% Illustrates the use of AiryI.m % Plots field intensity of a TEM00 mode after clipping at an aperture. 16 beam cross % sections are calculated starting in the near field ending in the far field % (takes some time to run). lambda=10.6e-6; a=0.005; F=0.2; w0=a/sqrt(pi*F); rmax=a; nradialpts=50; nthetapts=36; for n=1:16 L=n*25*a; %thetaoffset=20*pi/180; rseed=[0:rmax/nradialpts:sqrt(rmax)].^2; thetaseed=[0:360/nthetapts:360]*pi/180; [theta,r]=meshgrid(thetaseed,rseed); [x,y]=pol2cart(theta,r); subplot(4,4,n); z=AiryI([a,w0,L,lambda,4],r); h=pcolor(x,y,z); hold on; %h_contours=contour(x,y,sqrt(x.^2+y.^2),[0.02,0.02],'r'); colormap(bone); set(h,'EdgeColor','none'); set(h,'FaceColor','interp'); set(gca,'Visible','off'); set(gcf,'Color','black'); axis square set(gca,'XLim',[-rmax rmax]); set(gca,'YLim',[-rmax rmax]); %set(gca,'ZLim',[0 2.5]); hold off drawnow; end shg;