path: root/lib/render-msg.js
diff options
authorcel <cel@f/6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulDxDCwYD7DzFzPNr7u5AU=.ed25519>2017-01-30 18:24:49 -0800
committercel <cel@f/6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulDxDCwYD7DzFzPNr7u5AU=.ed25519>2017-01-30 18:24:49 -0800
commit7a3b67c49b20c9063a696b8fb7dc00e541855693 (patch)
tree67cbb86265898fa7cc14ebb564c9a9f1ad872221 /lib/render-msg.js
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/render-msg.js')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/render-msg.js b/lib/render-msg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc0d383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/render-msg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+var h = require('hyperscript')
+var htime = require('human-time')
+var multicb = require('multicb')
+var u = require('./util')
+var mdInline = require('./markdown-inline')
+module.exports = RenderMsg
+function RenderMsg(render, app, msg, opts) {
+ this.render = render
+ this.app = app
+ this.msg = msg
+ var opts = opts || {}
+ this.shouldWrap = opts.wrap !== false
+ this.c = msg.value.content || {}
+RenderMsg.prototype.toUrl = function (href) {
+ return this.render.toUrl(href)
+RenderMsg.prototype.linkify = function (text) {
+ var arr = text.split(u.ssbRefRegex)
+ for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i += 2) {
+ arr[i] = h('a', {href: this.toUrl(arr[i])}, arr[i])
+ }
+ return arr
+RenderMsg.prototype.raw = function (cb) {
+ this.wrap(h('pre',
+ this.linkify(JSON.stringify(this.msg, 0, 2))
+ ), cb)
+RenderMsg.prototype.wrap = function (content, cb) {
+ if (!this.shouldWrap) return cb(null, content)
+ var date = new Date(this.msg.value.timestamp)
+ var self = this
+ var channel = this.c.channel ? '#' + this.c.channel : ''
+ var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true})
+ done()(null, h('tr.msg-row',
+ h('td.msg-left',
+ h('div', this.render.avatarImage(this.msg.value.author, done())),
+ h('div', this.render.idLink(this.msg.value.author, done())),
+ this.recpsLine(done())
+ ),
+ h('td.msg-main',
+ h('div.msg-header',
+ h('a.ssb-timestamp', {
+ title: date.toLocaleString(),
+ href: this.msg.key ? this.toUrl(this.msg.key) : undefined
+ }, htime(date)), ' ',
+ h('code.ssb-id',
+ {href: this.toUrl(this.msg.key)}, this.msg.key),
+ channel ? [' ', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(channel)}, channel)] : ''),
+ content),
+ h('td.msg-right',
+ this.msg.rel ? [this.msg.rel, ' '] : '',
+ this.msg.key ? h('form', {method: 'post', action: '/vote'},
+ h('div', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.msg.key) + '?raw'}, 'raw')),
+ h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'recps',
+ value: this.recpsIds().join(',')}),
+ h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'link', value: this.msg.key}),
+ h('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'value', value: 1}),
+ h('input', {type: 'submit', name: 'expression', value: 'dig'})
+ ) : ''
+ )
+ ))
+ done(cb)
+RenderMsg.prototype.wrapMini = function (content, cb) {
+ if (!this.shouldWrap) return cb(null, content)
+ var date = new Date(this.msg.value.timestamp)
+ var self = this
+ var channel = this.c.channel ? '#' + this.c.channel : ''
+ var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true})
+ done()(null, h('tr.msg-row',
+ h('td.msg-left',
+ this.render.idLink(this.msg.value.author, done()), ' ',
+ this.recpsLine(done()),
+ channel ? [h('a', {href: this.toUrl(channel)}, channel), ' '] : ''),
