1; load './cached/total_lin_relative_transmission_vs_theta.mat' ; % let's create sideband transmission vs angle vectors % 1st of all we need to create matrix instead of a vector % with rows corresponding to absorption for each sideband % and columns to each phi angle N_detunings=length(detuning_freq); N_angles=length(thetas); transmission_matrix=reshape(total_relative_transmission, N_detunings, N_angles); % the last sideband is not in two-photon resonance % we use it as a reference for background transmission background_vector=transmission_matrix(N_detunings,:); background_transmission=repmat( background_vector , N_detunings, 1); transmission_matrix=-background_transmission+transmission_matrix; line_colors= [ ... [ 0, 0, 1]; ... [ 1, 0, 0]; ... [ 0, 1, 0]; ... [ 0, 0, 0]; ... [ 0, 0.8, 0]; ... [ 1, 0, 1]; ... [ 0, 0, .6] ... ]; figure(1); if (exist('keep','var') && keep) clf(); end hold off; labels={}; for i=1:N_detunings-1 %we will skip the very last row since it the reference transmission zoom_factor=1; %plot_style=strcat("-", num2str(i)); %plot( thetas, zoom_factor*(transmission_matrix(i,:)), plot_style); labels = {labels{:}, strcat("a_{", num2str(i-4), "}")}; line( thetas, zoom_factor*(transmission_matrix(i,:)), "color", line_colors(i,:) ); hold on; endfor set(gca, 'XTick', [0,pi/4, pi/2, 3*pi/4, pi]) set(gca, 'XTickLabel', {'0', '\pi/4', '\pi/2', '3\pi/4', '\pi'}) title("Relative sidebands amplitudes"); xlabel('Angle \theta, between B-field and light propagation direction'); ylabel("Amplitude"); legend(labels); print('compass_lin_sidebands_vs_theta.png') hold off; figure(2) if (exist('keep','var') && keep) clf(); end % resonance -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 % index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 j=4; k= 3; j=6; k= 7; j=4; k= 7; % plotting parametric line of a sideband amplitude (j) vs another one (k) z = zeros(1,N_angles); col = thetas; % This is the color, vary with x in this case. peak_1 = (transmission_matrix(j,:)); peak_2 = (transmission_matrix(k,:)); peak_3 = (transmission_matrix(6,:)); x_combo = peak_2./(peak_1+peak_2); y_combo = peak_1./(peak_1+peak_2); eps=1e-5; ind= abs(peak_1+peak_2)