function psr_rad=output_faraday_results_vs_B() load '/tmp/xi_vs_B.mat' ; Er=(1+I*xi_right)*E_field_pos_freq.right; El=(1+I*xi_left) *E_field_pos_freq.left; Ex=(Er+El)/sqrt(2); Ey=I*(Er-El)/sqrt(2); %extra rotation to compensate rotation due to ellipticity % actually no need for it since x-polarization shifts by positive phase % and y-pol by negative phase %el_rot=0*psi_el; %Ex=cos(el_rot)*Ex-sin(el_rot)*Ey; %Ey=sin(el_rot)*Ex+cos(el_rot)*Ey; Ipos=(abs(Ey).^2)/2; Ineg=(abs(Ex).^2)/2; figure(1); hold off; plot(B_fields, real(xi_left-xi_right), '-'); title("differential real xi"); xlabel("two photon detuning (MHz)"); figure(2); hold off; plot(B_fields, imag(xi_left-xi_right), '-'); title("differential imag xi"); xlabel("two photon detuning (MHz)"); figure(3); hold off; plot(B_fields, real(xi_left), '-', detuning_freq, real(xi_right), '-'); title("real xi"); xlabel("two photon detuning (MHz)"); figure(4); hold off; plot(B_fields, imag(xi_left), '-', detuning_freq, imag(xi_right), '-'); title("imag xi"); xlabel("two photon detuning (MHz)"); figure(5); hold off; I_probe=E_field_probe^2; psr_rad=(Ipos-Ineg)/(2*I_probe); plot(B_fields, psr_rad, '-'); subt_str=sprintf("Laser Rabi freq normalized to upper state decay %.3f, ellipticity %.1f degree, \n B field ground level splitting %.3f Gauss", I_probe, psi_el*180/pi, detuning_freq); title(cstrcat("BPD normilized PSR signal at F_g=2 to F_e=1,2.\n ",subt_str) ); xlabel("two photon detuning (MHz)"); ylabel("PSR (radians)"); print(""); fname= sprintf("psr_vs_B_Fg=2toFe=1,2_Ip=%.3f_el_%.1f_detun=%.3fMHz.mat", I_probe, psi_el*180/pi,detuning_freq); save(fname,'B_fields', 'psr_rad', 'xi_left', 'xi_right', 'xi_linear'); return;