function spectrum_analyzer = E4440a_take_data(varargin) % This script reads data from E440a spectrum analyzer and saves it to a file % E4440a_take_data( data_save_flag, data_plot_flag, channels_to_grab_flag, data_save_path, data_file_prefix ) % channels_to_grab_flag - is boolean array with true/false for the particular channel % for example channels_to_grab_flag = [ false true true ] will grab only traces 2 and 3 % % Eugeniy E. Mikhailov % Gleb Romanov % 8/12/2015 linux friendly and use of lab file utils % 7/27/2015 added a choice to save only specific channels % 7/20/2015 added a choice for saving and plotting % 6/20/2013 %% some sane defaults nVarargs = length(varargin); if (nVarargs > 5 ) error ('wrong number of arguments'); end if (nVarargs < 5 ) data_file_prefix = 'S'; else data_file_prefix = varargin{5}; end if (nVarargs < 4 ) data_path = 'Z:\qol_comp_data\data\'; % do not worry it will convert Z: to proper path in linux else data_path = varargin{4}; end if (nVarargs < 3 ) channels_to_grab_flag = [ true, true, true]; % grab all channels else channels_to_grab_flag = varargin{3}; end if (nVarargs < 2 ) data_plot_flag = true; % Default to plot Data else data_plot_flag = varargin{2}; end if (nVarargs < 1 ) data_save_flag = true; % Default to save data else data_save_flag = varargin{1}; end %% Windows computer parameters if ispc % Define instrument parameters board_index = 0; gpib_address = 21; bufSize = 100000; %% Find and initialize instrument obj1 = instrfind('Type', 'gpib', 'BoardIndex', board_index, 'PrimaryAddress', gpib_address, 'Tag', ''); % alternatively % obj1 = instrfind('Type', 'visa-gpib', 'RsrcName', 'GPIB0::21::INSTR', 'Tag', ''); % Create the GPIB object if it does not exist % otherwise use the object that was found. if isempty(obj1) obj1 = gpib('NI', board_index, gpib_address); else fclose(obj1); obj1 = obj1(1); end % Adjust the buffers so the traces fit. % Do this before fopen(obj1); obj1.InputBufferSize = bufSize; obj1.OutputBufferSize = bufSize; %% Connect to instrument object, obj1. fopen(obj1); end %% Unix specific parameters if isunix obj1=lgpib('Agilent_E4405b'); end %disp('--------------------') device_string = query(obj1, '*IDN?'); %disp(horzcat('Connected to ', device_string)); % Communicating with instrument object, obj1. % % You can send commands using: % fprintf(obj1, '_command_'); % % Or read stuff using: % _data_ = query(obj1, '_command_'); %disp('Reading traces...'); %% Find number of points Npoints_string = query(obj1, ':SENSe:SWEep:POINts?'); Npoints = sscanf(Npoints_string, '%f'); %Npoints=4695; tr1 = NaN(Npoints,1); % refill traces with NaN tr2 = NaN(Npoints,1); tr3 = NaN(Npoints,1); %% Read traces % switch to ASCII trace transfer fwrite(obj1, ':FORMAT:TRACE:DATA ASCII'); if channels_to_grab_flag(1); tr1_string = query(obj1, ':TRACE:DATA? TRACE1;'); % select traces to grab tr1 = sscanf(tr1_string, '%f,'); end if channels_to_grab_flag(2); tr2_string = query(obj1, ':TRACE:DATA? TRACE2;'); tr2 = sscanf(tr2_string, '%f,'); end if channels_to_grab_flag(3); tr3_string = query(obj1, ':TRACE:DATA? TRACE3;'); tr3 = sscanf(tr3_string, '%f,'); end %disp('Reading Spectrum Analyzer parameters...'); %% Read various spectrum analyzer parameters freq_start_string = query(obj1, ':SENSE:FREQUENCY:START?'); freq_stop_string = query(obj1, ':SENSE:FREQUENCY:STOP?'); freq_center_string = query(obj1, ':SENSE:FREQUENCY:CENTER?'); freq_span_string = query(obj1, ':SENSE:FREQUENCY:SPAN?'); amplitude_units_string = query(obj1, ':UNIT:POWER?'); attenuation_string = query(obj1, ':SENSE:POWER:RF:ATTenuation?'); ref_level_string = query(obj1, ':DISPLAY:WINDOW:TRACE:Y:SCALE:RLEVEL?'); log_scale_string = query(obj1, ':DISPlAY:WINDOW:TRACE:Y:SCALE:PDIVISION?'); rbw_string = query(obj1, 'SENSE:BANDWIDTH:RESOLUTION?'); vbw_string = query(obj1, 'SENSE:BANDWIDTH:VIDEO?'); sweep_time_string = query(obj1, ':SENSE:SWEEP:TIME?'); %% Disconnect from instrument object, obj1. if ispc % windows needs to close the file fclose(obj1); end %disp('Spectrum Analyzer data communincation is done'); % Transpose the vectors tr1 = tr1'; tr2 = tr2'; tr3 = tr3'; % Create the frequency vector freq_start = sscanf(freq_start_string, '%f'); freq_stop = sscanf(freq_stop_string, '%f'); freq = linspace(freq_start,freq_stop, Npoints); % Create spectrum analyzer structure spectrum_analyzer.traces=[tr1',tr2', tr3']; spectrum_analyzer.freq=freq'; spectrum_analyzer.RBW=sscanf(rbw_string, '%f'); spectrum_analyzer.VBW=sscanf(vbw_string, '%f'); spectrum_analyzer.sweep_time=sscanf(sweep_time_string, '%f'); %% Save data to a file if (data_save_flag) % Get full path of the file to save save_to_file = qol_get_next_data_file( data_file_prefix, data_path ); % Write the data to a file %disp(' '); disp(horzcat('Saving data to ',save_to_file)); header = { ... horzcat(datestr(clock)) ... , horzcat('Device:', ' ', device_string) ... , horzcat('Frequency center, Hz', ' ', freq_center_string) ... , horzcat('Frequency span, Hz', ' ', freq_span_string) ... , horzcat('Frequency start, Hz', ' ', freq_start_string) ... , horzcat('Frequency stop, Hz', ' ', freq_stop_string) ... , horzcat('Amplitude units ', amplitude_units_string) ... , horzcat('Attenuation ', attenuation_string) ... , horzcat('Reference level ', ref_level_string) ... , horzcat('Log scale ', log_scale_string) ... , horzcat('Resolution bandwidth, Hz', ' ', rbw_string) ... , horzcat('Video bandwidth, Hz', ' ', vbw_string) ... , horzcat('Sweep time, seconds', ' ', sweep_time_string) ... , horzcat('Columns are : freq tr1 tr2 tr3') ... }; % preparing data in column wise fashion data = [freq; tr1; tr2; tr3]; data = data'; % now data is column wise save_table_with_header(save_to_file, data, header, '%'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if (data_plot_flag) %% Plot raw traces % % Open a window figure111 = figure(111); % Create plot plot(freq/1e6, tr1, 'Color', [1 0 0], 'DisplayName', 'Trace 1'); hold on plot(freq/1e6, tr2, 'Color', [0 0 0], 'DisplayName', 'Trace 2'); plot(freq/1e6, tr3, 'Color', [0 0 1], 'DisplayName', 'Trace 3'); hold off xlabel('Detection frequency, MHz','FontSize',14); ylabel('Noise power, dBm','FontSize',14); % Show legend legend('show'); grid on; end %drawnow; %% Finish up and cleanup % Close all opened files fclose('all'); % Bring focus back to the command window %commandwindow;