path: root/waste2waste.max
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'waste2waste.max')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/waste2waste.max b/waste2waste.max
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab980aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waste2waste.max
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+abcd(optics_system):=block([tmp:MATRIX([1,0],[0,1])], (for i:1 thru length(optics_system) do tmp:optics_system[i].tmp ), return(tmp))$
+ (if (rp = 0)
+ then
+ (print("#dbg: R=1/0, will substitute R with something big"),
+ return(1e100))
+ else
+ return(1/rp)
+ )
+) $
+/* find q0 for such q */
+ w:q2w(q),r:q2r(q),
+ w0:(w/sqrt(1+(%Pi*w^2/lamb/r)^2)),
+ return (w0)
+ )$
+ w:q2w(q),r:q2r(q), return(r/(1+(lamb*r/%Pi/w^2)^2))
+ )$
+qf2colim_lens_posit(qstart,f):= block([q0,z0,zd],
+ q0:q2q0(qstart),
+ z0:q2z0(qstart),
+ zd:q0f2z_for_colim_lens(q0,f),
+ return(zd-z0)
+check_real(x):=if featurep(x[1],real) then if featurep(x[2],real) then if featurep(x[3],real) then true else false $
+check_posit(x):=if (part(x[1],2)>0) then if (part(x[2],2)>0) then if (part(x[3],2)>0) then true else false $
+check_sm1(x):=if (part(x[1],2)<ltotal) then if (part(x[2],2)<ltotal) then if (part(x[3],2)<ltotal) then true else false $
+select_realsolutions(x):=block([temp:[]], for i:1 thru length(x) do (if check_real(x[i]) then temp:float(append(temp,[x[i]])) ), return(temp) ) $
+select_posit_solutions(x):=block([temp:[]], for i:1 thru length(x) do (if check_posit(x[i]) then temp:float(append(temp,[x[i]])) ), return(temp) ) $
+select_sm1_solutions(x):=block([temp:[]], for i:1 thru length(x) do (if check_sm1(x[i]) then temp:float(append(temp,[x[i]])) ), return(temp) ) $
+ match one Gauss beam parameter q0(w0,r0)
+ to another one qf(wf,qf)
+ with the help of two known lens.
+ distance between q0 and qf is 'ltotal'
+ q0>|----z1-----(f1)------z2-------(f2)------z3--------|>qf
+ ^ ^
+ |-------------------ltotal-------------------------|
+ the system should looks like above.
+ */
+ [
+ m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,z1,z2,z3,
+ optics, mfull,
+ q0r,qoi, qfr,qfi,
+ eqt,eq1,solut,
+ eq1,eq2,eq3,
+ eqn1, eqn2,eqn3,
+ eqnev1, eqnev2, eqnev3,
+ slt, rsol
+ ],
+ m1:dist(z1),
+ m2:lens(f1),
+ m3:dist(z2),
+ m4:lens(f2),
+ m5:dist(z3),
+ optics:[m1,m2, m3, m4, m5],
+ mfull:abcd(optics),
+ eqt:qf=prop(q0,mfull),
+ q0r:float(realpart(q0)),
+ q0i:float(imagpart(q0)),
+ qfr:float(realpart(qf)),
+ qfi:float(imagpart(qf)),
+ eq1:ev(eqt, q0=q0r+q0i*%I, qf=qfr+qfi*%I),
+ solut:solve([eq1], [z3]),
+ eqn1:imagpart(solut[1]),
+ eqn2:realpart(solut[1]),
+ eqn3:z1+z2+z3=ltotal,
+ eqnev1:ev(eqn1,numer),
+ eqnev2:ev(eqn2,numer),
+ eqnev3:ev(eqn3,numer),
+ slt:solve([eqnev1,eqnev2,eqnev3],[z1,z2,z3]),
+ print("slt=",slt),
+ rsol:select_realsolutions(slt),
+ rsol:select_posit_solutions(rsol),
