function [stability] = stability_visualization( possible_lens_placement_uniq, q0, qf, xf, optics_position, optics_set, lambda, n, n_hist, index ) %STABILITY_VISUALIZATION Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here n_possible_lens_placement = min(n, size(possible_lens_placement_uniq,1)); for i=1:n figure(i) [hist_h, hist_x] = solution_stability( q0, qf, xf, optics_position(index(i),:), optics_set(index(i),:), lambda, n_hist ); subplot(2,1,2); plot(hist_x, hist_h); area = trapz(hist_x, hist_h); str_n = ['# of test points = ', num2str(n_hist)]; str_a = ['Area under curve = ', num2str(area)]; title({'Solution Stability'; str_n; str_a}); stability(i) = area; end end