+ h('td.msg-main',
+ h('a.ssb-timestamp', {
+ title: date.toLocaleString(),
+ href: this.msg.key ? this.toUrl(this.msg.key) : undefined
+ }, htime(date)), ' ',
+ content),
+ h('td.msg-right',
+ h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.msg.key) + '?raw'}, 'raw'))
+ ))
+ done(cb)
+RenderMsg.prototype.recpsLine = function (cb) {
+ return this.msg.value.private
+ ? this.render.privateLine(this.c.recps, cb)
+ : (cb(), '')
+RenderMsg.prototype.recpsIds = function () {
+ return this.msg.value.private
+ ? u.toArray(this.c.recps).map(u.linkDest)
+ : []
+RenderMsg.prototype.message = function (raw, cb) {
+ if (raw) return this.raw(cb)
+ if (typeof this.c === 'string') return this.encrypted(cb)
+ switch (this.c.type) {
+ case 'post': return this.post(cb)
+ case 'vote': return this.vote(cb)
+ case 'about': return this.about(cb)
+ case 'contact': return this.contact(cb)
+ case 'pub': return this.pub(cb)
+ case 'channel': return this.channel(cb)
+ case 'git-repo': return this.gitRepo(cb)
+ case 'git-update': return this.gitUpdate(cb)
+ case 'pull-request': return this.gitPullRequest(cb)
+ case 'issue': return this.issue(cb)
+ default: return this.object(cb)
+ }
+RenderMsg.prototype.encrypted = function (cb) {
+ this.wrapMini(this.render.lockIcon(), cb)
+RenderMsg.prototype.markdown = function (cb) {
+ return this.render.markdown(this.c.text, this.c.mentions)
+RenderMsg.prototype.post = function (cb) {
+ var self = this
+ self.link(self.c.root, function (err, a) {
+ if (err) return self.wrap(u.renderError(err), cb)
+ self.wrap(h('div.ssb-post',
+ a ? h('div', h('small', 're: ', a)) : '',
+ h('div.ssb-post-text', {innerHTML: self.markdown()})
+ ), cb)
+ })
+RenderMsg.prototype.vote = function (cb) {
+ var self = this
+ var v = self.c.vote || {}
+ self.link(v, function (err, a) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ self.wrapMini([
+ v.value > 0 ? 'dug' : v.value < 0 ? 'downvoted' : 'undug', ' ', a], cb)
+ })
+RenderMsg.prototype.getName = function (id, cb) {
+ switch (id && id[0]) {
+ case '%': return this.getMsgName(id, cb)
+ case '@': // fallthrough
+ case '&': return this.getAboutName(id, cb)
+ default: return cb(null, String(id))
+ }
+RenderMsg.prototype.getMsgName = function (id, cb) {
+ var self = this
+ self.app.getMsg(id, function (err, msg) {
+ if (err && err.name == 'NotFoundError')
+ cb(null, id.substring(0, 10)+'...(missing)')
+ else if (err) cb(err)
+ // preserve security: only decrypt the linked message if we decrypted
+ // this message
+ else if (self.msg.value.private) self.app.unboxMsg(msg, gotMsg)
+ else gotMsg(null, msg)
+ })
+ function gotMsg(err, msg) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ new RenderMsg(self.render, self.app, msg, {wrap: false}).title(cb)
+ }
+function truncate(str, len) {
+ return str.length > len ? str.substr(0, len) + '...' : str
+function title(str) {
+ return truncate(mdInline(str), 40)
+RenderMsg.prototype.title = function (cb) {
+ var self = this
+ if (typeof self.c.text === 'string') {
+ if (self.c.type === 'post')
+ cb(null, title(self.c.text))
+ else
+ cb(null, self.c.type + ':' + (self.c.title || title(self.c.text)))
+ } else if (self.c.type === 'git-repo') {
+ self.getAboutName(self.msg.key, cb)
+ } else {
+ self.message(false, function (err, el) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ cb(null, title(h('div', el).textContent))
+ })
+ }
+RenderMsg.prototype.getAboutName = function (id, cb) {
+ this.app.getAbout(id, function (err, about) {
+ cb(err, about && about.name)
+ })
