-- functions to write registers over microwire interface -- it resembles SPI but need exrta pin which sends Load Enable (LE) pulse -- otherwise SPI sequence is sent into 24 bit FIFO buffer -- Pins assignment -- SPI Id selects which pins are used for CLK, MOSI, MISO, CS microwire_sle = 4; -- microwire Load Enable pin. 2 --> GPIO2 -- lmx2487 can hadle up to 20 MHz but optocoupler is good for 240kHz -- so let's aim to 100 kHz maxMicrowireInterfaceSpeed = 100000; -- in Hz spiID = 1; -- HSPI in nodemcu language databits=24 -- default SPI clock is 80 MHz fSPI = 80000000 clock_divider = math.floor(fSPI/maxMicrowireInterfaceSpeed) function microwire_setup_interface () -- Load Enable pin settings gpio.mode(microwire_sle, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(microwire_sle, gpio.LOW) -- now microwire <--> SPI setup -- microwire is SPI with CPOL=0 and CPHA=0 i.e. SPI mode 0 = 00 = CPOL.CPHA -- see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_Peripheral_Interface#Mode_numbers -- see https://www.totalphase.com/support/articles/200348506-Using-the-Aardvark-adapter-with-a-Microwire-device -- we are setting SPI Id = 1, since Id = 0 used for communication with memory spi.setup(spiID, spi.MASTER, spi.CPOL_LOW, spi.CPHA_LOW, databits, clock_divider) -- SPI Id=1 uses following pins https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/master/modules/spi -- Signal | IO index | ESP8266 pin -- HSPI CLK | 5 | GPIO14 -- HSPI /CS | 8 | GPIO15 -- HSPI MOSI | 7 | GPIO13 -- HSPI MISO | 6 | GPIO12 end function microwire_send_data( data ) -- essentially send data via spi interface -- and raise Load Enable pin for a bit (at least for25 nS) at the end of transmission -- first low LE pin gpio.write(microwire_sle, gpio.LOW) -- second send the data local nBytes = spi.send(spiID, data) -- finally raise LE pin for at least 25 ns, gpio.write(microwire_sle, gpio.HIGH) -- but since optocoupler is limiting us we will do it for longer local microwireLEonTime = 100; -- time is in uS -- the easiest to use tmr.delay( timeIn_uS ) but this halts everything -- tmr.delay( microwireLEonTime ) -- so we use timer but unfortunately the smallest time is 1ms microwireLEonTime = 1; -- time is in mS for timers microwire_tmr = tmr.create() microwire_tmr:register(microwireLEonTime, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, function() gpio.write(microwire_sle, gpio.LOW) end) microwire_tmr:start() end microwire_setup_interface()