs - Show network status - Add UI for using pub invites [ssb-server]: %M0TrM+oJT2i/phUJO/fZ2wkK2AN2FB1xK0tqR7SNj58=.sha256 [patchbay]: %s9mSFATE4RGyJx9wgH22lBrvD4CgUQW4yeguSWWjtqc=.sha256 [ssb-npm]: %iqhz/sQCZCSp91JYAqfQPzHuDYrjw1geKPf1wJ1CvlA=.sha256 [git-ssb]: %n92DiQh7ietE+R+X/I403LQoyf2DtR3WQfCkDKlheQU=.sha256 ## Art > ![pache-hoo.png](&w2mUNZR/7zpDlif1dICILO2Gy94vzi411mxAhqeup30=.sha256) Doodle by [Mia Gooper](@EZArijiRCJQLZAnpcZOTYzu8IVaUMyqQPGGDLFS2klk=.ed25519) from disussion of Chinese translation of the name of patchfoo: %SLqfK1QQ/JHeZzK4uOsWqX4YdQwMVdEJVtlLyD1582g=.sha256 > ![troglodita-med.jpg](&dGBjqrtI3jswU83CHyOQ1wwNtFhXcZkYfYSaV6jZT8U=.sha256) [Troglodita Seal of Approval](https://ccom.uprrp.edu/~humberto/pages/troglodita.html), presented by [@hoz](@RtsOc2h1gqh0fRrjrUTHAkRBu9YyDgsD+EWsfLpykrc=.ed25519) in %w+oNAm1KCYmh5iKs2OIBE2PdyJX52ZSmX6VqRHwVObc=.sha256 ## License Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Secure Scuttlebutt Consortium This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see .