+RenderMsg.prototype.link = function (link, cb) {
+ var self = this
+ var ref = u.linkDest(link)
+ if (!ref) return cb(null, '')
+ self.getName(ref, function (err, name) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ cb(null, h('a', {href: self.toUrl(ref)}, name))
+ })
+RenderMsg.prototype.about = function (cb) {
+ var img = u.linkDest(this.c.image)
+ this.wrapMini([
+ this.c.about === this.msg.value.author ? 'self-identifies' :
+ ['identifies ', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.c.about)}, truncate(this.c.about, 10))],
+ ' as ',
+ this.c.name ? [h('ins', this.c.name), ' '] : '',
+ img ? [
+ h('br'),
+ h('a', {href: this.toUrl(img)},
+ h('img', {
+ src: this.render.imageUrl(img),
+ alt: img,
+ width: 64,
+ height: 64,
+ })
+ )
+ ] : ''
+ ], cb)
+RenderMsg.prototype.contact = function (cb) {
+ var self = this
+ self.link(self.c.contact, function (err, a) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ self.wrapMini([
+ self.c.following ? 'follows' :
+ self.c.blocking ? 'blocks' :
+ self.c.following === false ? 'unfollows' :
+ self.c.blocking === false ? 'unblocks' : '',
+ ' ', a], cb)
+ })
+RenderMsg.prototype.pub = function (cb) {
+ var self = this
+ var addr = self.c.address || {}
+ self.link(addr.key, function (err, pubLink) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ self.wrapMini([
+ 'pub ', pubLink, ': ',
+ h('code', addr.host + ':' + addr.port)], cb)
+ })
+RenderMsg.prototype.channel = function (cb) {
+ var chan = '#' + this.c.channel
+ this.wrapMini([
+ this.c.subscribed ? 'subscribes to ' :
+ this.c.subscribed === false ? 'unsubscribes from ' : '',
+ h('a', {href: this.toUrl(chan)}, chan)], cb)
+RenderMsg.prototype.gitRepo = function (cb) {
+ this.wrapMini([
+ 'git repo ',
+ h('code', h('small', 'ssb://' + this.msg.key)),
+ this.c.name ? [' ', h('a', {href: this.toUrl(this.msg.key)},
+ '%' + this.c.name)] : ''
+ ], cb)
+RenderMsg.prototype.gitUpdate = function (cb) {
+ var self = this
+ // h('a', {href: self.toUrl(self.c.repo)}, 'ssb://' + self.c.repo),
+ self.link(self.c.repo, function (err, a) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ self.wrap(h('div.ssb-git-update',
+ 'git push ', a, ' ',
+ self.c.refs ? h('ul', Object.keys(self.c.refs).map(function (ref) {
+ var id = self.c.refs[ref]
+ return h('li',
+ ref.replace(/^refs\/(heads|tags)\//, ''), ': ',
+ id ? h('code', id) : h('em', 'deleted'))
+ })) : '',
+ Array.isArray(self.c.commits) ?
+ h('ul', self.c.commits.map(function (commit) {
+ return h('li',
+ h('code', String(commit.sha1).substr(0, 8)), ' ',
+ commit.title)
+ })) : ''
+ ), cb)
+ })
+RenderMsg.prototype.gitPullRequest = function (cb) {
+ var self = this
+ var done = multicb({pluck: 1, spread: true})
+ self.link(self.c.repo, done())
+ self.link(self.c.head_repo, done())
+ done(function (err, baseRepoLink, headRepoLink) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ self.wrap(h('div.ssb-pull-request',
+ 'pull request ',
+ 'to ', baseRepoLink, ':', self.c.branch, ' ',
+ 'from ', headRepoLink, ':', self.c.head_branch,
+ self.c.title ? h('h4', self.c.title) : '',
+ h('div', {innerHTML: self.markdown()})), cb)
+ })
+RenderMsg.prototype.issue = function (cb) {
+ var self = this
+ self.link(self.c.project, function (err, projectLink) {
+ if (err) return cb(err)
+ self.wrap(h('div.ssb-issue',
+ 'issue on ', projectLink,
+ self.c.title ? h('h4', self.c.title) : '',
+ h('div', {innerHTML: self.markdown()})), cb)
+ })
+RenderMsg.prototype.object = function (cb) {
+ this.wrapMini(h('pre', this.c.type), cb)