From 50d5f2103debfdee0b29aa3622e13697c0628534 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Rochester Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 17:00:01 -0700 Subject: Added RbXMDSSetup with code for Rb-87 --- mathemathica_fwm/RbData.txt | 6 + mathemathica_fwm/RbXMDSSetup.nb | 6993 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 6999 insertions(+) create mode 100755 mathemathica_fwm/RbData.txt create mode 100755 mathemathica_fwm/RbXMDSSetup.nb diff --git a/mathemathica_fwm/RbData.txt b/mathemathica_fwm/RbData.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ded50f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mathemathica_fwm/RbData.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +ha1 = 2.1471788680034824e10; +ha2 = 2.558764384495815e9; +g2 = 3.612847284945266e7; +ha3 = 5.323020344462938e8; +hb3 = 7.85178251911697e7; +g3 = 3.8117309832741246e7; diff --git a/mathemathica_fwm/RbXMDSSetup.nb b/mathemathica_fwm/RbXMDSSetup.nb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7f7559b --- /dev/null +++ b/mathemathica_fwm/RbXMDSSetup.nb @@ -0,0 +1,6993 @@ +(* Content-type: 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")"}]}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"11\"\>", ",", "\<\"15\"\>"}], "]"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{"gt", "+", + RowBox[{"g", "[", "3", "]"}]}], ")"}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"11\"\>", ",", "\<\"15\"\>"}], "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{"i", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", + RowBox[{"d", "[", "1", "]"}]}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"11\"\>", ",", "\<\"15\"\>"}], "]"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", + RowBox[{"d", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"d", "[", "2", "]"}], "-", + RowBox[{"d", "[", "3", "]"}]}], ")"}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"11\"\>", ",", "\<\"15\"\>"}], "]"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{"0.20412414523193154`", " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"07\"\>", ",", "\<\"15\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"W", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.06454972243679027`", " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"11\"\>", ",", "\<\"03\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + 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RowBox[{"W", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{"0.1613743060919757`", " ", + RowBox[{"exp", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"dw", " ", "i", " ", "t"}], "-", + RowBox[{"dk", " ", "i", " ", "z"}]}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"06\"\>", ",", "\<\"14\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"W", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.05590169943749474`", " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"14\"\>", ",", "\<\"02\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"Wc", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.1613743060919757`", " ", + RowBox[{"exp", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "dw"}], " ", "i", " ", "t"}], "+", + RowBox[{"dk", " ", "i", " ", "z"}]}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"14\"\>", ",", "\<\"06\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"Wc", "[", "4", "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"dr", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"15\"\>", ",", "\<\"15\"\>"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{"gt", "+", + RowBox[{"g", "[", "3", "]"}]}], ")"}]}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"15\"\>", ",", "\<\"15\"\>"}], "]"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{"i", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "0.06454972243679027`"}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"03\"\>", ",", "\<\"15\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"W", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.06454972243679027`", " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"15\"\>", ",", "\<\"03\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"Wc", "[", "3", "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"dr", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"16\"\>", ",", "\<\"16\"\>"}], "]"}], "\[Equal]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{"gt", "+", + RowBox[{"g", "[", "3", "]"}]}], ")"}]}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"16\"\>", ",", "\<\"16\"\>"}], "]"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{"i", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "0.05590169943749474`"}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"04\"\>", ",", "\<\"16\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"W", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.1613743060919757`", " ", + RowBox[{"exp", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"dw", " ", "i", " ", "t"}], "-", + RowBox[{"dk", " ", "i", " ", "z"}]}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"08\"\>", ",", "\<\"16\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"W", "[", "4", "]"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.05590169943749474`", " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"16\"\>", ",", "\<\"04\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"Wc", "[", "3", "]"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{"0.1613743060919757`", " ", + RowBox[{"exp", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "dw"}], " ", "i", " ", "t"}], "+", + RowBox[{"dk", " ", "i", " ", "z"}]}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"r", "[", + RowBox[{"\<\"16\"\>", ",", "\<\"08\"\>"}], "]"}], " ", + RowBox[{"Wc", "[", "4", "]"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output"], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"dr0101_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0101 + (g2*r0909)/3. + \ +(g2*r1010)/6. + (g3*r1414)/10. - i*(0.20412414523193154*r0109*E2 - \ +0.20412414523193154*r0901*Ec2);\\ndr0109_dt = (-(gt*r0109) - (gt + \ +g2)*r0109)/2. - i*(d1*r0109 + (-d1 + d2)*r0109 + \ +0.20412414523193154*r0101*Ec2 - 0.20412414523193154*r0909*Ec2);\\ndr0202_dt = \ +gt/8. - gt*r0202 + (g2*r0909)/6. + (g2*r1010)/12. + (g2*r1111)/4. + \ +(g3*r1414)/20. + (g3*r1515)/20. - i*(0.10206207261596577*r0210*E2 + \ +0.05590169943749474*r0214*E3 - 0.10206207261596577*r1002*Ec2 - \ +0.05590169943749474*r1402*Ec3);\\ndr0210_dt = (-(gt*r0210) - (gt + \ +g2)*r0210)/2. - i*(d1*r0210 + (-d1 + d2)*r0210 + \ +0.17677669529663687*r0206*Ec1 + 0.10206207261596577*r0202*Ec2 - \ +0.10206207261596577*r1010*Ec2 - 0.05590169943749474*r1410*Ec3);\\ndr0214_dt = \ +(-(gt*r0214) - (gt + g3)*r0214)/2. - i*((-d1 + d2)*r0214 - (-d1 + d2 - \ +d3)*r0214 - 0.10206207261596577*r1014*Ec2 + 0.05590169943749474*r0202*Ec3 - \ +0.05590169943749474*r1414*Ec3 + 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r0206*Ec4);\\ndr0303_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0303 + (g2*r1010)/4. + \ +(g2*r1212)/4. + (g3*r1414)/60. + (g3*r1515)/15. + (g3*r1616)/60. - \ +i*(0.06454972243679027*r0315*E3 - 0.06454972243679027*r1503*Ec3);\\ndr0311_dt \ += (-(gt*r0311) - (gt + g2)*r0311)/2. - i*(d1*r0311 + (-d1 + d2)*r0311 + \ +0.20412414523193154*r0307*Ec1 - 0.06454972243679027*r1511*Ec3);\\ndr0315_dt = \ +(-(gt*r0315) - (gt + g3)*r0315)/2. - i*((-d1 + d2)*r0315 - (-d1 + d2 - \ +d3)*r0315 + 0.06454972243679027*r0303*Ec3 - \ +0.06454972243679027*r1515*Ec3);\\ndr0404_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0404 + \ +(g2*r1111)/4. + (g2*r1212)/12. + (g2*r1313)/6. + (g3*r1515)/20. + \ +(g3*r1616)/20. - i*(-0.10206207261596577*r0412*E2 + \ +0.05590169943749474*r0416*E3 + 0.10206207261596577*r1204*Ec2 - \ +0.05590169943749474*r1604*Ec3);\\ndr0412_dt = (-(gt*r0412) - (gt + \ +g2)*r0412)/2. - i*(d1*r0412 + (-d1 + d2)*r0412 + \ +0.17677669529663687*r0408*Ec1 - 0.10206207261596577*r0404*Ec2 + \ +0.10206207261596577*r1212*Ec2 - 0.05590169943749474*r1612*Ec3);\\ndr0416_dt = \ +(-(gt*r0416) - (gt + g3)*r0416)/2. - i*((-d1 + d2)*r0416 - (-d1 + d2 - \ +d3)*r0416 + 0.10206207261596577*r1216*Ec2 + 0.05590169943749474*r0404*Ec3 - \ +0.05590169943749474*r1616*Ec3 - 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r0408*Ec4);\\ndr0505_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0505 + (g2*r1212)/6. + \ +(g2*r1313)/3. + (g3*r1616)/10. - i*(-0.20412414523193154*r0513*E2 + \ +0.20412414523193154*r1305*Ec2);\\ndr0513_dt = (-(gt*r0513) - (gt + \ +g2)*r0513)/2. - i*(d1*r0513 + (-d1 + d2)*r0513 - \ +0.20412414523193154*r0505*Ec2 + 0.20412414523193154*r1313*Ec2);\\ndr0602_dt = \ +-(gt*r0602) - i*(-((-d1 + d2)*r0602) + 0.10206207261596577*r0610*E2 + \ +0.05590169943749474*r0614*E3 - 0.17677669529663687*r1002*Ec1 - \ +0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + dk*i*z)*r1402*Ec4);\\ndr0606_dt = gt/8. - \ +gt*r0606 + (g2*r0909)/2. + (g2*r1010)/4. + (g2*r1111)/12. + (5*g3*r1414)/12. \ ++ (5*g3*r1515)/12. - i*(0.17677669529663687*r0610*E1 + \ +0.1613743060919757*exp(dw*i*t - dk*i*z)*r0614*E4 - \ +0.17677669529663687*r1006*Ec1 - 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r1406*Ec4);\\ndr0610_dt = (-(gt*r0610) - (gt + g2)*r0610)/2. - \ +i*(d1*r0610 + 0.17677669529663687*r0606*Ec1 - 0.17677669529663687*r1010*Ec1 + \ +0.10206207261596577*r0602*Ec2 - 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r1410*Ec4);\\ndr0614_dt = (-(gt*r0614) - (gt + g3)*r0614)/2. - \ +i*(-((-d1 + d2 - d3)*r0614) - 0.17677669529663687*r1014*Ec1 + \ +0.05590169943749474*r0602*Ec3 + 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r0606*Ec4 - 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r1414*Ec4);\\ndr0703_dt = -(gt*r0703) - i*(-((-d1 + d2)*r0703) + \ +0.06454972243679027*r0715*E3 - 0.20412414523193154*r1103*Ec1);\\ndr0707_dt = \ +gt/8. - gt*r0707 + (g2*r1010)/4. + (g2*r1111)/3. + (g2*r1212)/4. + \ +(5*g3*r1414)/12. + (5*g3*r1616)/12. - i*(0.20412414523193154*r0711*E1 - \ +0.20412414523193154*r1107*Ec1);\\ndr0711_dt = (-(gt*r0711) - (gt + \ +g2)*r0711)/2. - i*(d1*r0711 + 0.20412414523193154*r0707*Ec1 - \ +0.20412414523193154*r1111*Ec1);\\ndr0715_dt = (-(gt*r0715) - (gt + \ +g3)*r0715)/2. - i*(-((-d1 + d2 - d3)*r0715) - 0.20412414523193154*r1115*Ec1 + \ +0.06454972243679027*r0703*Ec3);\\ndr0804_dt = -(gt*r0804) - i*(-((-d1 + \ +d2)*r0804) - 0.10206207261596577*r0812*E2 + 0.05590169943749474*r0816*E3 - \ +0.17677669529663687*r1204*Ec1 + 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r1604*Ec4);\\ndr0808_dt = gt/8. - gt*r0808 + (g2*r1111)/12. + \ +(g2*r1212)/4. + (g2*r1313)/2. + (5*g3*r1515)/12. + (5*g3*r1616)/12. - \ +i*(0.17677669529663687*r0812*E1 - 0.1613743060919757*exp(dw*i*t - \ +dk*i*z)*r0816*E4 - 0.17677669529663687*r1208*Ec1 + \ +0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + dk*i*z)*r1608*Ec4);\\ndr0812_dt = \ +(-(gt*r0812) - (gt + g2)*r0812)/2. - i*(d1*r0812 + \ +0.17677669529663687*r0808*Ec1 - 0.17677669529663687*r1212*Ec1 - \ +0.10206207261596577*r0804*Ec2 + 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r1612*Ec4);\\ndr0816_dt = (-(gt*r0816) - (gt + g3)*r0816)/2. - \ +i*(-((-d1 + d2 - d3)*r0816) - 0.17677669529663687*r1216*Ec1 + \ +0.05590169943749474*r0804*Ec3 - 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r0808*Ec4 + 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r1616*Ec4);\\ndr0909_dt = -((gt + g2)*r0909) - \ +i*(-0.20412414523193154*r0109*E2 + \ +0.20412414523193154*r0901*Ec2);\\ndr1010_dt = -((gt + g2)*r1010) - \ +i*(-0.17677669529663687*r0610*E1 - 0.10206207261596577*r0210*E2 + \ +0.17677669529663687*r1006*Ec1 + 0.10206207261596577*r1002*Ec2);\\ndr1014_dt = \ +(-((gt + g2)*r1014) - (gt + g3)*r1014)/2. - i*(-(d1*r1014) - (-d1 + d2 - \ +d3)*r1014 - 0.17677669529663687*r0614*E1 - 0.10206207261596577*r0214*E2 + \ +0.05590169943749474*r1002*Ec3 + 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r1006*Ec4);\\ndr1111_dt = -((gt + g2)*r1111) - \ +i*(-0.20412414523193154*r0711*E1 + \ +0.20412414523193154*r1107*Ec1);\\ndr1115_dt = (-((gt + g2)*r1115) - (gt + \ +g3)*r1115)/2. - i*(-(d1*r1115) - (-d1 + d2 - d3)*r1115 - \ +0.20412414523193154*r0715*E1 + 0.06454972243679027*r1103*Ec3);\\ndr1212_dt = \ +-((gt + g2)*r1212) - i*(-0.17677669529663687*r0812*E1 + \ +0.10206207261596577*r0412*E2 + 0.17677669529663687*r1208*Ec1 - \ +0.10206207261596577*r1204*Ec2);\\ndr1216_dt = (-((gt + g2)*r1216) - (gt + \ +g3)*r1216)/2. - i*(-(d1*r1216) - (-d1 + d2 - d3)*r1216 - \ +0.17677669529663687*r0816*E1 + 0.10206207261596577*r0416*E2 + \ +0.05590169943749474*r1204*Ec3 - 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r1208*Ec4);\\ndr1313_dt = -((gt + g2)*r1313) - \ +i*(0.20412414523193154*r0513*E2 - 0.20412414523193154*r1305*Ec2);\\ndr1414_dt \ += -((gt + g3)*r1414) - i*(-0.05590169943749474*r0214*E3 - \ +0.1613743060919757*exp(dw*i*t - dk*i*z)*r0614*E4 + \ +0.05590169943749474*r1402*Ec3 + 0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + \ +dk*i*z)*r1406*Ec4);\\ndr1515_dt = -((gt + g3)*r1515) - \ +i*(-0.06454972243679027*r0315*E3 + \ +0.06454972243679027*r1503*Ec3);\\ndr1616_dt = -((gt + g3)*r1616) - \ +i*(-0.05590169943749474*r0416*E3 + 0.1613743060919757*exp(dw*i*t - \ +dk*i*z)*r0816*E4 + 0.05590169943749474*r1604*Ec3 - \ +0.1613743060919757*exp(-(dw*i*t) + dk*i*z)*r1608*Ec4);\\n\"\>"], "Output"] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"Export", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"ToFileName", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"NotebookDirectory", "[", "]"}], ",", + "\"\\""}], "]"}], ",", "%"}], "]"}]], "Input"], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"C:\\\\cygwin\\\\home\\\\Simon\\\\Nresonances\\\\\ +mathemathica_fwm\\\\RbEquations.txt\"\>"], "Output"] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["", "Text"], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{"atomicdata", "=", + RowBox[{"Join", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"AtomicData", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", "87", ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"5", ",", "\"\\""}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"2", ",", "\"\\"", ",", + FractionBox["1", "2"]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{"{", "HyperfineA", "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{"Label", "\[Rule]", "1"}]}], "]"}], ",", + RowBox[{"AtomicData", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", "87", ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", 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RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"NaturalWidth", "\[Rule]", "g"}], ",", + RowBox[{"HyperfineA", "\[Rule]", "ha"}], ",", + RowBox[{"HyperfineB", "\[Rule]", "hb"}]}], "}"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"StringReplace", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"StringJoin", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"ToString", "@", + RowBox[{"CForm", "[", "#", "]"}]}], "<>", "\"\<;\\n\>\""}], "&"}], "/@", + "%"}], "]"}], ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\"\<==\>\"", "\[Rule]", "\"\<=\>\""}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Shortest", "[", + RowBox[{ + "\"\\"", "~~", "a__", "~~", "\"\<,\>\"", "~~", "b__", "~~", + "\"\<)\>\""}], "]"}], ":>", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "<>", "a", "<>", "b", "<>", "\"\<_dt\>\""}]}], + ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Shortest", "[", + RowBox[{ + "\"\\"", "~~", "a__", "~~", "\"\<,\>\"", "~~", "b__", "~~", + "\"\<)\>\""}], "]"}], ":>", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "<>", "a", "<>", "b"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}], + "\[RuleDelayed]", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}], + "\[RuleDelayed]", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}], "\[RuleDelayed]", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}], "\[RuleDelayed]", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}], + "\[RuleDelayed]", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "<>", "a"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "~~", "a_", "~~", "\"\<)\>\""}], "\[RuleDelayed]", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", "<>", "a"}]}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "Input"], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"HyperfineA", "[", "1", "]"}], "\[Rule]", + RowBox[{"21471.788680034824`", " ", "Hertz", " ", "Mega"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"HyperfineA", "[", "2", "]"}], "\[Rule]", + RowBox[{"2558.7643844958147`", " ", "Hertz", " ", "Mega"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"NaturalWidth", "[", "2", "]"}], "\[Rule]", + RowBox[{"36.128472849452656`", " ", "Hertz", " ", "Mega"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"HyperfineA", "[", "3", "]"}], "\[Rule]", + RowBox[{"532.3020344462938`", " ", "Hertz", " ", "Mega"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"HyperfineB", "[", "3", "]"}], "\[Rule]", + RowBox[{"78.51782519116969`", " ", "Hertz", " ", "Mega"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"NaturalWidth", "[", "3", "]"}], "\[Rule]", + RowBox[{"38.11730983274125`", " ", "Hertz", " ", "Mega"}]}]}], + "}"}]], "Output"], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"ha", "[", "1", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "2.1471788680034824`*^10"}], + ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"ha", "[", "2", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "2.558764384495815`*^9"}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"g", "[", "2", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "3.612847284945266`*^7"}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"ha", "[", "3", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "5.323020344462938`*^8"}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"hb", "[", "3", "]"}], "\[Equal]", "7.85178251911697`*^7"}], ",", + RowBox[{ 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"Input", + CellID->645617687], +Cell[68923, 2029, 2716, 58, 266, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[71654, 2090, 383, 12, 29, "Text", + CellID->854192725], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[72062, 2106, 274, 7, 31, "Input", + CellID->465762594], +Cell[72339, 2115, 49674, 1436, 426, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[122028, 3554, 69, 1, 29, "Text", + CellID->314466782], +Cell[122100, 3557, 287, 8, 31, "Input"], +Cell[122390, 3567, 187, 6, 31, "Input"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[122602, 3577, 163, 5, 31, "Input"], +Cell[122768, 3584, 13557, 434, 112, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[136362, 4023, 451, 13, 31, "Input"], +Cell[136816, 4038, 4468, 129, 126, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[141299, 4170, 43, 0, 29, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[141367, 4174, 884, 26, 52, "Input"], +Cell[142254, 4202, 1283, 40, 30, "Output"], +Cell[143540, 4244, 1948, 57, 50, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[145525, 4306, 4708, 124, 108, "Input"], +Cell[150236, 4432, 58282, 1556, 1203, "Output"], +Cell[208521, 5990, 7054, 104, 943, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[215612, 6099, 215, 6, 31, "Input"], +Cell[215830, 6107, 120, 1, 30, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[215965, 6111, 16, 0, 29, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[216006, 6115, 3861, 105, 144, "Input"], +Cell[219870, 6222, 891, 21, 30, "Output"], +Cell[220764, 6245, 612, 16, 33, "Output"], +Cell[221379, 6263, 213, 2, 145, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[221629, 6270, 1856, 49, 33, "Input"], +Cell[223488, 6321, 4889, 86, 248, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[228414, 6412, 1856, 49, 33, "Input"], +Cell[230273, 6463, 4874, 86, 254, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[235184, 6554, 1856, 49, 33, "Input"], +Cell[237043, 6605, 4899, 86, 245, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[241979, 6696, 1856, 49, 33, "Input"], +Cell[243838, 6747, 4900, 86, 252, "Output"] +}, Open ]] +} +] +*) + +(* End of internal cache information *) -- cgit v1.2.3