#!/bin/sh # vim:set ft=tcl: \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" #================================================================= # TIME PROFILER # by [Barney Blankenship] (based on work by [George Peter Staplin]) # # Insert this snippet above the function definitions you want # to have profiled. # # TO INITIALIZE OR CLEAR/RESET THE PROFILER... # global TimeProfilerMode # if { [info exists TimeProfilerMode] } { # global ProfilerArray # array unset ProfilerArray # } # # TO PRODUCE THE OUTPUT (currently hard-coded to "TimingDump.txt" # file output "append" in the current working directory)... # global TimeProfilerMode # if { [info exists TimeProfilerMode] } { # TimeProfilerDump description # } # (description: text string shown at the top of the output) # # PROFILING DATA COLLECTION # (This describes what is included in the output) # Provides total elapsed time in milliseconds between reset and dump. # Provides function call statistics... # for each function defined after this snippet, provide... # Number of times called # Average milliseconds per call # Maximum milliseconds call time # Minimum milliseconds call time # Total milliseconds used # Ratio of above to total elapsed time (XX.XXX percent) # In addition, the function call statistics are sorted # in descending values of Ratio (above). # # Note that nested functions and functions that use # recursion are provided for and timed properly. # # TO DISABLE PROFILING WITHOUT REMOVING THE PROFILER # Comment out the "set TimeProfilerMode 0" below... #================================================================= global TimeProfilerMode set TimeProfilerMode 0 if { [info exists TimeProfilerMode] } { proc TimeProfiler {args} { global ProfilerArray # Intialize the elapsed time counters if needed... if { ![info exists ProfilerArray(ElapsedClicks)] } { set ProfilerArray(ElapsedClicks) [expr double([clock clicks])] set ProfilerArray(Elapsedms) [expr double([clock clicks -milliseconds])] } set fun [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0] if { [lindex $args end] == "enter" } { # Initalize the count of functions if needed... if { ![info exists ProfilerArray(funcount)] } { set ProfilerArray(funcount) 0 } # See if this function is here for the first time... for { set fi 0 } { $fi < $ProfilerArray(funcount) } { incr fi } { if { [string equal $ProfilerArray($fi) $fun] } { break } } if { $fi == $ProfilerArray(funcount) } { # Yes, function first time visit, add... set ProfilerArray($fi) $fun set ProfilerArray(funcount) [expr $fi + 1] } # Intialize the "EnterStack" if needed... if { ![info exists ProfilerArray(ES0)] } { set esi 1 } else { set esi [expr $ProfilerArray(ES0) + 1] } # Append a "enter clicks" and "enter function name index" to the EnterStack... set ProfilerArray(ES0) $esi set ProfilerArray(ES$esi) [clock clicks] # Note: the above is last thing done so timing start is closest to # function operation start as possible. } else { # Right away stop timing... set deltaclicks [clock clicks] # Do not bother if TimeProfilerDump wiped the ProfilerArray # just prior to this "leave"... if { [info exists ProfilerArray(ES0)] } { # Pull an "enter clicks" off the EnterStack... set esi $ProfilerArray(ES0) set deltaclicks [expr $deltaclicks - $ProfilerArray(ES$esi)] incr esi -1 set ProfilerArray(ES0) $esi # Correct for recursion and nesting... if { $esi } { # Add our elapsed clicks to the previous stacked values to compensate... for { set fix $esi } { $fix > 0 } { incr fix -1 } { set ProfilerArray(ES$fix) [expr $ProfilerArray(ES$fix) + $deltaclicks] } } # Intialize the delta clicks array if needed... if { ![info exists ProfilerArray($fun,0)] } { set cai 1 } else { set cai [expr $ProfilerArray($fun,0) + 1] } # Add another "delta clicks" reading... set ProfilerArray($fun,0) $cai set ProfilerArray($fun,$cai) $deltaclicks } } } proc TimeProfilerDump {description} { global ProfilerArray # Stop timing elapsed time and calculate conversion factor for clicks to ms... set EndClicks [expr {double([clock clicks]) - $ProfilerArray(ElapsedClicks)}] set Endms [expr {double([clock clicks -milliseconds]) - $ProfilerArray(Elapsedms)}] set msPerClick [expr $Endms / $EndClicks] # Visit each function and generate the statistics for it... for { set fi 0 ; set PerfList "" } { $fi < $ProfilerArray(funcount) } { incr fi } { set fun $ProfilerArray($fi) if { ![info exists ProfilerArray($fun,0)] } { continue } for { set max -1.0 ; set min -1.0 ; set ctotal 0.0 ; set cai 1 } { $cai <= $ProfilerArray($fun,0) } { incr cai } { set clicks $ProfilerArray($fun,$cai) set ctotal [expr {$ctotal + double($clicks)}] if { $max < 0 || $max < $clicks } { set max $clicks } if { $min < 0 || $clicks < $min } { set min $clicks } } set cavg [expr {$ctotal / double($ProfilerArray($fun,0))}] set ProfilerArray($fun,avgms) [expr $cavg * $msPerClick] set ProfilerArray($fun,totalms) [expr $ctotal * $msPerClick] set ProfilerArray($fun,ratio) [expr {double($ctotal / $EndClicks) * 100.0}] set ProfilerArray($fun,max) [expr $max * $msPerClick] set ProfilerArray($fun,min) [expr $min * $msPerClick] # Append to the sorting list the pairs of ratio values and function indexes... lappend PerfList [list $ProfilerArray($fun,ratio) $fi] } # Sort the profile data by Ratio... set PerfList [lsort -real -decreasing -index 0 $PerfList] # Finally, generate the results... set fd [open "TimingDump.txt" a] puts $fd "\n====================================================================" puts $fd [format " T I M I N G D U M P <%s>" $description] puts $fd [format "\n Elapsed time: %.0f ms" $Endms] puts $fd [format "\n %s" [clock format [clock seconds]]] puts $fd "====================================================================" for { set li 0 } { $li < [llength $PerfList] } { incr li } { set fun $ProfilerArray([lindex [lindex $PerfList $li] 1]) puts $fd [format ">>>>> FUNCTION: %s" $fun] puts $fd [format " CALLS: %d" $ProfilerArray($fun,0)] puts $fd [format " AVG TIME: %.3f ms" $ProfilerArray($fun,avgms)] puts $fd [format " MAX TIME: %.3f ms" $ProfilerArray($fun,max)] puts $fd [format " MIN TIME: %.3f ms" $ProfilerArray($fun,min)] puts $fd [format " TOTAL TIME: %.3f ms" $ProfilerArray($fun,totalms)] puts $fd [format " RATIO: %.3f%c\n" $ProfilerArray($fun,ratio) 37] } close $fd # Reset the world... array unset ProfilerArray } #================================================================= # Overload "proc" so that functions defined after # this point have added trace handlers for entry and exit. # [George Peter Staplin] #================================================================= rename proc _proc _proc proc {name arglist body} { #=================================== # Allow multiple namespace use [JMN] if { ![string match ::* $name] } { # Not already an 'absolute' namespace path, # qualify it so that traces can find it... set name [uplevel 1 namespace current]::[set name] } #=================================== _proc $name $arglist $body trace add execution $name enter TimeProfiler trace add execution $name leave TimeProfiler } }