<b>BNC, PCB, vertical</b>, Amp, e.g. isolated 5227222-6, nut 1-329631-2, lock washer 1-329632-2.<br> Non-isolated use conn 5227673-1, nut 1-329631-2, lock washer 1-329632-2, shoulder washer 330620.<br> http://www.tycoelectronics.com >NAME >VALUE <b>BNC PCB <u>Horizontal</u> mount connector</b>, Amp, horizontal, 0.1" grid, types such as 227677-1.<br> Don't forget the nut 1-329631-2 and maybe the shoulder washer 330620.<br> Now with new & improved mtg holes compared to ...TYPE2...!<br> The section of the BNC hanging over the edge of the PCB is in layer 49 (Reference).<br> http://catalog.tycoelectronics.com/TE/bin/TE.Connect?C=1&PN=227677-1&M=STARTSWITH&LG=1&I=13&button.x=0&button.y=0 >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE BNC <b>BNC PCB, horizontal or vertical</b>, e.g. vertical: Amp 227677-1, nut 1-329631-2, shoulder washer 330620.<br> The two shield connections allow the assembly on either side of the board.<br> Horiz isolated: 5227222-6, http://catalog.tycoelectronics.com/TE/bin/TE.Connect?C=1&M=BYPN&TCPN=5227222-6&RQPN=5227222-6 http://catalog.tycoelectronics.com/TE/bin/TE.Connect?C=1&PN=227677-1&M=STARTSWITH&LG=1&I=13&button.x=0&button.y=0<br> http://catalog.tycoelectronics.com/TE/bin/TE.Connect?C=1&M=BYPN&PID=4946&PN=227673-1&I=13 <b>Small Outline Package 8</b><br> NS Package M08A >NAME >VALUE <b>Dual In Line Package</b> >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE V+ V- Simplified OpAmp similar to OPA27 but with invisible optional pins >NAME >VALUE 2 1 3 >NAME >VALUE G >NAME >VALUE 1 GND >NAME TE connnector part #640456-3 3 pin connector for signals >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE Resistor SMD 1206 Capacitor SMD0805 Polarized capacitor SMD 1206 >NAME >NAME >VALUE 2 1 3 >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE Off board trimmer Testpads >NAME >VALUE >NAME Test point through hole ON and OFF board switches >NAME >VALUE 2 1 3 >NAME >VALUE Off board switch >VALUE >VALUE >VALUE <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> R6=2xR31 to make the gain of the proportional part 1 R6 should also follow the rule of 10 with the 10k pot for the proportional gain Designed by Owen Wolfe and Eugeniy E. Mikhailov Summing amplifier with offset Power hookup PI part June 2014 v1.0 Install jumpers R35 and R35 to make 3 channels preamp Channel 2 inverter PI Servo and/or 3 channel preamp with offset R5=0 when in preAmp mode 10k when BNC used as error out PreAmp conf R42=inf and R43=0 PI_servo conf R42=0 and R43=inf preAmp configuration R36=R35=0, do not install switch PI-servo conf R36=R35=inf, install switch Use as extra input in PI-servo Do not install in preAmp configuration preAmp R38=0 PI-servo R38=inf This is multi purpose schematic and can be used either as PI-servo with inputs for sweep, dither, and output offset or as 3 channel preAmp with tunable output offset Whatch for parts labeled pink for a particulr configuration. In preAmp configuration BNC connectors used as inputs: CH1, CH2, CH3 and one output: OUT. In PI-servo some BNC used as inpits: CH1 and CH3; but other for outputs: CH2 for error monitor and OUT as output. Other inputs are feed via 3 pin connectors Since Version 6.2.2 text objects can contain more than one line, which will not be processed correctly with this version.