%% a function to fit a thermal cloud 2-D function fp = fitgaussian2D(m,cx,cy,tol); %% m = image %% tol = fitting tolerance %Here we prepare a set of options to do our fits options = optimset('Display','off','TolFun',tol,'LargeScale','off'); theta = 0; background=0; %We determine the size of an image [sizey sizex] = size(m); % guessing the widths [tx,ty,sx,sy] = centerofmass(m); sx = 2.*sx; sy = 2.*sy; %peak value pOD = max(max(m)); %This is to avoid any possible access to some sells outside of the matrix tmx = round(cy); if isnan(tmx) > 0 tmx = sizey/2; end; if round(cy) > sizey tmx = sizey; end; if round(cy) < 1 tmx = 1; end; mx = m(tmx,:); %Here we do the 1D horizontal fit %This is to give better initial parameters to our 2D fit x1D = 1:sizex; %Initiall parameters ip1D = [cx,sx,pOD,background]; fp1D = fminunc(@fitGaussian1D,ip1D,options,mx,x1D); cx = fp1D(1); sx = fp1D(2); PeakOD = fp1D(3); background = fp1D(4); tmy = round(cx); if isnan(tmy) > 0 tmy = sizex/2; end; if round(cx) > sizex tmy = sizex; end; if round(cx) < 1 tmy = 1; end; my = m(:,tmy)'; y1D = 1:sizey; ip1D = [cy,sy,PeakOD,background]; %1D vertical fit fp1D = fminunc(@fitGaussian1D,ip1D,options,my,y1D); cy = fp1D(1); sy = fp1D(2); PeakOD = fp1D(3); background = fp1D(4); [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:sizex,1:sizey); %Lower and upper limits for the 2D fit LB = [1,1,1,1,-inf,-1.58,0]; UB = [sizex,sizey,sizex*10,sizey*10,inf,1.58,inf]; % Here we do the 2D fit options = optimset('lsqnonlin'); options.Display = 'iter'; options.TolFun = tol; initpar = [cx,cy,sx,sy,PeakOD,theta,background]; %this is to avoid errors when doing fits on the image full of zeros if isnan(sum(sum(Gaussian2Dff(initpar,X,Y,m)))) < 1 % Here is the actual fit fp = lsqnonlin( @(pt) Gaussian2Dff(pt,X,Y,m),initpar,LB,UB,options); else fp = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; end; % 2D Gauss function function [z] = Gaussian2Dff(p,X,Y,m); cx = p(1); cy = p(2); wx = p(3); wy = p(4); amp = p(5); theta = p(6); background=p(7); Xn = (X-cx)*cos(theta) - (Y-cy)*sin(theta); Yn = (X-cx)*sin(theta) + (Y-cy)*cos(theta); z = amp*(exp(-2*((Xn).^2./(wx^2)+(Yn).^2./(wy^2)))) + background - m;