# -*- make -*- # (C) 2013 by Eugeniy Mikhailov, # Processing of pandoc files CLEAN_TARGETS += clean_md REAL_CLEAN_TARGETS += real_clean_md md_files = $(wildcard *.md) tex_from_md = $(md_files:%.md=%.tex) pdf_from_md = $(md_files:%.md=%.pdf) html_from_md = $(md_files:%.md=%.html) # to disable preprocessor use #PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR_CMD ?= cat #PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR_OPTIONS ?= # preprocessor on PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR_CMD ?= gpp PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR_OPTIONS ?= -U "" "" "(" "," ")" "(" ")" "\#" "\\" -M "<\#" "\n" " " " " "\n" "(" ")" PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR ?= $(PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR_CMD) $(PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR_OPTIONS) PANDOC_COMMON_OPTIONS ?= --standalone --smart PANDOC_HTML_OPTIONS ?= -s --css=$(TOPDIR)/css_styles/evmik_pandoc.css --section-divs --toc PANDOC_TEX_OPTIONS ?= PANDOC_PDF_OPTIONS ?= --latex-engine=pdflatex PANDOC_CMD := pandoc PANDOC := $(PANDOC_CMD) $(PANDOC_COMMON_OPTIONS) html_md: $(html_from_md) pdf_tex: $(pdf_from_independent_tex) pdf_md: $(pdf_from_md) tex_md: $(tex_from_md) $(html_from_md): %.html : %.md $(md_fig_files) $(md_configs) $(PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR) $< | $(PANDOC) -t html $(PANDOC_HTML_OPTIONS) -o $@ $(tex_from_md): %.tex : %.md $(md_fig_files) $(md_configs) $(PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR) $< | $(PANDOC) -t latex $(PANDOC_TEX_OPTIONS) -o $@ $(pdf_from_md): %.pdf : %.md $(md_fig_files) $(md_configs) $(PANDOC_PREPROCESSOR) $< | $(PANDOC) $(PANDOC_PDF_OPTIONS) -o $@ dest_dir_md: $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(dest_dir) install_md_src: dest_dir_md install_md_fig_files ifneq ($(strip $(md_files)),) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(html_from_md) $(dest_dir)/ endif install_md_fig_files: ifneq ($(strip $(md_fig_files)),) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(md_fig_files) $(dest_dir)/ endif install_html_md: dest_dir_md $(html_from_md) install_md_fig_files ifneq ($(strip $(html_from_md)),) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(html_from_md) $(dest_dir)/ endif install_pdf_md: dest_dir_md $(pdf_from_md) ifneq ($(strip $(pdf_from_md)),) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(pdf_from_md) $(dest_dir)/ endif clean_md: clean_md_aux real_clean_md: clean_md_tex clean_md_aux ifneq ($(strip $(pdf_from_md)),) rm -f $(pdf_from_md) endif ifneq ($(strip $(html_from_md)),) rm -f $(html_from_md) endif clean_md_tex: ifneq ($(strip $(tex_from_md)),) rm -f $(tex_from_md) endif clean_md_aux: ifneq ($(strip $(tex_from_md)),) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.dvi) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.log) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.aux) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.nav) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.out) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.snm) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.toc) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.vrb) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.blg) rm -f $(tex_from_md:%.tex=%.bbl) rm -f missfont.log rm -f *Notes.bib endif