+ rsol:select_sm1_solutions(rsol),
+ print("rsol=",rsol),
+ return(rsol)
+ Zero ewaste to zero waste transformatin with lense
+ q0|------------(f)-----------|qf0
+ ^ ^ ^
+ |----z--------| |
+ | |
+ |-------------l------------|
+ we are lookking for z1,l
+ q0fq02z1(q0,f,qf):=block([f0,z1,w0tmp:q2w(q0),wftmp:q2w(qf)],
+ f0:%Pi*w0tmp*wftmp/lamb,
+ z1:f+w0tmp/wftmp*sqrt(f^2-f0^2),
+ return(z1)
+ )$
+ q0fq02z2(q0,f,qf):=block([f0,z2,w0tmp:q2w(q0),wftmp:q2w(qf)],
+ f0:%Pi*w0tmp*wftmp/lamb,
+ z2:f+wftmp/w0tmp*sqrt(f^2-f0^2),
+ return(z2)
+ )$
+ q0fq02l(q0,f,qf):=q0fq02z1(q0,f,qf)+q0fq02z2(q0,f,qf)$
+ for back propogation we need to change R -> -R
+/* lets solve final waste to parrallel beam,
+ (actually back propogation)
+ this code tryes to find configuration of 3 given lenses with focal
+ length f1,f2, f_col
+ in such a way that starting from with initial waste (w0)
+ and radius (r0)
+ after propogation through lens 1 (f1 focal length)
+ and 2 (f2 focal length)
+ we have a collimated region with length (dist_betw_f2_f_col)
+ and then after passing through the lense 3 we at some distance
+ match to the final waste and radius (wend, rend).
+ Total distance between starting and final lense position will be
+ calculated in to the 'ltotal'
+ Beam have a wave length 'lamb'.
+ Everything calculated in meters.
+/*======== Initial condition ==============================*/
+/* starting waste */
+/* final waste */
+/* lenses focal length */
+/* collimated region size */
+ q0:ev(wr2q(w0,r0),numer)$
+ qend:wr2q(wend,rend)$
+/*finally position of collimated lens */
+if (z_col <0)
+ then (print("it is not possible to get collimated beam z_col=",z_col),
+ quit()
+) $
+qf:prop(qf,abcd([dist(dist_betw_f2_f_col),lens(f2)]) )$
+/* below something wrong */
+space_between_wastes:ev(q0fq02l(q0,f1,qf), numer)$
+qf:wr2q( -q2r(qf), q2w(qf) )$
+ print("rsol=",rsol),
+ with_stdout("answ.txt",
+ print("##########################################"),
+ print( "lambda=",lamb),
+ print( "Ltot=", ltotal),
+ print( "r0=", r0),
+ print( "w0=", w0),
+ print(),
+ print( "lns1.abcd=abcd_lens(", f1 , ")" ),
+ print( "lns1.x=", z1 ),
+ print( "lns2.abcd=abcd_lens(", f2 , ")" ),
+ print( "lns2.x=", (z2) ),
+ print( "lns3.abcd=abcd_lens(", f_col , ")" ),
+ print( "lns3.x=", (z3) ),
+ print("wf=", wend),
+ print("rf=", rend),
+ /*
+ qfinal:prop(q0,ev(mfull)),
+ wfinal:float(q2w(qfinal)),
+ rfinal:float(q2r(qfinal)),
+ print("#final waste=", wfinal),
+ print("#I was aiming to final waste"),
+ print("#final radius=", rfinal),
+ print("#I was aiming to final radius"),
+ */
+ print("##########################################")
+ )$
+ system("cat answ.txt")$
+ system("xterm -e octave abcd.m") $
+plot3d(f(z1,z2), [z1,0,1],[z2,0,1], ['colour_z,true], [plot_format,gnuplot],
+printreal(x):=if featurep(x[1],real) then if featurep(x[2],real) then if featurep(x[3],real) then x;