% ####### Setting beam parameters ################ lambda= 1.064E-6 ; % wavelength Ltot= 1.010675025828971 ; % distance between initial and final waists % initial beam parameters x0= 0 ; % beam starting point w0= 2.563E-5 ; % initial waist size r0= 1.0E+100 ; % initial beam wavefront curvature radius q0=wr2q(w0,r0,lambda); %Calculate intial q % final/desired beam parameters xf= Ltot; % final position wf= 3.709E-5 ; % final waist size rf= 1.0E+100 ; % final beam wavefront curvature radius qf=wr2q(wf,rf,lambda); %Calculate final q % placing lenses in between lns1.abcd=abcd_lens( 0.075 ) ; lns1.x= 0.21358727296049 ; lns2.abcd=abcd_lens( 0.075 ) ; lns2.x= 0.40361319425309 ; lns3.abcd=abcd_lens( 0.203 ) ; lns3.x= 0.80361319425309 ; optics={lns1,lns2,lns3}; % display properties setup lens_width = .03; %Lens width show_lens_width = 1; %Set to 1 to enable display of lens width on solution propagation plot show_lens_position = 1; %Set to 1 to enable display of position of center of lens on solution propagation plot display_prop = [show_lens_width, show_lens_position]; % ########################################## [waste_at_the_end, radius_at_the_end, waist_at_lens_position] = solution_visualization(q0,x0, qf, xf, optics, lambda, lens_width, display_prop)